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Author:(Deborah Queiroz FREITAS)

2.More frequent detection of calcified carotid atherosclerotic plaques and mineralized laryngeal cartilages on digital than on film-based panoramic radiographs

Sergio Lins DE-AZEVEDO-VAZ ; João Victor Pereira MACHADO ; Teresa Cristina Rangel PEREIRA ; Deborah Queiroz FREITAS

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2019;49(1):65-70

3.Vertical root fracture diagnosis in teeth with metallic posts: Impact of metal artifact reduction and sharpening filters

Débora Costa RUIZ ; Lucas P. Lopes ROSADO ; Rocharles Cavalcante FONTENELE ; Amanda FARIAS-GOMES ; Deborah Queiroz FREITAS

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2024;54(2):139-145

4.A novel method of objectively detecting tooth ankylosis using cone-beam computed tomography: A laboratory study

Luciano Augusto Cano MARTINS ; Danieli Moura BRASIL ; Deborah Queiroz FREITAS ; Matheus L OLIVEIRA

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2023;53(1):61-67

5.Influence of CBCT parameters on image quality and the diagnosis of vertical root fractures in teeth with metallic posts: an ex vivo study

Larissa Pereira LAGOS DE MELO ; Polyane Mazucatto QUEIROZ ; Larissa MOREIRA-SOUZA ; Mariana Rocha NADAES ; Gustavo Machado SANTAELLA ; Matheus Lima OLIVEIRA ; Deborah Queiroz FREITAS

Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 2023;48(2):e16-

6.Metal artifact production and reduction in CBCT with different numbers of basis images

Polyane Mazucatto QUEIROZ ; Gustavo Machado SANTAELLA ; Francisco Carlos GROPPO ; Deborah Queiroz FREITAS

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2018;48(1):41-44

7.Characteristics of radiographic images acquired with CdTe, CCD and CMOS detectors in skull radiography

Polyane Mazucatto QUEIROZ ; Gustavo Machado SANTAELLA ; Sergio Lucio Pereira de CASTRO LOPES ; Francisco HAITER-NETO ; Deborah Queiroz FREITAS

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2020;50(4):339-346

8.Optimizing cone-beam computed tomography exposure for an effective radiation dose and image quality balance

Ananda Amaral SANTOS ; Brunno Santos de Freitas SILVA ; Fernanda Ferreira Nunes CORREIA ; Eleazar MEZAIKO ; Camila Ferro de Souza RORIZ ; Maria Alves Garcia SILVA ; Deborah Queiroz FREITAS ; Fernanda Paula YAMAMOTO-SILVA

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2024;54(2):159-169

10.Brazilian young dental practitioners' use and acceptance of digital radiographic examinations.

Karla ROVARIS ; Karla de Faria VASCONCELOS ; Eduarda Helena Leandro DO NASCIMENTO ; Matheus Lima OLIVEIRA ; Deborah Queiroz FREITAS ; Francisco HAITER-NETO

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2016;46(4):239-244

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