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Author:(Denny LIE)

2.Arthroscopic Bankart repair augmented by plication of the inferior glenohumeral ligament via horizontal mattress suturing for traumatic shoulder instability.

Kong Hwee LEE ; Henry SOEHARNO ; Chee Ping CHEW ; Denny LIE

Singapore medical journal 2013;54(10):555-559

3.Clear cell chondrosarcoma with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst changes.

Timothy TAY ; Steven Bak Siew WONG ; Kesavan so SITTAMPALAM ; Denny Tjiauw Tjoen LIE

Singapore medical journal 2014;55(3):e49-51

4.Knee subchondroplasty for management of subchondral bone cysts: a novel treatment method.

Gerald Joseph ZENG ; Wei Sheng FOONG ; Tjiauw Tjoen Denny LIE

Singapore medical journal 2021;62(9):492-496

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