1.Change of gastric acid after operation of nerve X cutting as method of TAYLOR and HILL-BARKER for treatment of perforated duodenal ulceration
Journal of Medical Research 1998;7(3):15-18
The tests on gastric acid of patients with the perforated duodenal ulceration operated in ViÖt §øc Hospital were carried out and compared with these of patients who received an operation of the duodenal ulceration perforation by traditional method. The results have shown that the Taylor method has a reduction of gastric acid as the basic test and the insulin test were 41% and 49%, resectively. The Hill Barker method has a reduction of gastric acid as 2 above mentioned tests were 56% and 64%, respectively. The reduction of gastric acid as the Hill Barker method was a statistical significant different from this as the Taylor method (P=0.0022). The reduction of gastric acid in 2 above methods was stable (P=0.05). There were serious complications for patients in tests.
duodenal ulcer
Duodenal Diseases
2.Some opinions of vagotomy as method of Taylor in treatment of perforated duodenal ulceration
Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;383(6):20-22
55 patients with perforated duodenal ulceration received the vagotomy as method of Taylor. Patients admitted to hospital after perforation 12-14 hours. Patients had no shock, gastrointestinal bleeding or pyloric stenosid. The results have shown that the operation as method of Taylor and Hill barker did not increase the risks. There had no intraoperative and postoperative serious complications. The method maintains the motor function of stomach with latarjet stem. This was simple method that easy to implement.
duodenal ulcer
Duodenal Diseases
3.Evaluation of results of two-third astrectomy as billroth in the treatment of duodenal ulcer
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):1-4
After 598 cases of ulcerated duodenal two- thirds gastrectomy as Billroth II, The authors came to the following conclusion: (1) Gastrectomy for duodenal ulcer covered 38% (598/1573): male 88.3%; female 41.7%. The average time of getting the disease was from 6 to 15 years (46.5%). The main age was from 31 to 50 (61.04%). The therapeutic state before operation was limited; appointing the operation in turn was 99.66%; emergency operation was 1.34%. (2). The mortality of 0.33%; complication 2.1% (spleen cutting, joining bleeding; stump duodenal fistula...) were generally low. This result was achieved by operative decisions in which the majority was operation in turns. (3) The long-term results were quite good that we could see in many tests, Ranked following Visick 1948, we saw VI: 60.6%; VII: 31.31%; VIII: 6.06%; IX: 2.02%.
duodenal ulcer
Duodenal Diseases
4.Intraoperative acid secretive test in the selective proximal gastric vagotomy for treatment of duodenal ulceration
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):26-27
75 patients (male: 9) with ages of 15-60 and duodenal ulceration had no effect with the drug therapy during 10/1990-10/1995 received the selective proximal gastric vagotomy. The preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative gastric pH was measured by grassy method. The result has shown that the preoperative pH was 1.2-3.2, the postoperative pH of selective proximal vagotomy (nerve cord for acid secretion) was 5.5-6.4. pH in the gastric antrum beyond the big curve which is far from pylorus about 5 cm was less 1.5.
duodenal ulcer
Duodenal Diseases
5.Efficacy of treatment of duodenal ulceration by outline 1 (lanzor + amoxycilline + dimixen) and outline 2 (losec + amoxycilline + dimixen):
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):22-25
The gastroduodenal ulceration is a common disease in which rate of duodenal ulceration was higher 4 times than gastric ulceration. The causes of ulceration were excessive acid, impairment of factors for mucosal protection and presence of H. pylori. 100 patients with duodenal ulceration diagnosed by histology and endoscopy with diameter of ulceration more than 0.5 cm were divided into 2 groups; group 1: patients used lanzor + amoxycilline + dimixen and group 2: patient used losec + amoxycilline + dimixen. After 1 month of the treatment, patients in two groups were well tolerated. The rate of pain relief, scar healing in the group 2 was better than these in the group 2. The side effects in the two groups were little. The rate of side effects in the group 2 was lower than this in the group 1.
duodenal ulcer
Duodenal Diseases
Pharmaceutical Preparations
6.Surgical treatment of perforated duodenal ulceration in Viet Duc hospital during 9 years of 1989 -1997
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):18-24
A restrospective study on 484 patients with the perforated duodenal ulceration has shown that male/female:9/1, patients with ages of 20 -50: 77% (youngest: 14; oldest: 80), no history of the duodenal ulceration: 33.34%, operated prior to 12 hours from the first pain attack, premature ulceration: 24%, moderate fibrosis: 14%, corn fibrosis: 62%, possitive clotest: 83%, simple surgical: 70%, mortality rate: 1.5%, rupture in stitching position in the method of stitching the perforated position, relapsed rate of ulceration in the stitching the perforation position and removal surgery of 2/3 stomach, Xth nervecutting as method of TALOR and method of HILL-BARKER were 72%, 3.5%, 34% and 8%, respectively. This study indicated that it should radically operate in the first phase in order to reduce the patient‘s risk provided that having no risk factors.
duodenal ulcer
Duodenal Diseases
7.The duodenal after the traumatic operation and the duodenal injuries: the clinical characteristics and attitude of management
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):15-18
Background: Duodenal fistula is severe complication and complicated in management. Morbidity and mortality were high. The aims of study were to determine the clinical characteristic of duodenal fistula after surgical treatment of duodenal blunt and penetrating trauma, and attitude of treatment. Methodology: Retrospective study was done. Data of the patients with post-operative duodenal fistula after surgical procedure who were admitted in Cho Ray Hospital from 6-1996 to 6-2000 were analyzed. Results: There were 15 posttraumatic duodenal fistulas. Locations of fistula were often in D2 and D3 (80% of cases). Time of appearance of fistula was 10,257,25 days (2-29 days) after operative management of duodenal trauma. Mean of fistula output was 573626ml/24 hours. Total of energy of parenteral nutrition was 800130,23 Kcalo. Post-operative mortality was 26%. Only one case or 6.7% was spontaneous closure with medical treatment. 67.3% of cases was healed by surgical treatment. Conclusion: Main treatment for post-operative fistula of duodenal trauma is surgical procedure. Need of selection of appropriate time for operation is proposed. Pre- and post-operative management such as withholding oral taking, replacing fluid and electrolytes, and administering total parenteral should be paid attention
Duodenal Diseases
Wounds and Injuries
8.Schonlein-henoch and duodenal mucosal lesion
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):25-27
The gastrointestinal lession generally and the duodenal mucosal lession is the common symtom in the schonlein-henoch and helps the early diagnosis of the schonlein-henoch in case of the symptoms in the skin,, joint and kidney are not enough. The duodenal mucosal lession are most frequent than stoma-duodenal lession. The hamorrhagi crash helps elucidating the etiology of many cases of the acute or chronic gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with schonkin-henoch. The treatment of the duodenal mucosal lession including haemorrhage mainly are use of the systemic corticorsteroids.
Duodenal Diseases
Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch
9.Primary coloduodenal fistula.
Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2013;16(12):1230-1233
Coloduodenal fistula (CDF) is uncommon, and it is often secondary to other colon and duodenal diseases that are benign or malignant. The clinical manifestations of CDF are variable, and upper abdominal pain, feculent vomiting and diarrhea are the common symptoms. Digestive tract contrast radiography and enhanced CT imaging are very helpful for diagnosing CDF, and gastrointestinal endoscopy can give more information about the fistula. Procedure selection should depend on whether the primary disease is malignant and the extent of the lesion. Because the duodenum has complicated anatomic relationship with its adjacent organs including bile duct system and pancreas, procedure for this clinical entity is a challenging task. Decision-making and experienced surgical skills are critical.
Colonic Diseases
Duodenal Diseases
Intestinal Fistula
10.About 12 duodenal lesions at Saint-Paul Hospital from 1993 to 1997
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;0(8):27-29
This retrospective study was carried out on 12 duodenal traumas operated at the Department of Surgery, Saint Paul Hospital, Hanoi between 1993 and 1997, including 3 cases of simple duodenal lesions and 9 cases duodenal lesions with pancreatic lesions and other organs. Diagnoses were based on clinical symptoms, exploring methods and treatment of American abdominal trauma surgery and Moore. All cases operated duodenal trauma of I-IV degree were abdominal drainaged
Duodenal Diseases
Wounds and Injuries
Pancreatic Diseases