1.Isolation of mouse alveolar macrophages by flow cytometry and identification
Xintao HAN ; Dianyuan ZHAO ; Li TANG
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui 2017;52(11):1596-1600
Objective To establish a method for isolating alveolar macrophage (AM) of mouse based on flow cy tometry.Methods The lungs were digested by collagen ⅣV in vitro to prepare single-cell suspension that was stained by CD11 b and CD1 1 c antibody.CD1 1 b1owCD1 1 c + cell population were AM and isolated by flow cytometry.After that,the cell viability was measured via the Typan blue staining,and the identification of AM was through flow cytometry and real-time PCR.Results CD1 1 b1owCD1 1 c + cell population was isolated by flow cytometry,the purity was (93 ± 2)% and the cell viability was (80 ±5)%.The real-time PCR results showed that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) mRNA was highly expressed in AM isolated by flow cytometry (P < 0.001).In addition,the functional assay showed that the isolated AM possess high phagocytic activity.Thus,the results described above demonstrate that the isolated cells were AM.Conclusion A method for obtaining AM based on flow cytometry was established.The method has high cell purity and good cell activity which can be used for functional experiments.
2.Application of numerical methods in biological electromagnetics
Jun YANG ; Xuequan ZHAO ; Li XIAO ; Dianyuan QI ; Tongning WU ; Yi XIE
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research 2009;13(52):10335-10339
OBJECTIVE:To describe the characteristics of existing numerical methods,conclude current mainstream bio-electromagnetism simulation softwares,focusing on their different directions,and explore the developing trends of bio-electromagnetism computing platform.DATA SOURCES:A computer-based online search of Wanfang,Sciencadirect (Elsevier),and IEEE database was performed for articles published between 1999 and 2009 with the key words "bio-electromagnetism,simulation,numerical simulation,FDTD* in Chinese and English.A total of 83 articles were collected,including 28 Chinese and 55 English.Four software introduction and user manuals were manually retrieved.DATA SELECTION:Articles were screened by reading the title and abstract,and the latest relevant research literatures in the same kinds of simulation methods were included.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:A total of 25 articles with no related content,and 27 repetitive and outdated studies were excluded.Finally,31 Chinese and English articles were included for further analysis,involving 8 reviews and comments and 23 original articles.RESULTS:Common electromagnetic field numerical calculations include time domain finite difference method,moment method,and finite element method.Currently,the bio-electromagnetism simulation softwares used in electromagnetic radiation on organism include SEMCAD-X,FEKO,XFDTD,HFSS and GEMS.CONCLUSION:Future bio-electromagnetic computing platform is expected to integrate a variety of numerical methods to meet the research needs of a variety of simulation objects.In addition,interface facilitation of simulation and flowsheet of modeling will be the focus of future improvements.
3.Tnfrsf11a Cre mediates YFP labeling some of tissue macrophages
Fengjiao Yang ; Ziwei Huang ; Dianyuan Zhao ; Long Xu ; Li Tang
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui 2022;57(9):1345-1349
Objective :
Tnfrsf11 a Cre Rosa26 yfp reporter gene mice were prepared to determine the efficiency of Cre-mediated recombination using flow cytometry in different tissue-resident macrophages.
Methods :
TheTnfrsf11 a Cre Rosa26 yfp reporter mice were generated by crossingTnfrsf11 a Cre mice withRosa26 yfp mice and identified by PCR.Brain microglia, liver macrophages, kidney macrophages, alveolar macrophages and spleen macrophages were separated from adultTnfrsf11 a Cre Rosa26 yfp reporter mouse and yellow fluorescent protein(YFP) labeling efficiency was analyzed by flow cytometry.
Results :
YFP expression percentage was about 91.27% of brain microglia inTnfrsf11 a Cre Rosa26 yfp reporter mice, but liver, spleen, and alveolar macrophages were inefficiently targeted(63.60%,69.66%,32.76%).
Tnfrsf11 a Cre mice were qualified as conditional knockout model mice of brain microglia andTnfrsf11 a Cre Rosa26 yfp reporter mice can be used as a tool for conditional knockout of brain microgliain vivo.
4.Constructing transgenic mice to label hepatic stellate cells by Cre⁃Loxp technology
Ziwei Huang ; Dianyuan Zhao ; Long Xu ; Li Tang
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui 2023;58(7):1065-1070
Objective :
To trace and investigate the distribution of hepatic stellate cells by Cre⁃Loxp technology of LratCre mice.
Methods :
LratCre mice were mated with H11LoxP⁃ZsGreen⁃Stop⁃LoxP⁃tdTomato reporter mice and genotype of their progeny was identified by PCR. The liver sections were fixed , the antibody of liver non⁃parenchymal cells was labeled with immunofluorescence , and the expression and distribution of liver stellate cells and other liver non⁃parenchymal cells were analyzed by Imaris 3D reduction , as well as positively identify dual positioning of hepatic stellate cells.
Results :
LratCre H11LoxP⁃ZsGreen⁃Stop⁃LoxP⁃tdTomato reporter mice specificiallyled to expression of red fluorescent protein tdTomato in hepatic stellate cells , providing a way to analyze the interactions between hepatic stellate cells , Kupffer cells and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells by immunofluorescence localization.
LratCre strain as a spcific reporter mouse for hepatic stellate cells can be uesd to trace hepatic stellate cells.