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Author:(Damian CLARKE)

1.Isolated free intra-abdominal fluid on CT in blunt trauma: The continued diagnostic dilemma.

Victor Y KONG ; Damon JEETOO ; Leah C NAIDOO ; George V OOSTHUIZEN ; Damian L CLARKE

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2015;18(6):357-359

2.The effect of the quality of vital sign recording on clinical decision making in a regional acute care trauma ward.

Claire M KEENE ; Victor Y KONG ; Damian L CLARKE ; Petra BRYSIEWICZ

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2017;20(5):283-287

3.The "weekend effect" does not impact on outcome of trauma laparotomy - Experience from a level 1 trauma centre in New Zealand.

Jonathan KO ; Victor KONG ; Janet AMEY ; Damien Ah YEN ; Damian CLARKE ; Grant CHRISTEY

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2023;26(2):73-76

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