Study on 75 subjects included 54 silicatosis patients (51 males, 3 females, mean age 43.9±9.8) working in seagoing vessel repairing and new building branch. Control group included 21 people (19 males, 2 females). All of these subjects were working in a labor environment, in which SiO2 dust level exceeded allowable limit from 4 to 21 folds with mean exposed times 16.8±5.2 years. The results showed that: 54 silicatosis patients had remarkable symptoms such as chest pain (83.3%), exercise dyspnea (74.1%), decreased alveolus soughing (59.3%). There were 75.9% in all of patients had pulmonary ventilation disorder, in which mainly were limited pulmonary ventilation disorder (53.7%).
Pulmonary Ventilation