1.Surgical Correction of Foot Drop in Leprosy
Joo Choul IHIN ; Soo Young LEE
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1970;5(2):69-72
Foot drop from paralysis of the muscles of the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg is common in leprosy. Surgical correction of foot drop in leprosy appears to have been neglected until Brand pointed out that anterior transposition of the tibialis posterior tendon to the intermediate cuneiform bone gave encouraging results. Many methods of correcting the functional problems associated with a foot drop have been tried with the object of providing a foot that is stable and socially acceptable. Fifteen cases of foot drop admitted to the Hospital of Leprosy Mission in Taegu, Korea during past 3 years from 1965 to 1968 were reviewed.
Tarsal Bones
2.A Clinical Analysis on Malgaigne Fracture (15 Cases)
Joo Choul IHIN ; Soo Young LEE
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1970;5(2):55-58
Malgaigne fracture is relatively rare and has many difficult problems for treatment. The author reviewed 15 cases of Malgaigne fracture treated at the orthopedic department of Kyungpook National University Hospital during the period from January 1963 to July 1969, and analyzed as to the cause of injury by mechanical forces, type of fracture, average duration for treatment, complication and end results. The clinical results were obtained as follows: 1. The causes of injury were mostly traffic accident (66.6%), cool miner accident (20%) and falling and stumbling(13.4%). 2. Males are roughly 5 times more frequent than females and almostly 4th to 5th decade of life. 3. Vertical shear type is the most common type in this series and had not been experienced the type of total pelvic disruption. 4. The most common complication is bladder and urethral injury and experienced a case of multiple long bone fracture. 5. All cases were treated by skeletal traction except 2 cases which were treated by skin traction. 6 Time of traction is 8 to 16 weeks (average 12 weeks) and observation was done 10 of 15 cases for 2 to 25 months (average 15 months).
Accidental Falls
Accidents, Traffic
Fractures, Bone
Urinary Bladder
3.Apet's Syndrome (Acrocephalosyndactyly. Report of A case)
Do Soo PARK ; Joo Choul IHIN ; Soo Young LEE ; Ik Dong KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1972;7(4):495-498
It was in 1906 that Apert first described in detail the detail the group of deformities which now bears his name. He proposed the name Acrocephalosyndactly for this syndrome and presented a case he had personally examined in 1896 as well as a review of similar cases reported prior to his publication. since that time Acrocephalosyndactyly and Apert's syndrome have become synonymous. More than 200 cases have been reported in the world literature. The purpose of this article is to report an additional case along with review of previous literatures.
Congenital Abnormalities
4.Delayed palsy of Posterior Interosseous Nerve due to compression of the Arcade of Frohse and old anterior dislocation of the radial head
Do Soo PARK ; Joo Choul IHIN ; Soo Young LEE ; Ik Dong KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1972;7(4):460-464
A cause for spontaneous paralysis of the posterior interosseous nerve has been sought for many years. In recent times an increasing number of reports on this subject has appeared. This paper describes a probable anatomical factor, the arcade of Frohse, in non-traumatic progressive paralysis of the posterior interosseous nerve. Though this arcade, described by Frohse (Frohse and Fraenkel 1908), the posterior interosseous nerve passes to enter the plane between the two heads of the supinator muscle. In this case, the arcade of Frohse may well play in causing progressive paralysis of the posterior interosseous nerve, with old anterior dislocation of the radial head. Paralysis of the muscles supplied by this nerve with no evidence of recovery should be treated by exploration and splitting of the arcade of Frohse.
5.Two Case Reports of Bone-invading Basal Cell Carcinoma.
Kwang Choul LEE ; Dong Jin CHOI ; Ki Taek HAN ; Ik Soo CHANG ; Chong Kun LEE
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1999;26(2):300-305
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer, especially on the eyelid and nose. As it rarely invades to a underlying bone or metastasizes an distant site, and is usually found at an early stage, it is regarded as a curative disease. However, basal cell carcinoma on the eyelid and nose may be resected incompletely due to efforts to preserve important structures or as a result of esthetic considerations. We experienced two cases of basal cell carcinoma with local invasion to underlying bone. One was a recurred case on the nasal area extending to the nasal bone arts medial wall of the ethmoid sinus. The lesion was widely resected and covered with a radial forearm free flap. The other was on the eyelid extending to the orbit. It was treated with orbital exenteration and resection of the involved eyelid. The defect was reconstructed with the temporalis muscle flap with split-thickness skin graft. These patients were followed up for 7 months with no evidence of recurrence. Since basal cell carcinoma can invade to the bone and metastasize to a distance site, it should be resected radically in the regions of the eyelid and nose.
Carcinoma, Basal Cell*
Ethmoid Sinus
Free Tissue Flaps
Nasal Bone
Skin Neoplasms
6.Epidemiology of Traffic Accidents
Ik Dong KIM ; Joo Choul IHIN ; Soo Young LEE ; Kwaeng Woo KWON ; Jin Sik LEE
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1979;14(3):416-425
A retrospective study has been made of 6,184 cases of motor vehicle accidents which had been reported to Automobile Insurance Co., Taegu Branch, from Jan. 1,1977 to Dec. 31, 1977. It was considered necessary to find out some preventive measures which could be obtained from the epidemiological facts. The aim of this study was not to indicate direct preventive measures but to focus attention on fields in which best results should be given by the preventive measures. Third decade of age group showed the highest numbers of accident casualties, as much as 23%, and preschool age group showed 5%. Casualties showed a maximum during the winter and a minimum during the summer. Highest occurrence of accidents was on Saturday, 17.5% and least on Friday, 11.1%. On working days, highest occurrence was during afternoon and early evening(4 p.m.–9 a.m.), coinciding with the time for home-bound traffic after work and another maximum at an hour before curfew. There was smaller increse in occurrence at the time when people go to work in the morning. Least accidents occurred in the early hours of the morning. In the 2,751 accidents involving dollision between motor vehicles, sustained injuries-i.e;48.1% of the total casualties in passengers in vehicles and a much higher incidence than in accidents involving pedestrians. In accidents involving pedestrians in the urban area, 51.2% of casualties sustained injuries on the street and 39% at pedestrians crossings. Accidents involving collision between motor vehicles and bicycles accounted for 17.2% of casualties in the urban area. Of these, 79.2% were injured in accidents on the street, and in general, the injuries were more serious than those sustained by passengers in cars.
Accidents, Traffic
Motor Vehicles
Retrospective Studies
7.Patella Position in the Normal Knee Joint
Ik Dong KIM ; Joo Choul IHIN ; Soo Young LEE ; Koing Woo KWON ; Chang LEE
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1981;16(1):28-32
Patella position in the normal knee jolnt has been discussed by many authors such as Boon-Itt 1930, Blumensaat 1938, and Insall 1971. But measure with Boon-Itt's method was so complicated and with Blumensaat's was denied by others due to inefficacy. Insall suggested more simple and clinically applicable method that was based on the fact that patellar tendon is inelastic. Now, we measured 100 healthy Korean knee accordlng to Insall's method. The following results were obtained in the study, 1. The length of the patellar tendon is 4.45 In males, 4.08 In females, and 4.26±0.40 cm. in average. (p<0.001) 2. The length of the patella is 4.51 in males, 4.09 In females, 4.36±0.40 cm. in average. (p<0.001) 3. The length of the patellar tendon (LT) and the dlagonal length of the pattella (LP) are almost same (LT: LP is 0.99 in both males and females, 98% of normal knees are contained within the difference of +20%). Difference above this limit may mean high-riding patella. 4. Blumensaats line on the distal femur doesnt pass the lower pole of the patella but the Iine passes 1 cm. below it in average. 5. The length of the patella (LP) and of the width of the femoral condyles at Blumensaat's line (WCBL) are almost same. When LP is markedly decreased in comparison with WCBL, this case may suggest hypoplasia of the patella. 6. Height of insertion of the patellar tendon (Hl) dlffers among various indlviduals. Its length is cllnically not so significant.
Knee Joint
Patellar Ligament
8.A Case of Severe Hypersensitivity Reaction to Para-Amino Salicyic Acid
Jung Sup EUM ; Soo Young LEE ; Joo Choul IHIN ; Ik Dong KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1972;7(4):481-484
Hypersensitivity reactions against para-aminos alicylic have been recorded infrequently in the literature. It is the purpose of this report to emphasize the possible occurence of severe reactions which may result in death if unrecognized. The recognition of the early signs and symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction to antituberculous drugs is all important because serious consequences can ensue from continued administration of the drug after the first sign of a reaction. This case present acute liver failure as part of a generalized hypersensititivity reaction to para-aminosalicylic acid, based on clinical findings liver function test, course and response to cortison derivatives.
Aminosalicylic Acid
Liver Failure, Acute
Liver Function Tests
9.Clinical Analysis fo the Postoperative Infection in Traumatic Patients
Ik Dong KIM ; Joo Choul IHIN ; Soo Young LEE ; Yeng Hyun PAK
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976;11(1):19-28
Clinical analysis of ths pcstoperative infection has been made on 511 traumatic patients, who had been admitted and operated in Orthopedic Department of Kyungpook National University Hospital during the period from January, 1972 to June, 1975. The following results were obtained. 1. Of the total 511 traumatic patients operated, 39 cases were infected, the infection rate being 7.6%. 2. The infection rate was higher (21.2%) in case of mutiple trauma than single trauma(3.6%) and also higher rate of infection was seen in the open wound(8.7%) than closed one(4.1%). 3. The most frequently involved sites of the trauma were the tibia and the femur occupying 51.9% of the total, and the next were the forearm and hand in decreasing order, but the highest infection rate was seen in the cases with hand injury(11.6%). 4. The incidence of infection was 15.7% in the debrided wound of crushing injury 14.0% in the cases with open fracture, and 4.1% in the closed fracture. 5. In relation to the operating time consumed, the infection rate was 5.0% in the cases of less. than 2 hours but it rose up to 9.4% when operation time exceeded 4hours, suggesting that the longer is the operating time the higher is the infection rate. 6. The infection rate was relatively low in the open wounds operated within 6 hours after injury and also it is low when operation was done within 1 week in case of closed wound. 7. Of the isolated microorganisms, tho coagulase positive staphylococcus was the most frequent offender occupying 33.3% of the total, and was relatively sensitive to kanamycin, vibramycin, and albamycin. The next frequent organism was pseudomonas and was relatively sensitive to gentamicin.
Fractures, Closed
Fractures, Open
Wounds and Injuries
10.Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Report of one case
Ik Dong KIM ; Joo Choul IHIN ; Soo Young LEE ; Jong Koo CHUNG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1977;12(3):507-512
Primary hyperparathyroidism is chronic disease which exhibits variable complex of symptoms suggestive of multiple system involvement. The authors have treated a case of primary hyperparathyroidism which was caused by parathyroid adenoma. The patient, 48 years old male, has been complained of back pain and polyarthralgia for five years. Radiologically, subperiosteal resorption along the radial margin of the middle phalanges and disappearance of lamina dura were noticed. In laboratory findings, serum calcium was increased, serum phosphate was decreased and alkaline phosphatase was markedly increased. Parathyroid adenoma was excised under the diagnosis of parathyroid adenoma. Four months after removal of parathyroid adenoma, improvement was noted in clinical feature, laboratory findings and radiologic findings of bone.
Alkaline Phosphatase
Back Pain
Chronic Disease
Hyperparathyroidism, Primary
Parathyroid Neoplasms