2.A Clinical Study of Traumatic Posterior Fracture
Myung Sik PARK ; Sin Ho LIM ; Chung Hwan IHN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1987;22(6):1265-1272
Fractures of the femoral head associated with hip dislocation are uncommon injury and all traumatic fracture-dislocation of the hip must be treated as surgical emergencies. But, there was no uniformity of treatment of fracture-dislocations of the hip were treated by operative and conservative methods in Chonbuk National University hospital were observed between March 1983 and January 1987; Operative treatment is included screw fixation method and fixation with bone pegs. And so, the followings were summsrized: 1. The most common cause was dash-board injury and patients sex was msle in majority. 2. Frequency of the type of femoral head fracture was the most in Pipkin type I, the next was type IV. 3. The better result was noted in operative treatment than in conservative method as above good. 4. Bone pegging method was relatively not superior to screw fixation. 5. The following complications were encountered, 1 case of sciatic nerve palsy, 1 case of traumatic arthritis.
Clinical Study
Hip Dislocation
Sciatic Neuropathy
3.Radiological differentiation of neurogenic tumors in the thorax with plain film and CT
Hyo Kun LIM ; Chung Kie IM ; Heung Sik KANG ; Kyung Mo YEON ; Man Chung HAN
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1984;20(4):826-834
35 neurogenic tumors of the thorax were analyzed with plain film and CT scan. Radiological analysis emphasizedshape, location calcification, bone change, pleural change in plain film and calcification, cystic change, bonechange, pleural change, presence of contrast enhancement in CT scan. The results were as follows; 1. Age may bethe most important clinical factor for differential diagnosis. 2. Plain film findings(35 cases); 1) The mostcommon shape in the ganglion series tumor (ganglioneuroma, ganglioneuroblastoma, neuroblastoma), was elongation(80%) and these tumors generally had tapered borders(50%). In contrast with those of the genglion series, nervesheath tumors(schwannoma, neurofibroma, malignant Schwannoma) showed a definite tendency to be roudn (95%) and thesulcus effect was more frequetnly seen(67.5%). Most of the masses were smooth. The lobulated masses were commonlymalignant ganglion series tumors. 2) Though overall incidence of calcification was low(8.6%), it was observed morefrequently in ganglion series tumors(20%). 3) Associated bony abnormality were generally observed in large tumorsabove 5cm in long axis, especially in neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma. 4) Tumors showed pleural effusionwere all malignant. 3. CT findings (17 cases); 1) The overall incidence of cystic change of the mass was 23.6%. Itwas most common in Schwannoma(60%). 2) The contrast enhancement was noted in 64.7%. It's degree was variable andshowed no predilection to any specific tumors. 3) The incidence of calcification, associated bony abnormality andpleural effusion were similiar to plain film. Confident specific diagnosis can be made in most of the neurogenictumors of the thorax by shape of the mass in plain film and internal architecture in CT combined with patient'sage as clinical information.
Diagnosis, Differential
Ganglion Cysts
Tomography, X-Ray Computed
4.Drug - Induced Esophageal Ulcers.
Han Lim MOON ; In Sik CHUNG ; Sang Hong BAEK ; Kyu Sik SHIM ; Chang Don LEE ; Suk Won HAN ; Kyu Won CHUNG ; Hee Sik SUN ; Whan Kook CHUNG
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1985;5(1):11-15
Over 26 kinds of tablets and capsules, such as Tetracycline, Quinidine and Potassium preparations were reported to cause esopbageal ulcerations, eharacterized in various size, shape and number, ind sually in mid-esophagus, Recently authors experienced 10 cases of drug-induced esophageal ulcerations due to antibiotics and antiinflammatory agents such as Tetracycline, Aspirin, etc. Four cases were men and six were women. Four cases were in third dades, three in fourth cleeades, two in fifth decades and one in sixth decades. Presenting symptoras were odynophagia(4/10), dysphagia(3/10), substernal pain(7/10) and epigastric pain(3/10). Endoscopic examination of the esophgus showed single or multiple, small and shallow ulcers on the mid-esophgeal mucosa at the level of 30cm from the ineisor in eight cases, one Iarge and deep ulcer at the level of 40cm from incisor in one patient and one amall, shallow and one large, deep ulcers at the same time. in one patient The shape of alcers were various from a round to a large horseshoe shaped one. The clinical course was mild without complications. It was suggested that drug-induced esophsgeal ulcers with antibiotics and antiinflammatory agents could be found frequently and they had benign and mild clinicalc ourse,
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Mucous Membrane
5.Diffuse Panbronchiolitis: High-Resolution CT Findings and Correla:don with Pulmonary Function Test.
Koun Sik SONG ; Tae Hwan LIM ; Hymn Kyung SUNG ; Kyung Il CHUNG
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1994;30(1):77-81
PURPOSE: Diffuse panbronchiolitis(DPB) is a chronic inflammatory airway disease of unknown causes mainly affecting the respiratory bronchioles and the more proximal bronchi. Findings on chest radiographs and high-resolution CT(HRCT) are well known and Akira classified HRCT findings of DPB into four types. Purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between findings of HRCT and PFT. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We retrospectively analyzed the chest radiographs and HRCT images of eleven patients with DPB and compared CT classification with pulmonary function test. RESULTS: Chest radiographs usually showed small nodular opacities throughout the both middle and lower lungs. The HRCT findings of DPB were centrilobularly distributed small nodular densities, branching linear densities contiguous with small round densities, dilated and thickened peripheral and central airways including bronchioles. More than one CT type by Akira's classification, usually two or three types, were found in nine patients. There was good correlation between CT types and FEV1%(p<0.05), CT types and FEV1/FVC (p<0.05) respectively. CONCLUSION: HRCT seems to be more useful for diagnosis and disease progression of DPB as compared with the chest radiographs or clinical stage such as pulmonary function test.
Disease Progression
Radiography, Thoracic
Respiratory Function Tests*
Retrospective Studies
6.Radiological evaluation of tuberculous spondylitis with computed tomography
Seung Soo LIM ; Chung Hyun KIM ; June Sik CHO ; Byung Chull RHEE
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1986;22(5):848-857
Spinal tuberculosis is curable disease, and early diagnosis is mandatory for early treatment. We reviewedconventional radiographies and CT from Histopathologically confirmed 30 cases of spinal tuberculosis, and comparedthese findings with radiologic findings from 2 cases of pyogenic spondylitis and 4 cases of meastasis. The resultswere as follows: 1. The frequnet site of involvement were thoracolumbar juntion and low lumbar vertebrae, and themost frequent type is multisegmented subligamentous type (93.3%). 2. CT was not of great use in the diferentaldiagnosis of the tuberculosis. Dominant CT findings of tuberculous spondylitis were anterior vertebral bodydestruction, paravertebral soft-tissue mass and thick walled abscess formation occasionally containingcalcification and disc space narrowing, in the setting of an indolent or relatively benign course. 3. CT is thebest modality for imaging the extent and anatomy of the destructive process, the degree of canal encroachment, andthe change of adjacent vital structure. So CT was particularily useful in pre-operative planing of debridement andstabilization surgery. 4. The most common causes of neurologic manifestations in tuberculous spondylitis were thecompression of spinal cord by sequestrated bony fragments and disc material, granulation tissue or abscess in thespinal canal.
Early Diagnosis
Granulation Tissue
Lumbar Vertebrae
Neurologic Manifestations
Spinal Cord
Tuberculosis, Spinal
7.Radiological aspect of pancreatic pseudocysts
Tae Sub CHUNG ; Sue Jin LIM ; Hyung Sik YOO ; Jung Ho SUH ; Chang Yun PARK
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1982;18(2):306-315
Pancreatic pseudocyst occurs as a complication of pancreatitis or trauma, which results in the escape of pancreatic enzymes from the parenchyma or ductal system of pancreas. At that time, serum amylase may have returned to normal level, and the patient may be subjectively asymptomatic. In this phase, the radiologic findings are relatively greater significance than laboratory data. In the conventional radiologic study, pancreatic pseudocyst have been frequently confused with other retroperitoneal mass, but recently with clinical application of ultrasound and CT scan, more accurate diagnosis can be obtained. The brief results are as follows; 1. Male to female ratio was 3:2 in 15 patients. Incidence was most common in young adult age. Most frequent symptom was epigastic pain, and which was noted in 11 cases of patients. 7 cases of patients had past history of abdominal trauma and past history of pancreatitis was only in 1 case. Most common laboratory finding was leukocytosis in 8cases of patients and elevated serum amylase was also noted in 7 cases. 2. In each 5 cases of patients, plain chest roentgenologic evidence of left side pleural effusion and hemidiaphragm elevation were observed. 3. On flat abdomen film, soft mass shadow was visualized in 8 cases of patients. On UGI series, evidence of retrogastric space widening was observed in 11 cases of patients. 4. The location of pseudocyst is mainly in body and tail of pancrease in 11 cases of patients. 5. More accruable diagnosis can be obtained through application of ultrasound and CT scan.
Pancreatic Pseudocyst
Pleural Effusion
Tomography, X-Ray Computed
United Nations
Young Adult
8.The study of the peri-inplant soft tissue around osseointegrated implants in partial edentulous patients.
Keun Sik JUNG ; Sung Bin LIM ; Chin Hyung CHUNG
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 1997;27(3):561-573
The keratinized mucosa around the implant is an important key in health of soft tissue and hard tissue. The purpose of this study is showed that the keratinized mucosa is associated with the keratinized mucosa index, plaque index, gingival index, probing depth. which is investigated to observing the peri-implant mucosa of mandibular partial edentulous patuent using periodontal parameter by previously published paper. It was estimated 6 site with regard to 80 fixture for 28 person, and the average age is 46.8. Each estimation is the order of less trauma, that is, plaque index, keratinized mucosa index, gingival index and probing depth. In this study, statstically analyzed treatment is used for Spss V 7.0 for Windows(Spss Inc, USA). The Kruskal Walis Test is used to compare the amount of the keratinized mucosa is into the 0~3 index, with plaque index, gingival index and probing depth. Mann-whitney Test is used to interpreate the relation of plaque index and probing depth, which is showed significant difference. The Result are as follows 1. The kertinized mucosa index 3 amounts to 47.7%, which is much higher than the other indices and the index order is followed 3, 1, 2 and 0. 2. The plaque index 1 amounts to 61.7%, which is much higher than the other indices and the index order is followed 1, 2, 3 and 0. The plaque index 0 is significant to each of index(P<0.05). The plaque index is decrease as the keratinized mucosa index is increased. 3. The probing depth for 2mm, 1mm, 3mm is 48.9%, 23.5%, 16.8% respectively, which is most occupied. The probing depth 2mm and 3mm for the keratinized mucosa index is significant(P<0.05). The probing index is decreased as the keratinized mucosa index is increased. 4. The gingival index 0 amounts to 58.0%, which is much higher than the other indices and the index order is followed 0, 1, 2 and 3.
Mucous Membrane
Periodontal Index
9.Surgical Effect of Medpor in the Reconstruction of Orbital Wall Fracture.
Hee Kyu KIM ; Heung Sik LIM ; Wha Sun CHUNG
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1998;39(4):623-630
The records of the patients with the orbital wall fracture were reviewed from January 1985 through December 1994 in the Department of Ophthalmology, Yeungnam University Medical Center. Eighteen patients were repaired orbital wall fracture using Medpor and 44 patients were repaired orbital wall fracture using silicone plate. Surgical effect of Medpor was evaluated and compared with that of silicone plate in the reconstruction of orbital wall fracture. Postoperative improvement of diplopia, extraocular muscle movement, enophthalmos and complications were evaluated after the follow-up period of 6 months. The incidence of the orbital fracture was more common in men than in women(p<0.05). The traffic accident was the most common cause of the wall fracture and the most common combined lesion was the lid laceration. The most common fracture site were the inferior wall, and combined medial and inferior walls. There were no significant difference between the two materials in improvement of limitation of the extraocular movement and diplopia(p>0.05). the improvement of enophthalmos were 1.2mm in case of Medpor and 1.1mm in silicone plate, but the difference between the two materials was insignificant(p>0.05). Six cases (33%) of the Medpor group and the nine cases (20%) of the silicone plate group caused the infraorbital hypoesthesia, but there was no significant diference between the two groups(p>0.05). Prolapse of the implant was noted in one case of silicone plate implantation, but it was not found in any case of Medpor implantation yet. Postoperative complications such as retrobulbar hematoma, optic nerve injury and lower eyelid retraction were not noted in the two procedures. In this study, Medpor revealed similar surgical effect as silicone palte in reconstruction of orbital wall fracture. However, Medpor has a remarkable characteristic of fibrovascular ingrowth keeping from prolapse or dislocation. Therefore it could be the most ideal implant for the repair of the orbital wall fracture at present.
Academic Medical Centers
Accidents, Traffic
Follow-Up Studies
Optic Nerve Injuries
Orbital Fractures
Postoperative Complications
10.In vitro NMR spectroscopy of high-energy phosphorus metabolism in the forearm muscle comparison between elite athletes and sedentari- es.
Tae Hwan LIM ; Myung Jin SHIN ; Duck Cheon YE ; Tae Keun LEE ; Yun YI ; Young Soo JIN ; Dong Sik CHUNG
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1991;27(6):873-880
No abstract available.
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy*