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Author:(Claudia Assunção e Alves CARDOSO)

1.Accuracy of various imaging methods for detecting misfit at the tooth-restoration interface in posterior teeth

Luciano Andrei FRANCIO ; Fernanda Evangelista SILVA ; Claudia Scigliano VALERIO ; Claudia Assunção e Alves CARDOSO ; Wellington Corrêa JANSEN ; Flávio Ricardo MANZI

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2018;48(2):87-95

2.Bone changes in the mandibular incisors after orthodontic correction of dental crowding without extraction: A cone-beam computed tomographic evaluation

Claudia Scigliano VALERIO ; Cláudia Assunção e ALVES CARDOSO ; Eustáquio Afonso ARAÚJO ; Elton Gonçalves ZENÓBIO ; Flávio Ricardo MANZI

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2021;51(2):155-165

3.The use of digital periapical radiographs to study the prevalence of alveolar domes.

Pedro Augusto Oliveira Santos XAMBRE ; Claudia Scigliano VALERIO ; Claudia Assunção E ALVES CARDOSO ; Antônio Luís Neto CUSTÓDIO ; Flávio Ricardo MANZI

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2016;46(3):179-184

4.Radiographic and computed tomography monitoring of a fractured needle fragment in the mandibular branch.

Maria Isabel de Oliveira e Britto VILLALOBOS ; Thaisa Cristina Gomes Ferreira LEITE ; Samila Gonçalves BARRA ; Daniela Teresa Pinto da Cunha WERNECHE ; Flavio Ricardo MANZI ; Claudia Assunção e Alves CARDOSO

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2017;47(1):63-68

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