Linear IgA bullous dermatosis, also known as chronic bullous disease of childhood when present in the pediatric
age group, is a rare blistering disease more predominantly seen in females less than five years old. This case describes a 2-year old girl who presented with scattered, tense vesicles and bullae on an erythematous base forming
the classic “cluster of jewels” appearance. This clinical picture is often mistaken as bullous impetigo, commonly
seen in children, delaying diagnosis and prompt treatment. Histopathologic examination showed subepidermal
blistering with a predominantly neutrophilic inflammatory infiltrate. The direct immunofluorescence studies revealed a linear band of IgA deposition in the basement membrane zone consistent with the diagnosis of CBDC.
The patient was started on colchicine and oral prednisone at 1 mg/kg/day and complete resolution was achieved
within two weeks of therapy.