Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of dexmedetomidine intravenous assisted epidural anesthe-sia for labor analgesia. Methods Forty full term puerperant who had a single fetus were randomly divided into two groups, Group C (n=20), a catheter was advanced into epidural space,anesthetic drugs (0.125%ropivacaine with fen-tanyl 1.5μg/mL)of 10 ml was infused,then implement PCEA(bolus 4 mL with 15 min lockout interval,background in-fusion 4mL/h).Group D (n=20)assisted the routine epidural block anesthesia with intravenous injection of dexmedeto-midine,which was infused 0.2 μg/(kg·h). ECG,RR,BP,SpO2,analgesic effect were assessed by VAS,labor process,mode of delivery,Apgar score of neonates and side effects of analgesia were recorded. Results The VAS during the first and second stages of labor in group D were better than group C (P<0.05),there was no significant difference in Apar score between two groups. The second stage of labor in group C had an extended period of time(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in vital signs,fetal heart rate and uterine contraction between two groups. Conclusion Intravenous dexmedetomidine can optimize the traditional labor analgesia mode and reduce the dosage of PCEA.The puerperants can be more comfortable and effective in accouchement.