1.Mechanism and Issues of Balance Training During Rehabilitation Course of Cerebrovascular Disease (review)
Chunyu ZHAO ; Tong ZHANG ; Zhu NIU
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice 2007;13(8):727-729
Balance function is one of injured functions needed rehabilitation after stroke. It is also the considerable signal of the restoration for motor function, which being thought highly in the field of rehabilitation. In some aspect, the restoration of balance function cannot be substituted by stance. The authors mainly discussed the mechanism and issues of balance training by which the balance function of stroke patients in chronic period improved, based on nerve compensative mechanism.
2.Establishment of Focal Cerebral Ischemia Model with Modified Suture-occluded Method in Period of Rehabilitation and Analysis for Death Cause
Chunyu ZHAO ; Zhu NIU ; Tong ZHANG ; Lidong PAN ; Zhisheng PEI
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice 2008;14(10):916-918
Objective To compare the reliability of modificatory method and traditional method in preparing ischemic stroke rat model in rehabilitation period.Methods 173 female SD rats were divided into traditional method group(n=63),modificatory method group(n=109) and control group(n=37).In the traditional method group,the thread embolus was inserted through the left external carotid artery(ECA),and then left ECA and pterygopalatine artery(PPA) were ligated.In the modificatory method group,the thread embolus was inserted through the left internal carotid artery(ICA) and only left common carotid artery(CCA) was ligated.In the control group,the thread embolus was not inserted,only CCA was ligated.Results There was no significant difference in neurofunction score between the modificatory method group and the traditional method group(P>0.05).The operating time was significantly shortened(P<0.01) and the survival time was significantly prolonged in the modificatory method group compared with that of the traditional method group(P<0.01).The two-month survival rate was 54.13% in the modificatory method group and 31.75% in the traditional method group receptively,the former was significantly longer than the latter(P<0.01).Conclusion The ischemic stroke model established by modificatory methods is not only precisely and reliable but also save operating time and improve survival rate of the animals compared with the traditional method.The main death causes of animals are large-area cerebral edema and electrolyte imbalance after operation.
3.Effects of Constraint-induced Movement Training on Neurological Medullary Sheath in Rats after Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion
Chunyu ZHAO ; Tong ZHANG ; Zhu NIU ; Zhisheng PEI ; Lidong PAN
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice 2007;13(5):404-406
Objective To study the effects of constraint-induced movement train (CIMT) on the neurological medullary sheath in the rats after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Methods 55 SD rats were randomly divided into CIMT group and nature recovery (NR) group after MCAO. The CIMT group were trained with balance beam and rolling cage everyday, with restrictting the movement of the intact upper limbs. The NR group lived in the same condition. The rats in CIMT group were assessed with ethology 5 d, 10 d, 15 d, 30 d and 60 d after operation respectively. At last, 5 rats of each group were checked with MRI, then they were immolated for myelin staining. Results The balance and muscle strength of CIMT group improved better compared with the NR ones (P<0.05), as well as the diameter and the demyelination of neurofibril in the infarcted area. Conclusion CIMT can collect more functional neurofibra and decrease myelinolysis.
4.The ultrasound diagnosis of gynecologic severe case and analysis of sonogram echogram
Aiqing, ZHANG ; Zhaohui, LIU ; Lijuan, GUO ; Yiwen, CHONG ; Chunyu, ZHANG ; Chun, TONG
Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition) 2017;14(5):359-367
Objective To analyze the ultrasonic features of gynecological emergency and severe cases.Methods To analyze 431 cases in clinical,ultrasonic images and examination data of gynecological emergency and severe patients in Peking University Third Hospital from September 2014 to September 2015,and to study clinical pathological and ultrasonic imaging examination.Results In 431 severe cases of gynecologic emergency,the clinical symptom were shown as acute abdominal pain or and vaginal bleeding.They were divided into seven types by clinical examination,operation or conservative treatment under dynamic observation.There were 137 cases of fracture disease,accounting for 31.8%,with corpus luteum rupture in 67 cases,ectopic pregnancy burst in 59 cases and tumor rupture in 11 cases.There were 114 cases of pelvic inflammatory disease,accounting for 26.5%,with hemorrhagic disease of department of gynaecology in 67 cases (15.5%),dysfunctional uterine bleeding in 39 cases,cervical cancer in 11 cases,submucosal myoma in 7 cases,endometrial carcinoma in 6 cases,carcinosarcoma in 4 cases.There were 58 cases of early pregnancy related diseases,accounting for 13.5%.Among them,32 cases were incomplete abortion,and 21 cases were inevitable abortion and 5 cases were hydatidiform mole.Forty-six cases were torsion of pedicle (10.6%).Five cases were genital tract malformation,accounting for 1.2%,with vaginal septum obliquumevery 4 cases and cervical atresia in one case.There were damages after the operation in 4 cases (0.9%),uterus perforation in 2 cases,abdominal wall hematoma in 1 case after cesarean section,and false aneurysm in 1 case after cesarean section.In the 431 cases,there was emergency surgery oroperation after symptomatic treatment in 329 cases,interventional treatment in one case and non-operative treatment in 101 cases.Conclusions There are corresponding typical ultrasonographic characteristics in different diseases of emergency and severe gynaecologic cases,combined with clinical symptoms and medical history.The right diagnosis can be made.Therefore,there are important clinical values of ultrasound in the treatment of emergency and severe gynecologic cases.
5.Nonhuman Primate Chronic Stroke Model with Middle Cerebral Artery Endovascular Embolism
Qiang WANG ; Tong ZHANG ; Chunyu ZHAO ; Jianmin XU ; Mei WEN ; Zhisheng FEI
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice 2012;18(5):401-405
Objective To establish chronic cerebral infarction animal model in nonhuman primate. Methods 10 adult male rhesus monkeyswere embolized the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in contra-lateral of handedness, and divided into M1 segment embolism group (n=3), upper trunk embolism group (n=5), and lower trunk embolism group (n=2). Acute neurological deficit was evaluated with standard neurologicalscale, and the motor function in chronic stage was assessed with a task of retrieving food pill in wells. Results Animals in M1 segmentembolism group all died 38~62 h after surgery. Upper trunk embolism group survived, and MRI showed front parietal cortex infarctioncontra-lateral paralyzed side. All of them paralyzed one side in acute stage, and 4 of them persisted dysfunction in chronic stage, that couldnot finish the task of retrieving food pill in wells; only one completed the task. The lower trunk embolism group paralyzed one side in acutestage, but recovered quickly and completely, that finished the task within 7 d. Conclusion Embolism of MCA upper trunk can cause infarctionof precise and proper size with one side limb dysfunction in the acute stage and long-term dysfunction in most animals, which is feasiblefor treatment and neural plasticity research in recovery.
6.Rehabilitation for Complications and Secondary Disturbance of Traumatic Brain Injury
Xiaonian ZHANG ; Chunyu ZHAO ; Lihua CUI ; Jun ZHAO ; Hao ZHANG ; Tong ZHANG
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice 2008;14(7):648-651
The rehabilitation and nursing for the complication and secondary disturbance are the important partition of treatment for patients with traumatic brain injury(TBI).Understanding the category,mechanism,prevention and treatment of complications can efficaciously decrease the incidence rate of them,relieve the distress of patients,increase the ablity of ADL and the quality of life,improve the effect of rehabilitation,and reduce the economic burden of family and society.It also can promote patients back to family and society as earlier as possible.
7.TherelationshipbetweentheimagingresultsbasedonADCvalueandtheefficacy ofneoadjuvantchemotherapyinbreastcancer
Ying TONG ; Nan MI ; Rong ZHANG ; Shenglin WANG ; Peijian DING ; Chunyu TIAN ; Shouying CHEN
Journal of Practical Radiology 2019;35(3):387-390,406
Objective TodiscusstheevaluationeffectivenessofADCofMR DWIinneoadjuvantchemotherapy (NAC).Methods ThirtyGninepatientswithlocallyadvancedbreastcancerwereenrolledinthisstudy.Allthesepatientswerediagnosedbypuncture biopsyandtreatedwithNAC.DWIwasperformedbeforechemotherapyandafter4cyclesofchemotherapyrespectively.Radicalresectionof breastcancerwasperformedwithinoneweekaftertheendof4cyclesofNAC.Accordingtotheclinicalefficacyorpathologicalresponse,the changesoftumorvolumeandtumorcelldensitybeforeandafterchemotherapyweremeasured.Theresponseoftumorwasdividedas clinicallyeffective,completeremission (CR)+partialremission(PR)andclinicalineffectiveness,stabilizationdisease(SD)+progression disease(PD)ormajorhistologicalresponse (MHR)andnonGmajorhistologicalresponse (NMHR),respectively.Toevaluatethe practicalutilityofneoadjuvantchemotherapy,theADCvaluesweremeasuredinallgroupsandanalyzedstatistically.Results Before NAC,therewasnosignificantdifferenceinADCvaluebetweenCR+PR (0.96±0.22)andSD+PD (0.93±0.14)orMHR (1.05±0.22), NMHR (0.99±0.14).TheratiosofCR+PRand MHR were56.4%and66.7%respectivelyattheendoftreatment,andtheADC valuesinallpatientswerehigherthanthatbeforechemotherapy.However,Therewasnosignificantdifferencebeforeandafterchemotherapy intheSD+PD (1.02±0.19)andNMHR (1.08±0.20)groups (P>0.05),whileCR+PR (1.47±0.16)and MHR (1.62+0.13) groupsweresignificantlydifferentbeforeandafterchemotherapy(P<0.05).Therateoftumorvolumechangewaspositivelycorrelated withΔADC (r=0.539,P<0.05).Conclusion TheADCvalue canbeusedtoevaluatethevolumeandpathologicalgradeof tumorafterNACbasedon MRIplainscananddynamicscan, whichishelpfulfortimelyandeffectivepredictiveevaluationof chemotherapyeffect.ADCvaluecanbeusedasearlyevaluationofNACforbreastcancerandprognosticindicators.
8.Prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of the fetal ductus venosus abormalities
Chun TONG ; Aiqing ZHANG ; Zhaohui LIU ; Lijun GONG ; Shan LU ; Chunyu ZHANG
Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography 2019;28(7):606-610
Objective To explore the prenatal ultrasound image features and clinical significance of fetal ductus venosus abormalities . Methods Fifteen fetuses with ductus venosus abormalities diagnosed by prenatal ultrasonography at Peking University T hird Hospital were retrospective review . T he prenatal findings ,umbilical shunting type ,perinatal outcomes ,and autopsy reports were analyzed . Results Fourteen fetuses were found with absence of ductus venosus . In 6 fetuses the umbilical vein connected to the portal vein ,5 fetuses the umbilical vein connected to the inferior vena cava and 3 fetuses the umbilical vein connected to the right atrium . T he remaining 1 fetus was found obliteration of ductus venosus . Absence of ductus venous showed no normal ductus venous and the umbilical vein almost always drained directly into portal vein ,inferior vena cava or right atrium . Obliteration of ductus venous showed normal ductus venous was replaced by a tiny echogenic string without blood flow . T hree cases had intracardiac and extracardiac abnormalities ; 4 cases had extracardiac abnormalities only ; 8 of these ,ductus venosus abormality were isolated . T wo cases had trisomy 21 syndrome . Four patients underwent legal termination of pregnancy ; 2 were intrauterine fetal death ; and 8 carried to term wit normal outcome ; the remaining one underwent operation due to extracardiac abnormality and postoperative course was uneventful . Conclusions Prenatal ultrasound can be used to diagnose fetal ductus venosus abormalities . Hemodynamic depends on umbilical venous drainage site and diameter . T he prognosis for this group of anomalies depends on the chromosomal abnormalities and additional findings . Chromosome and ultrasonic monitoring are suggested for following pregnancy .
9.Immunogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus recombinant clumping factor A.
Hao FENG ; Lefeng LIU ; Jiaqi CHI ; Ning WANG ; Runting LI ; Chunyu TONG ; Jinzhu MA ; Zhanbo ZHU ; Yudong CUI
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 2009;25(8):1180-1186
In order to characterize the immunogenicity and immunoprotection of the Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) surface protein Clumping factor A (ClfA), we amplified clfa genes from S. aureus Newman strain, Wood46 strain and HLJ23-1. The clfa gene from Newman strain was subsequently inserted into pQE-30 vector and the recombinant plasmid was transformed into Escherichia coli strain M15 (pREP4). The recombinant ClfA protein was expressed and purified. Then, we immunized mice with the purified recombinant protein. The antibody level and the concentration of cytokines were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Finally, immunized mice were challenged with S. aureus Newman, Wood46 and HLJ23-1. These results suggested that clfa gene sequences were highly conserved, and the recombinant ClfA was expressed correctly with good antigenicity. The antibody titer and the concentration of cytokines in the immunized groups increased significantly (P < 0.05) compared with control, and the mice in the immunized groups were protected against the challenge strains to some extent. These results showed that the ClfA had high immunogenicity and immunoprotective potential.
Escherichia coli
Recombinant Proteins
Staphylococcus aureus
10.Discussion on Strengthening Medical Supplies Management on Open Platform.
Yunyun CAI ; Chunyu MAO ; Haifeng GAO ; Peidi ZHU ; Jingjing GU ; Yunzhang CHENG
Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation 2020;44(3):276-279
We introduce the background of Shanghai medical purchasing service and supervision platform (later we call it "open platform") and the effect of its implementation. We also analyze the problems occurred by medical institutions in the management of supplies, explore how to use open platform to strengthen the management of medical supplies, further optimize the structure of supplies, standardize the clinical reasonable use and charges, and ensure the quality, safety and traceability of supplies.
Equipment and Supplies