1.The pesticide use in mongolia and the actual problems
Davaadulam B ; Unursaikhan S ; Gereljargal B
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;167(1):55-63
Like other crops, fruits and vegetables are attacked by pests and diseases during production andstorage leading to damages that reduce the quality and the yield. In order to reduce the loss andmaintain the quality of fruits and vegetables harvest, pesticides are used together with other pestmanagement techniques during cropping to destroy pests and prevent diseases. The presenceof pesticide residues is a concern for consumers because pesticides are known to have potentialharmful effects to other non-targeted organisms than pests and diseases. The major concerns aretheir toxic effects such as interfering with the reproductive systems and fetal development as wellas their capacity to cause cancer and asthma. Some of the pesticides are persistent and thereforeremain in the body causing long term exposure.Pesticides can be classified based upon their biological mechanism function or application methods;arsenic content, organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, mercury content.Glyphosate is the active ingredient in herbicide formulations containing it. Human acute toxicity isdose related. Acute fatal toxicity has been reported in deliberate overdose. Epidemiological studieshave not found associations between long term low level exposure to glyphosate and any disease.The purpose of pesticide monitoring programs is to ensure that in fruits and vegetables do not exceedmaximum residues levels (MRLs) allowed by the government, no misuse of pesticides that couldresult in unexpected residues in food and that good agricultural practices (GAP) are maintained. Theresults from these monitoring programs are also used by regulatory bodies for future developmentsin setting MRLs and risk assessment exercises for public health.The MRLs are always set far below levels considered to be safe for humans. It should be understoodthat MRLs are not safety limits, a food residue can have higher level than MRL but can still be safefor consumption. Safety limits are assessed in comparison with acceptable daily intake (ADI) forshort term exposure or acute reference dose (ARfD).Nowadays, the pesticides imported 657 000-1 079 000 tn. in each year by Custom Agency ofMongolia[⁵²] and still unenforced Pest monitoring program, Pest management in the agriculture.
2.The result of quality parameters determination of amlodipine 10 mg tablet
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2012;162(4):103-106
BackgroundAmlodipine is one of the products included in Mongolian Essential Medicine list. Local drug manufacturers don’t produce this product and our country imports this product from several countries. Drug research institute has developed the technology to produce Amlodipine 10 mg tablet on the scientific basis and quality determination and stability study have to be performed.GoalThe main aim of this study was to perform quality determination of Amlodipine 10 mg tablet. In the framework of this study quality criteria were determined and HPLC method to determine amlodipine content was developed.Materials and MethodsThe appearance and average weight of tablet determined visual and weight test method instead of Mongolian national Pharmacopeia. Friability, disintegration time, dissolution characteristics determined SY-6D tablet tester equipment. Assay method was instead of British and Russian pharmacopeia used by Shimadzu HPLC equipment[3, 4]. Amlodidine besilate standard substance was made by Sigma-Aldrich company. The microbial limit test determined instead of Mongolian national Pharmacopeia.ResultsOn the result of this study the following results were received: average weight 0.177 g, weight range +6.5, - 2.1; tablet friability 99.57%, disintegration time 7 seconds, dissolution 97%, meet the requirement uniformity of dosage unit. HPLC method to determine amlodipine content was developed and suitable condition for HPLC was: column - octadecylsilane 5μm, 4.6 x 150 mm, mobile phase buffer-acetonitrile-methanol (50:15:35), detection - 237 mn. Bacteria, yeasts, mould and Escherichia coli were absence in Amlodipine 10 mg tablet.ConclusionsDetermined quality requirement of Amlodipine 10 mg tablet. The assay method developed suitable condition of HPLC instead of British pharmacopeia. Bacteria, moulds, yeast and Escherichia coli were absence in Amlodipine 10 mg tablet.
3.Review Of Modern Methods To Determine Antioxidant Capacities In Foodstuffs
Unursaikhan S ; Gobigerel B ; Erdenebayasgalan G ; Davaadulam B ; Gereljargal B ; Enkhtungalag B
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2011;157(3):92-99
Abstract: The beneficial influence of many foodstuffs and beverages including fruits, vegetables, tea, red wine, coffee, and cacao on human health has been recently recognized to originate from the chain-breaking antioxidant activity of natural polyphenols, significant constituent of the above products. Therefore antioxidants have received increasing attention within biological, medical, nutritional, and agrochemical fields and resulted in the requirement of simple, convenient, and reliable antioxidant capacity determination methods. Many methods which differ from each other in terms of reaction mechanisms, oxidant and target/probe species, reaction conditions, and expression of results have been developed and tested in the literature. In this review, the methods most widely used for the determination of antioxidant capacity are evaluated, presenting the general principals, recent applications, and their strengths and limitations. Conclusion: In this review, numerous antioxidant capacity methods, which differ from each other in terms of reaction mechanisms, oxidant and target/probe species, reaction conditions, and expression of results. It is important that analysis conditions, substrate, and concentration of antioxidants should simulate real food or biological systems. The total antioxidant capacity value should include assays applicable to both lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants and regards the similarity and differences of both HAT and ET. The assays including various ROS/RNS such as superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, peroxynitrite, nitric oxide, nitric dioxide have to be designed to comprehensively evaluate the antioxidant capacity of a sample.
4.Consumption of Pesticide and its Health Impact
Tserendolgor U ; Batgargal J ; Khalsankhyy J ; Davaadulam B ; Saijaa N ; Burmaa B
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2009;147(1):71-75
Even though the use and production of polychlorinated biphyls (PCBs) and organochlorine (OC) pesticides have been regulated worldwide, in agreement with the Stockholm convention in 2001, they are still posing serious environmental threat both to wildlife and humans. These lipophilic compounds, with high resistance to degradation and long half- lives in humans, have been confirmed to bioaccumulate in fatty tissues of biological specimens such as blood, breast milk, and adipose tissues through dietary intake. The analysis of these tissues reveals the rate of exposure and distribution in the environment.
5.Lead residue and health risk in some commonly consumed imported food products among Mongolian population
Enkhtungalag B ; Gereljargal B ; Tuvshinbayar B ; Oyundelger D ; Unurtsetseg CH ; Davaadulam B ; Tserenlkham B ; Khishigtogtokh D ; Sodnomtseren B ; Jargal E ; Batkhishig O
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;168(2):71-76
IntroductionThe imported food products are more than 60 percent of total food consumption of Mongolia. Thelead residue in food products causes chronic and acute poisoning to the human health when exceedsmaximum residues limits, and human exposure and significant public health problems in many partsof the world.GoalTo assess lead residues and health risk of some commonly consumed imported food productsamong Mongolian population.Objectives:1. To determine consumption of some imported food products of Mongolian population;2. To investigate lead residue in some commonly consumed imported food products;3. To assess potential health risk related lead residue.Materials and MethodsThe research used analytic study of cross-sectional study design. Randomly selected 1290 people’simports food consumption was analyzed by questionnaire and body weight measurements. Tooksamples from 145 import products, identified lead residue with Academy of Sciences Soil ResearchLaboratory`s, ASS (USA, 2002) equipment.Results60.7% of imported food samples were lead residues exceeded to Maximum Residues Limits, suchus mean lead residues in meat product were 1.55 mg/kg, in milk product 1.22 mg/kg, in cerealproducts 1.15 mg/kg, in vegetables 1.57 mg/kg, in fruit and fruit juice 1.03 mg/kg, in alcohols drink1.31 mg/kg, and in tea 1.93 mg/kg (p=0.001). Estimated Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI)of lead exposure for survey responses was 0.079mg/kg body weight.Conclusions:1. 60.7% of imported food samples were lead residues exceeded to Maximum Residues Limits,such us mean lead residues in meat product, milk products, fruits and vegetables.2. Imported vegetables (54.0%), cereal 8.4% products (15.5%), fruit and fruit juice (11.8%), andmilk products (8.4%) is main contributing to lead residues in imported food.3. Estimated Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) of lead exposure for survey responseswas 0.079mg/kg body weight, which is 3.2 times higher than toxicological guidance (PTWI 0.025mg/kg per 1 kg human body weight) and the high health risk level.
Dariimaa G ; Lkham-Edrene B ; Enkhjin B ; Nomin G ; Davaadulam E
Innovation 2017;11(2):103-107
In this study we aimed to check a hypothesis about water sound (WS) effect can
stimulate parasympathetic nervous system. A case-control study design was used. The
students in control group did not listen WS, whereas students in case groups had been
influenced under WSE by 3 different ways, including audio, video and shower. Data
base had been obtained by performance of stress test, measurements of systolic and
diastolic pressure, and counts of pulse. For statistical analysis, IBM SPSS 20.0 and Graphpad
prism 7.0 were used. Interestingly, 92% of total students had stress. There were no
differences between groups before WS effect. After WS effect, ANOVA test detected
differences in diastolic pressure (ANOVA, F=6.209, p=0.001), stress score (F=15.21,
p<0.001). Paired test was utilized to compare mean of values between before and post
WS measurements, finding SP (p=0.001), SS (p<0.001) categories. It showed an effective
WS influence. Chi-square test indicated that stress level of all students decreased significantly
(p<0.001). But there were no differences between 3 methods of water therapy. In
conclusion, WS has an effect of stimulation in immune system, useful for some diseases,
in which parasympathetic system decrease and sympathetic system increases.
Dariimaa G ; Otgonjargal B ; Oyundari B ; Maral-Erdene D ; Tserennadmid Ts ; Davaadulam E
Innovation 2017;11(2):127-130
Нойр булчирхайн цочмог үрэвсэл, эмнэлзүйн урьдчилан тооцоолох дүрэм, Ranson –ийн шалгуур, APACHE II-ийн шалгуур
A clinical prediction rule is a type of medical research study in which researchers try to
identify the best combination of medical sign, symptoms, and other findings in predicting
the probability of a specific disease or outcome. More than 80% of all patients with
acute pancreatitis recover promptly without developing severe pancreatitis. The presence
of early organ failure (within 24 hours of admission), multiple-organ system failure,
and persistent or progressive (present beyond 48 hours after admission) organ failure are
associated with prolonged hospitalization, ICU admission, need for surgery, and death.
In high developed country, Ranson and APACHE II prognostic criteria are used in order
to evaluate patient´s situation and modified treatment tactics. That is give an idea us
to carry out retrospective study, by using patients´ documents, who hospitalized in National
central hospital in last year. As result, according to Ranson´s criteria 13 (31.7%) of
all patients had 0-2 score, which means mortality risk was 1.8%, 20 (48.8%) had 3-4 score
(mortality risk is 11%), 8 (19.5%) were estimated 5-6 score, having 33% of mortality risk.
Whereas, regarding to APACHE-II criteria 14 (34.2%) of total patients had score of 0-4,
showing 4% of mortality risk, 23 (56.1%) were scored 5-9, having 8% of risk, 3 (7.3%) were
scored 10-14, having 15% of risk, 1 (2.4%) had 15-19 score, having 24% of risk. Moreover,
we determined that incomplete laboratory test, meaning essential prognostic criteria
not used in Mongolia.
8.Identification of STS gene mutation in patient with hereditary ichthyosis
Purevdorj M ; Udval U ; Davaadulam E ; Purevbuyan B ; Sarangerel N ; Purevdorj I
Innovation 2020;14(1):28-31
The ichthyosis is a hereditary skin disease and inherited by autosomal dominant,
autosomal recessive and X recessive trait separately. The X-linked ichthyosis (XLI) is the most
frequent cutaneous disease and general incidence accounts for one in 2000-5000 male births.
Molecular pathogenesis of XLI is due to mutations, which are large deletion, missense, frame shift
and nonsense in STS gene. The vast majority of mutation frequency is a large deletion, which are
found in 85-90% of patients with XLI. An exon deletion of the STS can be detected by Polymerase
chain reaction with exon specific primers. An identification of STS gene mutation has various
importance such as 1) detection of mutation type; 2) for genetic counselling, 3) disease severity,
4) carrier detection.
In the present study, pedigree analysis was used for type of inheritance, and Polymerase
chain reaction was used to detect a deletion in STS gene and normal control used. A deletion was
identified in case PCR bands were not visualized in agarose gels.
We included one patient, who had typical symptoms of XLI including dark, adherent
scales on skin. Mutation analysis of the STS gene showed that the patient had whole gene deletion
(del: Exon 1-10), which was demonstrated by the repeated amplification failure of exons. We used
a sample of healthy man as a wild type control, which showed normal amplification of STS gene’s
exons. Further, the current study will be focused on the screening of heterozygote large deletion
of Del: Exon1-10 of STS gene among patient’s female relatives.
An ichthyosis case enrolled in this study was inherited by X-recessive and we
identified whole exon deletion of STS gene in this patient.