1.Climate change and allergy.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2011;54(2):147-148
No abstract available.
Climate Change
2.The effects of environmental pollution and climate change on allergic diseases
Asia Pacific Allergy 2013;3(3):143-144
No abstract available.
Climate Change
Environmental Pollution
3.Climate change, air pollution, and biodiversity in Asia Pacific: impact on allergic diseases
Asia Pacific Allergy 2019;9(2):e11-
No abstract available.
Air Pollution
Climate Change
4.Applying Biomod2 for modeling of species suitable habitats:a case study of Paeonia lactiflora in China.
Ya-Qiong BI ; Ming-Xu ZHANG ; Yuan CHEN ; Ai-Xiang WANG ; Min-Hui LI
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica 2022;47(2):376-384
Paeonia lactiflora is an important medicinal resource in China. It is of great significance for the protection and cultivation of P. lactiflora resources to find the suitable habitats. The study was based on the information of 98 distribution sites and the data of 20 current environmental factors of wild P. lactiflora in China. According to the correlation and importance of environmental factors, we selected the main environmental factors affecting the potential suitable habitats. Then, BCC-CSM2-MR model was employed to predict the distribution range and center change of potential suitable habitat of wild P. lactiflora in the climate scenarios of SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5 during 2021-2100. The ensemble model combined with GBM, GLM, MaxEnt, and RF showed improved prediction accuracy, with TSS=0.85 and AUC=0.95. Among the 20 environmental factors, annual mean temperature, monthly mean diurnal range of temperature, temperature seasonality, mean temperature of the warmest quarter, precipitation of the wettest month, precipitation seasonality, precipitation of the driest quarter, and elevation were the main factors that affected the suitable habitat distribution of P. lactiflora. At present, the potential suitable habitats of wild P. lactiflora is mainly distributed in Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Beijing, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong, Gansu, Xinjiang, Tibet, and Ningxia, and concentrated in the northeastern Inner Mongolia, central Heilongjiang, and northern Jilin. Under future climate conditions, the highly sui-table area of wild P. lactiflora will shrink, and the potential suitable habitat will mainly be lost to different degrees. However, in the SSP5-8.5 scenario, the low suitable area of wild P. lactiflora will partially increase in the highlands and mountains in western China including Xinjiang, Tibet, and Qinghai during 2061-2100. The distribution center of wild P. lactiflora migrated first to the northeast and then to the southwest. The total suitable habitats were stable and kept in the high-latitude zones. The prediction of the potential geo-graphical distribution of P. lactiflora is of great significance to the habitat protection and standardized cultivation of this plant in the future.
Climate Change
5.Development and Validation of a Safety Climate Scale for Manufacturing Industry.
Safety and Health at Work 2015;6(2):97-103
BACKGROUND: This paper describes the development of a scale for measuring safety climate. METHODS: This study was conducted in six manufacturing companies in Iran. The scale developed through conducting a literature review about the safety climate and constructing a question pool. The number of items was reduced to 71 after performing a screening process. RESULTS: The result of content validity analysis showed that 59 items had excellent item content validity index (> or = 0.78) and content validity ratio (> 0.38). The exploratory factor analysis resulted in eight safety climate dimensions. The reliability value for the final 45-item scale was 0.96. The result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the safety climate model is satisfactory. CONCLUSION: This study produced a valid and reliable scale for measuring safety climate in manufacturing companies.
Mass Screening
6.Media Operations and Family Assistance in Mass Disaster.
Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 2008;32(1):47-54
The level of initial media response will depend on the type of incident and the location of occurrence. Mass fatality incidents that occur in easily accessed areas will probably attract more and longer media visibility than an incident that occurs in a remote and possibly inhospitable climate. The actions the participates take should be based on doing what is right regardless of who is watching. However, we prepared for the problems the media can cause and have the ability to solve them. Many agencies have learned the hard way that no matter how well they managed the response to an incident, if the media coverage is unfavorable, the perception will be that they did a poor job. Having a good media-management plan is also something that does not just happen. Pre-incident coordination is key, as well as having trained spokespersons who can get along with the media and understand the media's role. The quality of our response will in large part be judge by the public's perception of our actions. No matter the cause of the incident or the size of the response force, the success of any incident response will depend on how well the families were cared for. So, the family assistance operations are very important. The quality of our overall response will, in large part, be judged by our response to the families. Mistakes should not happen, but when they do, we cannot undo them. Therefore, it is critical to listen to the families, provide them with what we can, and do our best.
7.Buffering Effect of Job Resources in the Relationship between Job Demands and Work-to-Private-Life Interference: A Study among Health-Care Workers.
Safety and Health at Work 2016;7(4):354-362
BACKGROUND: The present study aims at investigating whether and how (1) job demands and job resources are associated with work-to-private-life interference (WLI) and (2) job resources moderate the relationship between job demands and WLI. METHODS: Data were collected by a self-report questionnaire from three hospitals in Italy. The sample consisted of 889 health-care workers. RESULTS: All job demands (i.e., quantitative demands, disproportionate patient expectations, and verbal aggression) and job resources (i.e., job autonomy, support from superiors and colleagues, fairness, and organizational support), with the exception of skill discretion, were related to WLI. The effects of quantitative demands on WLI were moderated by support from superiors; fairness and organizational support moderate the effects of all job demands considered. Support from colleagues moderated only verbal aggression. Job autonomy did not buffer any job demands. CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that the work context has a central importance in relation to the experience of WLI among health-care workers. The results indicated that intervention in the work context may help to contain WLI. Such interventions would especially be aimed at improving the social climate within the unit and quality of the organizational process.
8.The Influence of Safety Climate, Safety Leadership, Workload, and Accident Experiences on Risk Perception: A Study of Korean Manufacturing Workers.
Shezeen OAH ; Rudia NA ; Kwangsu MOON
Safety and Health at Work 2018;9(4):427-433
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of workers' perceived workload, accident experiences, supervisors' safety leadership, and an organization's safety climate on the cognitive and emotional risk perception. METHODS: Six hundred and twenty employees in a variety of manufacturing organizations were asked to complete to a questionnaire. Among them, a total of 376 employees provided valid data for analysis. To test the hypothesis, correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used. Statistical analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS program, version 23. RESULTS: The results indicated that workload and accident experiences have a positive influence and safety leadership and safety climate have a negative influence on the cognitive and emotional risk perception. Workload, safety leadership, and the safety climate influence perceived risk more than accident experience, especially for the emotional risk perception. CONCLUSION: These results indicated that multilevel factors (organization, group, and individual) play a critical role in predicting individual risk perceptions. Based on these results, therefore, to reduce risk perception related with unsafe behaviors and accidents, organizations need to conduct a variety of safety programs that enhance their safety climate beyond simple safety-related education and training. Simultaneously, it needs to seek ways to promote supervisors' safety leadership behaviors (e.g., site visits, feedback, safety communication, etc.). In addition, it is necessary to adjust work speed and amount and allocate task considering employees' skill and ability to reduce the workload for reducing risk perception.
9.Correlation of climate change indicators with health and environmental data in the Philippines
Acta Medica Philippina 2022;56(1):80-95
The Lancet Countdown used Global Burden of Disease (GBD) data to track mortality from diseases influenced by climate change. The Philippines is one of the most vulnerable nations to climate change.
This study aimed to provide summative data on climate change and health-environmental factors based on several large databases. It looked into the correlation of climate change to selected health variables and correlated environmental factors to health chosen variables in the Philippines.
The database was assembled through a compilation of different secondary data. Climate change variables were acquired from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD 2017) Study on Health-related Sustainable Development Goals Indicators from 1990 to 2030. The data for the Philippines were obtained. These indicators include air pollution mortality, disaster mortality, household air pollution, malaria incidence, mean PM2.5, non-communicable disease mortality, neglected tropical diseases mortality, unimproved sanitation, and unsafe water. The resulting database was analyzed using exploratory data analysis techniques with descriptive statistics and line graphs to analyze trends over the years. Then Pearson correlation analysis was done to explore the linear relationship between health indicators, climate indicators, and environmental indicators.
The study results showed that the trend in the Philippines for air pollution mortality, household air pollution, malaria incidence, and neglected tropical diseases mortality is in a downward direction. However, non-communicable disease mortality was constantly increasing from 41.99 in 1990 to 55.00 in 2016. Meanwhile, the mean temperature is significantly negatively correlated to household air pollution, malaria incidence, and neglected tropical diseases and significantly correlated with non-communicable diseases. Also, NOAA adjusted sea level is significantly positively correlated with air pollution mortality, malaria incidence, disaster mortality, and non-communicable diseases. It is negatively correlated with malaria incidence and neglected tropical diseases prevalence. Global mean CO2 is significantly negatively correlated with household air pollution, malaria incidence, and neglected tropical diseases prevalence. On the other hand, it was significantly and positively correlated with air pollution mortality and non-communicable diseases mortality. Household air pollution health risk was significantly positively correlated to mean PM2.5 levels in the Philippines. Unimproved sanitation was positively correlated with household air pollution, malaria incidence, and neglected tropical disease prevalence.
As recordings of heat index increased, there was a correlation with NCD, Malaria, Disaster, and NTD infection mortality. With the evidence of the correlation of increasing temperature and pollution to health, the urgency to focus on addressing these problems was present in this study. Further research may help in policymaking to target drivers of pollution which affect extreme climate changes.
Climate Change
Air Pollution
10.Time trend of malaria in relation to climate variability in Papua New Guinea.
Jae Won PARK ; Hae Kwan CHEONG ; Yasushi HONDA ; Mina HA ; Ho KIM ; Joel KOLAM ; Kasis INAPE ; Ivo MUELLER
Environmental Health and Toxicology 2016;31(1):e2016003-
OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to describe the regional malaria incidence in relation to the geographic and climatic conditions and describe the effect of altitude on the expansion of malaria over the last decade in Papua New Guinea. METHODS: Malaria incidence was estimated in five provinces from 1996 to 2008 using national health surveillance data. Time trend of malaria incidence was compared with rainfall and minimum/maximum temperature. In the Eastern Highland Province, time trend of malaria incidence over the study period was stratified by altitude. Spatio-temporal pattern of malaria was analyzed. RESULTS: Nationwide, malaria incidence was stationary. Regionally, the incidence increased markedly in the highland region (292.0/100000/yr, p =0.021), and remained stationary in the other regions. Seasonality of the malaria incidence was related with rainfall. Decreasing incidence of malaria was associated with decreasing rainfall in the southern coastal region, whereas it was not evident in the northern coastal region. In the Eastern Highland Province, malaria incidence increased in areas below 1700 m, with the rate of increase being steeper at higher altitudes. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing trend of malaria incidence was prominent in the highland region of Papua New Guinea, while long-term trend was dependent upon baseline level of rainfall in coastal regions.
Climate Change
Papua New Guinea*