OBJECTIVE:To observe the effects of Galangin,Magnolol,Curcumin,Camptothecine,Matrine and Ginsenoside Rg1 on cell line S180 and the interaction of two-drug combination and three-drug combination.METHODS:The inhibitions of effective chemical compositions(ECCs)in Chinese material medicine on S180 cells were measured by MTT assay.The principle of the interaction between various ECCs and the possibility of drug combination were discussed.The sum of fractional inhibitory concentration(SFIC)and ostensible inhibition(OI)methods were used for evaluation of the interaction between various ECCs.RESULTS:Both the combination of Camptothecine and Matrine,and the combination of Camptothecine and Galangin by 1:1 proportion showed obvious synergism.IC50 of the combination of Camptothecine and Matrine is 2.918? g? mL-1,IC50 of the combination of Camptothecine and Galangin is 56.49? g? mL-1.Combination of all three compounds and other combination of two compounds showed antagonism.CONCLUSION:Synergistic and antagonistic effects exist in combinations of ECCs in Chinese material medicine.