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Author:(Christine NGUYEN)

1.Heart Disease and Occupational Risk Factors in the Canadian Population: An Exploratory Study Using the Canadian Community Health Survey.

Behdin NOWROUZI-KIA ; Anson K C LI ; Christine NGUYEN ; Jennifer CASOLE

Safety and Health at Work 2018;9(2):144-148

2.Emergency department patient experience: Same location, same provider, different scores by different survey methods

Wirachin Hoonpongsimanont ; Preet Kaur Sahota ; Yanjun Chen ; Maria Nguyen ; Christine Louis ; Jonathan Pena ; Andrew Wong ; Maxwell Jen

World Journal of Emergency Medicine 2019;10(3):138-144

3.Controversy and Consensus on the Management of Elevated Sperm DNA Fragmentation in Male Infertility: A Global Survey, Current Guidelines, and Expert Recommendations

Ala’a FARKOUH ; Ashok AGARWAL ; Taha Abo-Almagd Abdel-Meguid HAMODA ; Parviz KAVOUSSI ; Ramadan SALEH ; Armand ZINI ; Mohamed ARAFA ; Ahmed M. HARRAZ ; Murat GUL ; Vilvapathy Senguttuvan KARTHIKEYAN ; Damayanthi DURAIRAJANAYAGAM ; Amarnath RAMBHATLA ; Florence BOITRELLE ; Eric CHUNG ; Ponco BIROWO ; Tuncay TOPRAK ; Ramy Abou GHAYDA ; Rossella CANNARELLA ; Nguyen Ho Vinh PHUOC ; Fotios DIMITRIADIS ; Giorgio I. RUSSO ; Ioannis SOKOLAKIS ; Taymour MOSTAFA ; Konstantinos MAKAROUNIS ; Imad ZIOUZIOU ; Shinnosuke KURODA ; Marion BENDAYAN ; Raneen Sawaid KAIYAL ; Andrian JAPARI ; Mara SIMOPOULOU ; Lucia ROCCO ; Nicolas GARRIDO ; Nazim GHERABI ; Kadir BOCU ; Oguzhan KAHRAMAN ; Tan V. LE ; Christine WYNS ; Kelton TREMELLEN ; Selcuk SARIKAYA ; Sheena LEWIS ; Donald P. EVENSON ; Edmund KO ; Aldo E. CALOGERO ; Fahmi BAHAR ; Marlon MARTINEZ ; Andrea CRAFA ; Quang NGUYEN ; Rafael F. AMBAR ; Giovanni COLPI ; Mustafa Emre BAKIRCIOGLU

The World Journal of Men's Health 2023;41(4):809-847

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