1.Traumatic Floating Clavicle: A Case Report
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2012;6(2):57-59
Shoulder girdle injuries after high energy traumatic impacts to the shoulder have been well documented. Based on the series of 1603 injuries of the shoulder girdle reported by Cave and colleagues, 85% of the dislocations were glenohumeral, 12% acromioclavicular and 3%
sternoclavicular 1. Less frequently described are injuries
involving both the sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular
joints simultaneously in one extremity. The present report
discusses a case of traumatic floating clavicle associated
with ipsilateral forearm and wrist injury which was treated
2.Functional Outcome after Treatment of Aggressive Tumours in the Distal Radius: Comparison between Reconstruction using Proximal Fibular Graft and Wrist Fusion
Choo CY ; Mat-Saad AM ; Wan-Azman WS ; Wan Z ; Nor-Azman MZ ; Yahaya S ; Faisham WI
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2018;12(3):19-23
Introduction: Restoration of a functional hand is the ultimate goal following a distal radius tumour resection. The early outcomes of mobile wrist reconstruction are satisfactory; however, long-term results are unpredictable due to late wrist instability and degenerative arthritis. Our aim is to compare mobile wrist reconstruction with wrist fusion (pan-carpal fusion) in our cohort of patients. Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed for functional outcomes of all patients who underwent resection for distal radius tumour and treated with either fusion or reconstruction of the wrist in a single institution from years 2000-2013 with a minimum of three years follow-up. Results: Eleven patients were included in the study, six of whom had wrist reconstruction with proximal fibula graft and the remaining five wrist fusion, with a mean follow-up of 6.3 years. The mean Musculoskeletal Tumour Society (MSTS) score was 82.78%, ranging from 70% to 93.3%. Average grip strength compared to the normal contralateral hand was 60.0% for total wrist fusion, which was better than wrist reconstruction with 58.07%. There was no difference in the functional outcome between fusion and mobile reconstruction in our study. Osteoarthritis changes and subluxation of the wrist joint were the most common findings in the long-term follow-up for this group. Conclusion: There was no difference in the functional outcome of the long-term follow-up between the two groups.