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Author:(Duc Dat LE)

1.Development and Validation of an HPLC-PDA Method for Quantitation of Ten Marker Compounds from Eclipta prostrata (L.) and Evaluation of Their Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B, α-Glucosidase, and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activities

Duc Hung NGUYEN ; Duc Dat LE ; Eun Sook MA ; Byung Sun MIN ; Mi Hee WOO

Natural Product Sciences 2020;26(4):326-333

2.Development and Validation of an HPLC-PDA Method for Quantitation of Ten Marker Compounds from Eclipta prostrata (L.) and Evaluation of Their Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B, α-Glucosidase, and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activities

Duc Hung NGUYEN ; Duc Dat LE ; Eun Sook MA ; Byung Sun MIN ; Mi Hee WOO

Natural Product Sciences 2020;26(4):326-333

3.Phenolic Constituents and Their Anti-inflammatory Activity from Echinochloa utilis Grains.

Duc Hung NGUYEN ; Bing Tian ZHAO ; Duc Dat LE ; Ki Yun KIM ; Young Ho KIM ; Young Ho YOON ; Jee Youn KO ; Koan Sik WOO ; Mi Hee WOO

Natural Product Sciences 2016;22(2):140-145

4.Development and Validation of HPLC-PDA Method and Pattern Recognition Analyses Using Eight Marker Compounds for the Quality Control Between the Seeds of Cuscuta chinensis Lam. and Cuscuta japonica Choisy

Duc Hung NGUYEN ; Bing Tian ZHAO ; Duc Dat LE ; Eun Sook MA ; Byung Sun MIN ; Mi Hee WOO

Natural Product Sciences 2019;25(4):334-340

5.Quantitation and Radical Scavenging Activity Evaluation of Iridoids and Phenylethanoids from the Roots of Phlomis umbrosa (Turcz.) using DPPH Free Radical and DPPH-HPLC Methods, and their Cytotoxicity

Duc Dat LE ; Duc Hung NGUYEN ; Bing Tian ZHAO ; Byung Sun MIN ; Si Whan SONG ; Mi Hee WOO

Natural Product Sciences 2019;25(2):122-129

6.Development of Analytical Method and Validation using HPLC/PDA for Discrimination between Artemisiae Argyi Folium and Artemisiae Iwayomogii Herba

Duc Dat LE ; Duc Hung NGUYEN ; Bing Tian ZHAO ; Byung Sun MIN ; Mi Hee WOO

Natural Product Sciences 2019;25(3):275-283

7.Antioxidant Compounds Isolated from the Roots of Phlomis umbrosa Turcz.

Duc Hung NGUYEN ; Duc Dat LE ; Bing Tian ZHAO ; Eun Sook MA ; Byung Sun MIN ; Mi Hee WOO

Natural Product Sciences 2018;24(2):119-124

8.Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitory Activity from Euphorbia supina Rafin.

Bui Thi Thuy LUYEN ; Nguyen Phuong THAO ; Bui Huu TAI ; Le Duc DAT ; Ji Eun KIM ; Seo Young YANG ; Se Uk KWON ; Young Mi LEE ; Young Ho KIM

Natural Product Sciences 2015;21(3):176-184

9.Anti-inflammatory Triterpenes and Glyceryl Glycosides from Kandelia candel (L.) Druce.

Le Duc DAT ; Nguyen Phuong THAO ; Bui Huu TAI ; Bui Thi Thuy LUYEN ; Seo Young YANG ; Sohyun KIM ; Jung Eun KOO ; Young Sang KOH ; Nguyen The CUONG ; Nguyen Hoai NAM ; Nguyen Van THANH ; Phan Van KIEM ; Chau Van MINH ; Young Ho KIM

Natural Product Sciences 2015;21(3):150-154

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