1.Recognizable koebner phemohomena in erythema multiforme:Report of Five cases.
Chul Wook KWON ; Young Tae KIM ; Chang Woo LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(4):581-585
The isomorphic response of Koebner is a well-known phenomenon commonly associated with psoriafsis, but it has been also descrilbed in conjunction with a host of other disordered. We described five cases of erythema multiforme showing lesions of easily recognizsble Koebnei phenomena. Traumas to the skin do not cause erythema multiforme, however when a patient is in an active stage of the disease, physieal factor such as traumas occuring in normsl daly-life may contribute to the distribution of skin lesions as have been seen in our patients ; clinicians should aware of this point for better understanding of clinical features in erythema multiforme.
Erythema Multiforme
2.A Comparative Study of Positive Culture Rates Between Urethral Discharge and Urinay Sediment for the Diagnosing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Chul Wook KWON ; Young Suck RO ; Jae Hong KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1995;33(1):53-58
BACKGROUND: Although the culture of urethral discharge using a cutton swab is regarded as one of the most sensitive and reliable diagnostic methods of gonorrhea, it may give pain or diagnostic methods of gonorrhea, it may give pain or discomfort to patients, and its detection rate may be influenced by the examiner's technical ability. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the positive culture rates between ure4thral discharge and urinary sediment for the diagnosing of Neisseria gonorrheae. METHODS: We compared this technique with the culture of urethral discharge using the specimens from 357 male patients with gonococcal infection at VD clinic of Jungku Pvblic Health center in Seoul from Jan 1991 to Jun 1993. RESULTS: The culture of urinary sediment was positive in 339 of 357(94.95), whereas the culture of urethral discharge was positive in 346 of 357(96.95). However, these data have no statistical significance(P<0.05). The obe observed sensitivity and specificity of culture of urinary sediment comjpared to culture of urethral discharge were 97.75 and 90.9%, respectively. The predictive value of positive and negative test compared to the culture of urethral discharge were 99.7% and 55.65, respectively. As our data showed low negative predictive value, a negative culture result of urinary sediment does not always imply a negative culture result of urethral discharge. CONCLUSION: Therefore, at present, the previous method of the culture of urethral discharge is more highly recommended and further studies for this diagnostic and/or new method of gonorrhea based on larger group of patients is encouraged.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae*
Sensitivity and Specificity
3.Musculoskeletal Problems in Pregnancy.
Yong Wook KWON ; Jong Chul CHOI ; Jongmin LEE ; Jae Chul SIM
Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1999;23(6):1236-1241
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the frequency, nature and risk factors of musculoskeletal problems in pregnancy. METHOD: We obtained the information through a questionnaire and physical examination of full-term (gestational age over 38 weeks) pregnant women. Prevalence, onset time, severity and risk factors of musculoskeletal problems were analyzed. RESULTS: Among the 70 pregnant women, 37 women (53%) complained of low back pain which was the most common musculoskeletal problem in pregnancy. Other problems were hand symptoms (31%), lower extremity joint pain (31%), leg cramp (29%), chest pain, shoulder pain and neck pain. Previous history of low back pain was significantly correlated with the occurrence of low back pain in pregnancy. Weight gain during pregnancy and amount of time of housework during pregnancy were significantly correlated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnant women suffering from leg cramp were significantly old in age. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of musculoskeletal problems during pregnancy was relatively high and several risk factors were related with occurrence of those problems. So, prophylactic risk factor control would be necessary to reduce musculoskeletal problems during pregnancy.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chest Pain
Low Back Pain
Lower Extremity
Muscle Cramp
Neck Pain
Physical Examination
Pregnant Women
Surveys and Questionnaires
Risk Factors
Shoulder Pain
Weight Gain
4.Linear scleroderma occurring in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: short report.
Chang Woo LEE ; Chul Wook KWON ; Dae Hyun YOO ; Seong Yoon KIM
Journal of Korean Medical Science 1994;9(2):197-199
A 38-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus had developed a cutaneous lesion of linear scleroderma on the forehead 4 years after the diagnosis of lupus erythematosus. This case of coexistence of the two diseases can be regarded as a clinical variant of the connective tissue disease-overlap syndrome.
Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/*complications
Scleroderma, Localized/*complications
5.Ankle Syndesmotic Injury.
Heui Chul GWAK ; Young wook KWON
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society 2011;15(4):187-194
Ankle injuries may involve the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis and can be associated with a variable degree of trauma to the soft tissue and osseous structures that play an important role in ankle joint stability. Ankle syndesmotic injury may occur solely as a soft tissue injury or in association with variable ankle fractures. Ankle syndesmotic injury does not necessarily lead to ankle instability; however, the coexistence of deltoid ligament injury critically destabilizes the ankle joint. The prevalence of these injuries may be higher than previously reported. The diagnosis of syndesmotic injury as not always easy because isolated ankle sprains may be missed in the absence of a frank diastasis and syndesmotic instability may be unnoticed in the presence of bimalleolar ankle fractures. Controversies arise at almost every phase of treatment includings : type of fixation(screw size, type of implant), number of cortices required for fixation and of need for hardware removal. Regardless of controversies, the most important goal should be restore and maintain the normal tibiofibular relationship to allow for healing of the ligamentous structures of the syndesmosis.
Ankle Injuries
Ankle Joint
Soft Tissue Injuries
Sprains and Strains
6.Evaluation of The Result After PCL Reconstruction Using TIBIAL INLAY Method.
Dong Chul LEE ; Soon KWON ; Wook Jin SON
Journal of the Korean Knee Society 2002;14(1):82-89
PURPOSE: To evaluate postoperative knee joint function, activity, stability and complications of the patients who had taken PCL reconstruction with tibial inlay method which has the advantages of firm tibial fixation and no killer turn. METHODS: From August 1998 to September 2000, tibial inlay method of PCL reconstruction was used in 20 patients who could be followed over 15 months. The Lysholm score and Tegner activity score was applied for the function and activity of the patients, KT-2000 arthrometer and posterior stress X-ray was used for the stability of the knee joint. RESULTS: 1) Lysholm score: the mean value of the preoperative score was 40.7 and the postoperative score was 83.8(Excellent 3, Good 9, Fair 7, Poor 1). 2) Tegner activity score: 1.9 of preoperative score was improved to 3.8. 3) The posterior displacement on the preoperative stress X-ray to compare with normal side showed 17 cases of grade III, 3 of grade IV(mean 13.6 mm). The postoperative posterior displacement showed 16 cases of grade I, 4 of grade II( mean 3.6 mm). 4) The side to side difference of KT -2000 arthrometer between affected and normal side was 2.4 mm under loading of 20 lb. 5) The difference of Quadriceps circumference between normal and affected side was 2.2cm and post-operative range of motion revealed slight extension limitation (10 degrees) in reconstruction group. CONCLUSION: Although disadvantages of inlay method are technical difficulty and risk of neurovascular injury and intraoperative positioning, tibial inlay method is thought to be an excellent option for PCL reconstuction with its advantages no killer turn and firm tibial fixation.
Knee Joint
Posterior Cruciate Ligament
Range of Motion, Articular
7.Randomized comparison of the effects of the endocervical and the vaginal prostaglandinE2 in women with various degrees of cervical ripeness.
Mi Ran SANG ; Yong Il KWON ; Tae Chul PARK ; Dong Jin KWON ; Yong Suk LEE ; Tae Wook BAE ; Jin Woo LEE ; Su Pyung KIM
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999;42(10):2176-2181
OBJECTIVES: The trial was performed to obtain an unbiased comparison of the relative merits of endocervical and vaginal prostaglandin E2(PGE2) in the case of parous and nulliparous woman with favorable and unfavorable cervical features. This study was performed to determine the clinical usefullness of endocervical PGE2 comparing with the vaginal PGE2 in cervical ripening and induction of labor. METHOD: The randomized trial with 65 Participants was performed with sealed envelopes for parity and Bishop score (from March to september, 1998). PGE2 tablet(3mg Dinoprostone) was administrated intravaginally to the 32 pregnant women and endocervically to the 33 pregnant women every eight hours with maximum three times until the regular labor develped. RESULT: Outcomes of labor and delivery were clearly related to cervical score at trial entry. endocerval PGE2 had a more marked effect on cervical ripeness than did vaginal PGE2. There were no significant differences on age distribution, gestatioanal period, primiparity, cervical status, initial B-score in each group. There were no significant differences in cesarian section rate, fetal distress, uterine hyperstimulation, side effect and poor infant outcome between the groups The mean induction time was statistically shorter in cervical group with multiparous women than other group(p=0.0195). In the induction-active labor time, cervical with primi group was statistically shorter than other group(p=0.0245). Statistically significant differences were noted between the nulliparous woman and multiparous women in mean induction time, induction-active labor time, time to B-score 8. In the factor that effects induction-active labor, route was significantly better than other factor.(p=0.0001) CONCLUSION: edocervical PGE2 is more effctive than vaginal PGE2 in cervical ripening and induction of active labor. the endocervical PGE2 resulted in a significantly shorter induction to active labor time compared with vaginal PGE2 and has almost no side effect. Because differences in effectiveness between endocervical and vaginal PGE2 are marginal, preference of woman and clinicians can the choice between them.
Age Distribution
Cervical Ripening
Fetal Distress
Pregnant Women
8.Change of Cardiac Metabolism according to Atrial Pacing.
Seong Wook HAN ; Yoon Nyun KIM ; Seung Ho HUR ; Dae Woo HYUN ; So Young PARK ; Yi Chul SYNN ; Kee Sik KIM ; Kwon Bae KIM ; Ki Young KWON
Korean Circulation Journal 1997;27(6):608-617
BACKGROUND: In aerometabolic process, the human heart mainly utilizes free acid as fuel. During anaerobic process, lactate production by the myocardium is increased and accumulates in the myocardium. Thus it decreases the contractility of myocadium. Therefore in patients with ischemic heart disease, lactate prodution must be increased by the myocardium during myocardial ischemia. During paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, patients frequently experience chest pain and ST segment depression suggesting acute myocardial ischemia. However it occurs on a physiologic basis independent of ischemia. The purpose of this study was to assess whether tachycardia induced by artial pacing produces myocardial ischemia in patients without evidence of ischemic heart disease. METHODS: Between May 28, 1996 and August 13, 1996, at the University of Keimyung, Dong-San Medical center, 15 patients(male 9, female 6, mean age of 38 years) with palpititation underwent electrophysiologic testing and had radiofrequency cather ablation. There were no evidence of ischemic heart disease. Right artrial pacing was done with lengths of 500msec, 400msec and 350msec in each 5 patients. A 12 lead electrdcardiogram, left ventricular enddiastolic pressure, blood from femoral artery and coronary sinus for lactate determinations and blood gas analysis were dbtained simultaneously. They were obtained at baseline, at 1, 5, 10 and 15 minute of atrial pacing and at 1, 5, 10 minute after cessation of pacing. RESULT: Significant changes were not observed in , , concentration of , pH and saturation. In all patients, mean percent lactate extraction was above 10% and not significantly changed during atrial pacing. However ST segment depression was significantly progressive during atrial pacing and according to decrease the cycle length(p<0.05), also left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was significantly decreased during atrial pacing(p<0.05). Conclusion: Therefore tachycardia induced by atrial pacing for 15 minutes did not produce myocardial ischemia in patients without evidence of ischemic heart disease. Depression of STsegment during supraventricular tachycardia or atrial pacing, in patient without underlying heart disease is necessary to inveestigate what makes this phenomenon.
Blood Gas Analysis
Blood Pressure
Chest Pain
Coronary Sinus
Femoral Artery
Heart Diseases
Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Lactic Acid
Myocardial Ischemia
Tachycardia, Supraventricular
9.Discrepant Frequency of Rh Subtype and Kell Blood Group Antigens between Korean Pregnant Women and Their Neonates.
Nan Young LEE ; Jang Soo SUH ; Dong Wook RYANG ; Han Chul SON ; Kye Chul KWON ; Bong Jae YOO
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1998;9(1):37-43
BACKGROUND: The causes of hemolytic disease of the newborn are discrepancies of ABO group, Rh(D) or other RBC antigens. The discrepancies of Rh subgroups except Rh(D) and K typing can be seen rarely. The clinical symptoms of those types are mild and most clinicians have no interest in them. However, there exist some serious cases that need exchange transfusion. For that, we detected Rh subgroup phenotyping and Kell typing in blood obtained from cord and pregnant women and the frequency of discrepancy. METHODS: We examined the cord and mother's blood collected from 317 pregnant women from May to November, 1997. Rh(D) typing was done using slide method with anti-D (Dade, USA), and other Rh subgroup phenotyping using column agglutination test on MicroTyping system with Rh-K gel card (DiaMed, Switzerland). Irregular antibody screening was done in the cases of discrepancy. RESLUTS: The most frequent phenotype of Rh subgroup was CDe (41.3%) and then CcDEe (39.3%), but the K typing showed 0%. 90 cases of 317 pair-samples (28.4%) showed discrepancies between pregnant women and their neonates. The most frequent type of Rh discrepancy was c+E (50%) and then C or E (11.1%). 62 cord samples which obtained from neonates of Kyungpook and Chonnam provinces showed discrepancies, were all negative in the irregular antibody screening test. CONCLUSIONS: Rh subgroup phenotyping and irregular antibody screening in cord blood by column agglutination test is thought to be helpful in early diagnosis and treatment of hemolytic disease of the newborn, as a sufficient amount of cord blood can be collected easily rather than neonatal blood.
Agglutination Tests
Blood Group Antigens*
Early Diagnosis
Fetal Blood
Infant, Newborn*
Mass Screening
Pregnant Women*
10.Prevalence of PPNG in Seoul ( 1993 ).
Jae Hong KIM ; Jin Bok KIM ; Chul Wook KWON ; Young Tae KIM ; Joong Hwan KIM ; Chae Soo KIM ; Sung In CHO ; Hak Kyu LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1995;33(2):275-279
BACKGROUND: In recent years gonorrhea has been panendemic and remains one of the most common STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. OBJECTIVE & METHOD: For the detection of a more effective teripeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, will have been trying to study the paieits who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. RESULTS: In 1993, 187 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, ar, ong which 139(74.3%) were PPNG. CONCLUSION: Our results suggests that the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is still increasing.
Developing Countries
Public Health
Sexually Transmitted Diseases