Accidental carbon monoxide poisoning in countries with cold climates is commonly related to indoor
heating. This condition appears to be relatively uncommon in tropical Asian countries and therefore
the diagnosis may be unsuspected. We report a case of a Malaysian patient who presented with a
severe, and ultimately fatal, delayed (biphasic) neuropsychiatric syndrome due to carbon monoxide
poisoning. The diagnosis was made only when a history compatible with carbon monoxide poisoning
subsequently surfaced, and neuroimaging demonstrated the typical pallidal lesions, associated with
marked leukoencephalopathy, seen in this condition. Our case is unique because the poisoning occurred
in the setting of indoor operation of a portable electricity generator in a karaoke centre because of
power failure. Karaoke is a highly popular form of entertainment in many parts of Asia and we suggest
that a high index of suspicion of carbon monoxide poisoning is required in this setting.