1.Adverse effects of some anti-cold preparation
Journal of Medical Research 2002;19(3):23-27
Our study included 14 patients admitted to Bachmai hospital because of headache and hypertension after taking anti-cold preparations (Rhumenol Decolgen, Decolsin, and Medicoldac) from 3/2002 to 6/2002. These patients had no history of hypertension and took antiflu tablets according to instruction of manufacturers. On admission, all patients had hypertension with the maximum BP 190/120mmHg. The first-degree atrioventricular block was observed in 1 case. The adverse effects may be caused by overdose of phenylpropanolamine, a sympathomimetic agent. Our study is a warning of dangerous reality of broadly advertising, marketing and abusing drugs. The manufacturers should consider the amount of Phenylpropanolamine in anti-cold preparations to avoid the adverse effect.
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Adverse effects
2.An evaluation of 212 cases of the colorectal cancer
Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;383(6):27-28
212 patients suffering from colorectal cancer are analyzed, the author have following remarks: 1. Colorectal cancer generally occurs in individuals 40 years of age or older. Ration of men to women: 1.82. 2. Incidence of malignant lesion: rectum 36.32%, sigmoid: 16.04% righ colon: 15.57%, left colon: 14.15%, tranverse colon: 8.02%, cecum: 9.09%. 3. Treatment: right hemicolectomy 20.75%, left hemicolectomy: 7.55%, colectomy: 14.62%, subtotal colectomy: 2.83%, miles: 14.15%, artificial anus: 30.19%, by-pass: 3.77%, exploration: 1.42%. The early results of post operative: post operative complications were: 8.9%; post operatative: post operative mortality was:1.98%.
Colorectal Neoplasms
Gastrointestinal Tract
3.Gastroesophageal reflux
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2001;11(4):35-39
This retrospective study was undertaken to characterize the endoscopic and histopathologic pattern of patients with gastro-esophageal reflux with esophagistis. We investigated 58 patients (24 women, 34 men: mean age 44.33 years). The histopathologic pattern was classified in 3 grades: Grade 1: 19 patients, grade 2: 18 patients, grade 3: 21 patients. The sex ratio, age, endoscopic and particular histopathologic pattern was discussed. We conclude that the gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a common complaint in adult population. Despite it is not a severe damage, it can complicate to Barret’s oesophagus, a premalignant lesion of esophageal adenocarcinoma.
Gastroesophageal Reflux
4.The surgery for gallstone in the elderly.
Journal of Practical Medicine 2001;395(3):28-30
In a consecutive series of 860 patients undergoing surgery for gallstones, 214 patients (24.9%) were aged over 65 years, of whom 93 (43.5%) were males and 121 (56.5%) were female. Choledochotomy and removes stones with T tube drainge: 54 (25%), choledochotomy and removed stones with cholecystectomy: 34 (15.9%), open cholecystectomy: 40 (18.7%), laparoscopic cholecystomy; 42 (19.6%), cholecystostomy: 12 (5.6%), open biliary surgery with other surgery: 32 (15%). Laparoscopic cholecystectomy offers advantages over the open technique by reducing wound infections as well as the other complications; a shorter hospital stay, a rapid return to full activities.
5.Remarks on 97 cases of cancer of rectum
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):28-30
On 97 cases treated in the Military Hospital No108, the remarks are as follows: 1) Rectal cancers occurred mainly in the age ranged 40-60 years old, men to women ratio is 1.85. 2) Clinic symptoms include constipation, diarrhoea with blood and pus occurred alternatively, tenesmus… 3) Most of tumors located at the lower rectal ampulla; adenoepithelioma accounted for 93.2%. 4) Rectal resection with sphincter conservation performed on 4.1%; Mile's operation on 59.8%; and palliative operation on 38.1% of cases; bleeding complication happened on 4.1% of cases and the most common post operative complication was perineum infection 26.8%. 5) Mortality 6.2%. 6) More than 5 years survival 52.3%
Rectal Neoplasms
Case Reports [Publication Type]
6.Review of 620 cases of the acute appendicitis.
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):34-36
From the review of 620 cases with acute appendicitis, the author has shown that: 1. Abdominal pain is present in all patients with appenditis, the initial position of pain is difference: in the epigastrium (17.42%) or around the umbilicus (30.16%); the right lower quadrant (41.45%); the pain becomes steady: 77.58%. The pain in the right lower quadrant when palpation pressure is exreted: 80%, the rebound tenderness: 52.42%. The pain in the position of the appendix is the most important symptom for operation. 2. There was a 3.8% rate of negative appendectomies. The rate of late diagnosis is 16.55%. 3. Laparoscopic appendectomy offers advantages over the open technique by reducing wound infections as well as the other complications and a possible earlier return to normal activities. A laparoscopic procedure also allows complete evaluation of the abdominal cavity without an extension of the incision.
7.Acute appendicitis in older.
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):45-46
In study series of author, the incidence of acute appendicitis in older patients is 8.57%. The classic symptoms such as pain, anorexia and nausea presented in older patients but are less pronounced than in younger adults. Pain in the right lower quadrant: 80.95%, localization occurs later than in younger patients. 42 (85%) patients have comorbidity. In older patients with appendicitis, the diagnosis is often delayed with 66.66% of cases have been perforated. The mortality rate is 3.57%. Rate of complications is 50%. The most common complication is infection, occurred in 38.09% of patients.
Frail Elderly
8.Production of antibiotic material in the country
Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;282(10):4-6
There are many diffirent views for production of antibiotic material in own country. This problem must be discussed deeply and wildly: we whether can ourself produce the material of antibiotic or not. This paper introduces the efforts in the subsidy period; the production of material for the pharmaceutical industry; the production of antibiotic material in the country and some experiences of these.
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Pharmaceutical Preparations
9.Investigation of 265 neonatal tetanus cases from 1994 to 1996
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2000;10(4):23-24
The analysis showed that 207 mothers (78% of the cases) had never received tetanus toxiod. 96% (254) of the cases did not meet the criteria set for "protection at birth", 73.8% of the mothers did not seek antenatal care. The rate of delivery at home was 71%. The rate of delivery by traditional birth attendants (TBA) was 50%.
Case Reports [Publication Type]
10.Validation of the criteria used to determine protection at birth as applied to neonatal tetanus elimination in Vietnam
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002;12(1):51-55
To determine the validity of the following simple criteria used to determine protection of the infant from neonatal tetanus, we carried out an analysis of 646 neonatal tetanus cases that were reported in Vietnam from 1994 to 1998. 93% (602) of the 646 cases did not fit the criteria set for “protection at birth”. It was concluded that the criteria used to define “protection at birth” are valid and reliable. It's enough to be used by health workers as a simple management tool to monitor the neonatal tetanus elimination program, and assess the eligibility of women for further tetanus toxoid doses, according to the EPI schedule.
Elimination Disorders