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Author:(Chunshi TONG)

1.Application of vascularized iliac crest-tensor fascia lata flap in reconstruction of mandibular and oral soft tissue defects

Xiqian WANG ; Guangcai XU ; Liwei PENG ; Chunshi TONG ; Yang WU ; Sichen YAN ; Linlin BU

Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery 2022;38(7):771-779

2.Application of vascularized iliac crest-tensor fascia lata flap in reconstruction of mandibular and oral soft tissue defects

Xiqian WANG ; Guangcai XU ; Liwei PENG ; Chunshi TONG ; Yang WU ; Sichen YAN ; Linlin BU

Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery 2022;38(7):771-779

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