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Author:(David J WALSH)

1.Irish public opinion on assisted human reproduction services: Contemporary assessments from a national sample.

David J WALSH ; E Scott SILLS ; Gary S COLLINS ; Christine A HAWRYLYSHYN ; Piotr SOKOL ; Anthony P H WALSH

Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine 2013;40(4):169-173

2.Heat shock proteins and their role in early mammalian development.

David A WALSH ; Marshall J EDWARDS MJ ; Murray SR SMITH

Experimental & Molecular Medicine 1997;29(3):139-150

3.Endometrial fluid associated with Essure implants placed before in vitro fertilization: Considerations for patient counseling and surgical management.

E Scott SILLS ; David J WALSH ; Christopher A JONES ; Samuel H WOOD

Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine 2015;42(3):126-129

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