1.Ultrasonic crown-rump length (CRL) measurement of fetus in assessing gestational age
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;458(8):28-31
Study the correlation of fetal crown-rump lengtht (CRL) measurement and gestational age of 6 to 14 weeks in 100 pregnant women. Results: there is a close correlation between CRL measurement measured by ultrasound and gestational age, with correlation function y = 0.86x2 - 7.53x - 18.78; correlation coefficient r = 0.998. Thus ultrasound can be used to measure CRL for diagnosis of gestational age, with the range was within 3.7 days of menstrual age. The rate of change in CRL was 7 mm/week between 7-10 weeks and 13.5 mm/week between 11-14 weeks
Gestational Age
2.Detection of Japanese encephalitis frequency in the pig population in Ha Nam province by GAC-ELISA.
Loan Phuong Do ; Thoang Dinh Dang ; Hoang Viet Nguyen ; Trang Minh Bui ; Thu Thi Hien Le ; Nga Thi Phan
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;18(2):12-17
Background: Mosquitoes and pigs play important roles in maintaining and increasing the Japanese Encephalitis (JE) virus in nature and which is then transmitted to humans. Thus, surveillance of the JE infection frequency in the pig population may predict the human JE cases. \r\n', u'Objectives: The study aimed to determine IgG antibody against the JE virus in the pig population in Hanam province \r\n', u'Subjects and methods: The study included 1791 pig serum samples collected from 3 districts of Hanam province from Apr 2006 to Mar 2007. GAC-ELISA technique was used to determine the JE virus infection in the swine population.\r\n', u'Results: The average positive rate in pig population was 34.9 % (626/1791); with the highest frequency occurring in the summer (37.7%- 84.0 %), co-incident with the JE season in Northern Vietnam. On the contrary, in winter JE case are rare, frequency of IgG antibody against JE virus in the swine population was low, ranging from 9.2% to 22.0.%. \r\n', u'Conclusions: These results have shown the ecologically close relationship between the amplification of the JE virus in the swine population, vector and JE cases in northern Vietnam. \r\n', u'
Japanese encephalitis
pig population
3.The Khanh Hoa Health Project: Characterization of Study Population and Field Site Development for Clinical Epidemiological Research on Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases
Hideki Yanai ; Vu Dinh Thiem ; Toru Matsubayashi ; Vu Thi Thu Huong ; Motoi Suzuki ; Le Phuong Mai ; Nguen Hien Anh ; Le Huu Tho ; Trung Tan Minh ; Lay Myint Yoshida ; Paul Kilgore ; Dang Duc Anh ; Koya Ariyoshi
Tropical Medicine and Health 2007;35(2):61-63
4.Population based cohort study for Pediatric Infectious Diseases research in Vietnam
Lay-Myint Yoshida ; Motoi Suzuki ; Vu Dinh Thiem ; Wolf Peter Smith ; Ataru Tsuzuki ; Vu Thi Thu Huong ; Kensuke Takahashi ; Masami Miyakawa ; Nguyen Thi Hien Anh ; Kiwao Watanabe ; Nguyen Thu Thuy Ai ; Le Huu Tho ; Paul Kilgore ; Hiroshi Yoshino ; Michiko Toizumi ; Michio Yasunami ; Hiroyuki Moriuchi ; Dang Duc Anh ; Koya Ariyoshi
Tropical Medicine and Health 2014;():-
A population-based cohort study on pediatric infectious diseases was established at Khanh Hoa Province, central Vietnam in 2006, to determine the etiology and risk factors for severe pediatric infectious diseases (SPID) such as acute respiratory infection (ARI), diarrhea and dengue which are the major causes of under 5 mortality. A population census survey was conducted in Nha-Trang and Ninh-Hoa to collect demographic, social-behavioral data and disease burden on SPID. The study site covered a population of 353,525 residing in 75,826 households with 24,781 children less than 5 years. Hospital databases from two hospitals covering the region were obtained. Linking the census and hospital databases, we were able to investigate on a variety of SPID such as environmental tobacco smoking exposure and increased risked of pediatric pneumonia hospitalization, population density, water supply and risk of dengue fever and animal livestock and risk of hospitalized diarrhea. To determine incidence, viral etiology and risk factors for pediatric ARI/pneumonia, we setup a population based prospective hospitalized Pediatric ARI surveillance at Khanh Hoa General Hospital, Nha-Trang in February 2007. The study has revealed RSV, rhinovirus and influenza A as major viral pathogens, role of multiple viral infection and its interaction with bacteria in the development of pneumonia. In addition, we are also conducting a birth cohort study to investigate the incidence of congenital infection and its impact on physical-neurological development, and role of host genetic polymorphism on SPID hospitalization in Vietnam. Population mobility, high cost of regular census update and low mortality are the challenges.
5.Population Based Cohort Study for Pediatric Infectious Diseases Research in Vietnam
Lay-Myint Yoshida ; Motoi Suzuki ; Vu Dinh Thiem ; Wolf Peter Smith ; Ataru Tsuzuki ; Vu Thi Thu Huong ; Kensuke Takahashi ; Masami Miyakawa ; Nguyen Thi Hien Anh ; Kiwao Watanabe ; Nguyen Thu Thuy Ai ; Le Huu Tho ; Paul Kilgore ; Hiroshi Yoshino ; Michiko Toizumi ; Michio Yasunami ; Hiroyuki Moriuchi ; Dang Duc Anh ; Koya Ariyoshi
Tropical Medicine and Health 2014;42(2SUPPLEMENT):S47-S58
A population-based cohort study on pediatric infectious diseases was established at Khanh Hoa Province, central Vietnam in 2006, to determine the etiology and risk factors for severe pediatric infectious diseases (SPID) such as acute respiratory infection (ARI), diarrhea and dengue which are the major causes of under 5 mortality. A population census survey was conducted in Nha-Trang and Ninh-Hoa to collect demographic, social-behavioral data and disease burden on SPID. The study site covered a population of 353,525 residing in 75,826 households with 24,781 children less than 5 years. Hospital databases from two hospitals covering the region were obtained. Linking the census and hospital databases, we were able to investigate on a variety of SPID such as environmental tobacco smoking exposure and increased risked of pediatric pneumonia hospitalization, population density, water supply and risk of dengue fever and animal livestock and risk of hospitalized diarrhea. To determine incidence, viral etiology and risk factors for pediatric ARI/pneumonia, we setup a population based prospective hospitalized Pediatric ARI surveillance at Khanh Hoa General Hospital, Nha-Trang in February 2007. The study has revealed RSV, rhinovirus and influenza A as major viral pathogens, role of multiple viral infection and its interaction with bacteria in the development of pneumonia. In addition, we are also conducting a birth cohort study to investigate the incidence of congenital infection and its impact on physical-neurological development, and role of host genetic polymorphism on SPID hospitalization in Vietnam. Population mobility, high cost of regular census update and low mortality are the challenges.
6.Study on the effective control of postpreal blood glucose of resistant starch cakes in patients with type 2 diabetes
Huu Dung TRAN ; Quang Hung LE ; Bao Dung VO ; Hoang Vu NGUYEN ; Thanh Bao Yen LUONG ; That Hy TON ; Phuoc Hieu DOAN ; Thi Bich Hien PHAM ; Huu Tien NGUYEN ; Hai Thuy NGUYEN
Hue Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy 2023;13(7):52-58
Background: This study was conducted on 93 volunteers with type 2 diabetes to investigate the ability of acetylated wheat starch cake containing 32.1% resistant starch to control postprandial blood glucose levels. Material and methods: The study was designed using a crossover, double-blind trial method. During each testing day, after a minimum of 12 hours of overnight fasting, each participant consumed two identical cakes containing either 80 g of acetylated wheat starch or 80 g natural wheat starch with 330ml of water within 15 minutes. Blood glucose levels were measured at baseline, 60 mins (G1), and 120 mins (G2) after ingestion. The predictive value of factors that contribute to the ability of resistant starch to control postprandial blood glucose was determined by the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve based on the combined effect of the cake weight-to-BMI ratio (g/m²BMI) and HbA1c. Results: 60 mins and 120 mins postprandial capillary glucose levels after consuming acetylated wheat starch cake (10.4 ± 1.2 và 9.2 ± 1.2 mmol/L, respectively) were significantly lower compared with natural wheat starch cake (13.3 ± 1.8 và 11.2 ± 1.8 mmol/L, respectively) (p < 0.05). For good control of postprandial blood glucose levels, a maximum of 80 g of acetylated wheat starch can be used per serving for patients with type 2 diabetes with HbA1c ≤ 7.25 without blood glucose-lowering medication is required. Conclusion: acetylated wheat starch has better ontroled of postprandial blood glucose compared with natural wheat starch in patients with type 2 diabetes. This is very suitable in the processing of diets including resistant starch for patients with type 2 diabetes for the purpose of both supporting treatment and improving quality of life.
7.Active case finding to detect symptomatic and subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis disease: implementation of computer-aided detection for chest radiography in Viet Nam
Anh L Innes ; Andres Martinez ; Gia Linh Hoang ; Thi Bich Phuong Nguyen ; Viet Hien Vu ; Tuan Ho Thanh Luu ; Thi Thu Trang Le ; Victoria Lebrun ; Van Chinh Trieu ; Nghi Do Bao Tran ; Nhi Dinh ; Huy Minh Pham ; Van Luong Dinh ; Binh Hoa Nguyen ; Thi Thanh Huyen Truong ; Van Cu Nguyen ; Viet Nhung Nguyen ; Thu Hien Mai
Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2024;15(4):14-25
Objective: In Viet Nam, tuberculosis (TB) prevalence surveys revealed that approximately 98% of individuals with pulmonary TB have TB-presumptive abnormalities on chest radiographs, while 32% have no TB symptoms. This prompted the adoption of the “Double X” strategy, which combines chest radiographs and computer-aided detection with GeneXpert testing to screen for and diagnose TB among vulnerable populations. The aim of this study was to describe demographic, clinical and radiographic characteristics of symptomatic and asymptomatic Double X participants and to assess multilabel radiographic abnormalities on chest radiographs, interpreted by computer-aided detection software, as a possible tool for detecting TB-presumptive abnormalities, particularly for subclinical TB.
Methods: Double X participants with TB-presumptive chest radiographs and/or TB symptoms and known risks were referred for confirmatory GeneXpert testing. The demographic and clinical characteristics of all Double X participants and the subset with confirmed TB were summarized. Univariate and multivariable logistic regression modelling was used to evaluate associations between participant characteristics and subclinical TB and between computer-aided detection multilabel radiographic abnormalities and TB.
Results: From 2020 to 2022, 96 631 participants received chest radiographs, with 67 881 (70.2%) reporting no TB symptoms. Among 1144 individuals with Xpert-confirmed TB, 51.0% were subclinical. Subclinical TB prevalence was higher in older age groups, non-smokers, those previously treated for TB and the northern region. Among 11 computer-aided detection multilabel radiographic abnormalities, fibrosis was associated with higher odds of subclinical TB.
Discussion: In Viet Nam, Double X community case finding detected pulmonary TB, including subclinical TB. Computer-aided detection software may have the potential to identify subclinical TB on chest radiographs by classifying multilabel radiographic abnormalities, but further research is needed.