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Author:(E-mail: GYQGYQGYQ181818@163.COM.)

2.Early and late onset severe preeclampsia: a clinicopathologic study of 178 placentas.

Xiaobo ZHANG ; Hongmei JIA ; Yingnan WANG ; Junling XIE ; Yiqun GU

Chinese Journal of Pathology 2015;44(12):879-883

5.Dandy-Walker complex: a clinicopathologic study of 9 cases.

Xiao-bo ZHANG ; Yi-qun GU ; Xiao-fei SUN ; Ying-nan WANG ; Ai-chun WANG

Chinese Journal of Pathology 2013;42(12):815-818

6.Clinicopathologic features of fetal nuchal cystic hygroma: report of 40 cases.

Xiaobo ZHANG ; Yiqun GU ; Lijuan LU ; Yunfei SUN ; Yingnan WANG ; Aichun WANG ; Junling XIE

Chinese Journal of Pathology 2014;43(3):173-176

7.Congenital pulmonary airway malformation of lung in fetus: a clinicopathological analysis.

Yingnan WANG ; Yiqun GU ; E-mail: GYQGYQGYQ181818@163.COM. ; Xiaobo ZHANG ; Aichun WANG ; Junling XIE ; Lijuan LU ; Yunfei SUN

Chinese Journal of Pathology 2015;44(4):266-269

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