1.Study on interventions based on systematic ecological system construction to interrupt transmission of schistosomiasis in hilly endemic regions
Jia XU ; Xuexiang WAN ; Lin CHEN ; Bo ZHONG ; Yi ZHANG
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):648-652,663
Objective To study the effectiveness of comprehensive control measures based on systematic ecological system construction to interrupt the transmission of schistosomiasis in hilly endemic regions in Sichuan Province ,so as to provide the ev?idence for adjustment of schistosomiasis prevention and control strategies. Methods A high endemic area of schistosomiasis, Panao Township of Dongpo District in Meishan City,was selected as a demonstration area. The comprehensive measures for schistosomiasis control with focus on systematic ecological management were implemented,and the income of residents,index?es of schistosomiasis control effect and so on were investigated before and after the intervention and the results were compared. Results The project based on systematic ecological system construction started in 2009 and 317.351 million Yuan was put into the construction. The construction included economic forest plant base(1 866.68 hm2,72.66%of the total farmland areas),eco?logical protection gardens(585.35 hm2)and so on. Totally 97.04% of historical areas with Oncomelania hupensis snails were comprehensively improved. In 2015,the peasants' pure income per capita increased 4 938 Yuan,with the average annual growth rate of 14.69%. All the farm cattle were replaced by the machine. The benefit rate of water improvement was increased by 52.84%and the coverage rate of harmless toilets increased by 18.30%. The positive rate of serological tests for schistosomiasis decreased from 7.69%to 3.50%,and the positive rate of parasitological tests decreased from 1.18%to 0. The area with snails was decreased from 23.33 hm2 to 0. The awareness rate of schistosomiasis control knowledge and correct behavior rate of the resi? dents increased from 85.50%and 82.60%to 95.70%and 93.90%respectively. Conclusions The comprehensive schistosomia?sis control measures based on systematic ecological management are conform to the currently actual schistosomiasis prevention and control work in hilly endemic regions,and have good ecological economic benefit and schistosomiasis control effectiveness, which provide an effectively new model of prevention and control for advancing process,consolidating the effect,finally realiz?ing goal of interruption and elimination of schistosomiasis in hilly endemic regions.
2.Analysis of results of technique competition for parasitic disease diagnosis in Class A tertiary hospitals in Jiangxi Province,2015
Shuying XIE ; Weisheng JIANG ; Yanfeng GONG ; Dong LI ; Fei HU ; Chunqin HANG ; Weiming LAN ; Xiaojun ZENG
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):717-720,728
Objective To understand the capability of parasitic disease diagnosis among professionals from the clinic labora?tory of Class A tertiary hospitals in Jiangxi Province. Methods The teams that took part in the competition were formed from 20 Class A tertiary hospitals,with 2 contestants per team. The competition contents included written examination and skill opera?tion. The written examination involved the life cycle of parasites,immunological basis,detecting techniques,etiological diagno?sis etc.,and the skill operation involved making and dying thin and thick blood smears,making Kato?Katz’s fecal thick smears, as well as microscopic examinations of smears. Results A total of 40 participants took part in the competition. Their total aver?age score was 97.3±22.4 with the pass rate of 15.0%,in which the mean score of theoretical knowledge was 56.6±12.8 with the pass rate of 52.5%,and the mean score of skill operation was 40.8±12.4 with the pass rate of 5.0%. In the written examination, the scoring rate of the life cycle of soil?transmitted helminths was the highest(90.0%),and the rate of the basic knowledge of food?borne parasites was the lowest(31.5%). Both the pass rates of blood smear making and examination were higher than those of Kato?Katz’s thick smears,and the differences were statistically significant( both P<0.05). The detection rates of Plasmodi?um vivax,Plasmodium falciparum,Plasmodium ovale and negative slides of the contestants were 38.8%,45.0%,35.0%and 25.0% respectively. As to the microscopic examination of helminth eggs,the detection rate of Trichuris trichiura egg was the highest(87.5%),and the rate of the Sparganum mansoni egg was the lowest(2.5%). The scores of Kato?Katz’s thick smear making and examination of the contestants from the provincial level hospitals were higher than those from the city level hospitals (both P<0.05),and the score of those from teaching hospitals in Kato?Katz’s thick smear making was higher than that of those from non?teaching hospitals(P < 0.05). Conclusions The technique level of professionals from the clinic laboratory of the Class A tertiary hospitals cannot meet the needs of the diagnosis of parasitic diseases in Jiangxi Province ,which should arouse the attention of the health authorities and hospitals.
3.Investigation on species of Limacodidae on Prunus cerasifera and sycamore in urban area of Wuhu City
Yong HONG ; Ning TAO ; Qiang CHAI ; Chaopin LI
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):711-712,737
Objective To investigate the species of Limacodidae and the biological habits on Prunus cerasifera and sycamore in the urban area of Wuhu City,so as to provide the reference for the prevention and control of the diseases caused by Limacodi?dae. Methods Two observation places were selected in the urban area of Wuhu City,and the survey period of the first observa?tion place(A)was from 2014?5?4 to 2014?11?2,and eucleid caterpillar was observed and collected every Sunday(a total of 27 times);the survey period of the second observation place(B)was from 2014?1?5 to 2014?12?28,and eucleid caterpillar was ob?served and collected every Sunday(a total of 52 times). The eucleid caterpillars were collected by the visual inspection and arti?ficial direct collecting method,and then they were identified and classified by the naked eye direct observation and the direct ob?servation with the help of the anatomical lens in the laboratory. Results There were seven kinds of identified Limacodidae from the two observation places and their occurrence regularity,the species composition ratio,and natural enemies were understood. Conclusions Limacodidae larvae not only are the defoliator of the ornamental forests,but also harm the health of residents, that is they can cause eucleid larva dermatitis. Therefore,we should strengthen the prevention and control of Limacodidae,re?ducing its impact on the lives of the residents.
4.Schistosomiasis surveillance after interruption of schistosomiasis transmis-sion in Xiuzhou District,Jiaxing City
Peihua ZHU ; Jianfeng ZHANG ; Tianbin LUO ; Chunmiao NI ; Ying SHEN ; Huiqing XU
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):689-691,716
Objective To analyze the endemic situation of schistosomiasis after its interruption of transmission in Xiuzhou District,Jiaxing City,Zhejiang Province,so as to provide the references for future surveillance work. Methods The data of schistosomiasis and Oncomelania hupensis snails in Xiuzhou District were collected and analyzed statistically. Results From 1994 to 2015,totally 975 village?times were investigated for O. hupensis snails,and the accumulated area of 4 385.31 hm2 was surveyed. Twenty former snail sites were reoccurring,with an area of 32.61 hm2. An area of 57.71 hm2 was supplied with snail eradication measures. Totally 11 941 snails were dissected and no schistosome infected snails were found. The serum and stool tests were performed to 221 794 and 3 731 residents respectively,and no local infection cases but four imported cases were found. Conclusion The endemic situation of schistosomiasis in Xiuzhou District is stable after the transmission was interrupt?ed. However,there are imported schistosomiasis cases,and therefore,the prevention of imported infection source is the focus of surveillance work.
5.Analyais of Toxoplasma gondii infection and related factors among special population in Changzhou City,Jiangsu Province
Yanli GUO ; Yonggen ZOU ; Dacheng XU ; Wenwei XU ; Yiqing XIE ; Yang DAI ; Mingxue SHEN
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):669-673,698
Objective To understand the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection and related factors among special popu?lation in Changzhou City,so as to provide the evidence for formulating toxoplasmosis prevention measures. Methods The ve?nous blood was collected from participants in Changzhou City for detecting IgG and IgM antibodies against T. gondii by ELISA;and an epidemiological questionnaire investigation was also conducted. Results Among the total 400 respondents detected,the prevalence of T. gondii infection was 15.0%and the positive rates of IgG and IgM were 15.0%and 0.8%,respectively. The T. gondii infection rates of pregnant women,HIV/AIDS patients,patients with neoplasia,and livestock and poultry breeding and processing workers were 11.0%,11.0%,24.0%and 14.0%,respectively. As the age increased,the infection rate of T. gondii showed an upward trend,with the highest infection rate(21.6%)among the group of respondents aged above 50 years. The in?fection rates of groups with different education levels were statistically different(χ2=11.443,P<0.05),and there was a trend that the infection rate decreased with the increase of education level. The prevalence of T. gondii infection in pregnant women was not significantly associated with the number of pregnancies and gestational age. The infection rate of T. gondii in the live?stock and poultry breeding and processing workers increased with the length of their working years. Conclusions The preva?lence of T. gondii infection among the special population in Changzhou City is high. Therefore,it is necessary to enhance the health education on the knowledge and information of prevention and control of toxoplasmosis,and to improve the awareness of personal protection,the hygiene practices and diet habits. In addition,more attention should be paid to T. gondii monitoring in the special population.
6.Epidemiological analysis of malaria prevalence in Nanjing City from 2010 to 2015
Chaoyong XIE ; Yisha HE ; Yanjing LI ; Peicai YANG
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):657-659,686
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of malaria in Nanjing City,so as to provide the evi?dence for further formulating and adjusting the malaria prevention and control strategy. Methods The data of malaria situation, malaria cases and epidemiological investigations were collected from the Internet Reporting System in Nanjing City from 2010 to 2015 and analyzed statistically. Results A total of 137 confirmed malaria cases were reported in Nanjing City from 2010 to 2015,including 102 falciparum malaria cases(74.45%),33 vivax malaria cases(24.09%),one ovale malaria case(0.73%) and one quartan malaria case(0.73%). Among the 137 malaria cases,126 cases(91.97%)were imported from foreign coun?tries,2 cases(1.46%)were infected locally,and nine cases(6.57%)were imported from other provinces in China. Among the 126 overseas imported cases,117 cases were imported from African countries and 9 from Asian countries. These malaria cases were majorly young men working as migrant workers,laborers and technical persons. About 19.30%of the cases went to hospital on onset day,and 55.65%were confirmed by medical institutions as malaria in the same day. The majority of diagnosis institu?tions were municipal hospitals(74.45%). Conclusions The number of malaria cases in Nanjing City is declining year by year. The local infections are eliminating gradually. However,the situation of imported malaria from overseas is still serious. There?fore,the surveillance work and health education still should be strengthened,so as to reduce the risk of imported malaria.
7.Study on cut-off value of IHA method for schistosomiasis diagnosis in differ-ent endemic areas
Fei HU ; Zhaojun LI ; Yifeng LI ; Min YUAN ; Shuying XIE ; Yuemin LIU ; Jianying LI ; Zulu GAO ; Yong PU ; Jinming WANG ; Dandan LIN
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):644-647,682
Objective To explore the cut?off value of the indirect haemagglutination test(IHA)method for schistosomiasis japonica diagnosis in different endemic areas. Methods Totally 55 nature villages of the lake?type endemic counties,Yugan and Xinzi,in Poyang Lake Region of Jiangxi Province were chosen as the study fields,and all the villagers over 5 years old were parallelly examined by Kato?Katz method+miracidial hatching test and IHA method. The detection data were analyzed by the correlation analysis,and the threshold values of the IHA method in different endemic areas were decided by the receiver operat?ing characteristic(ROC)curve. Results The positive rate of stool examinations of the villagers was correlated with the distribu?tion trend of the antibody level of whole population(r=0.588,P<0.05),but no correlation with the antibody level of the posi?tive population(r=0.221,P>0.05). The antibody level of stool?negative population during the period of 2008 to 2011 detect?ed by IHA method dropped year by year,and the annual difference was statistically significant(F=3.650,P<0.05). While the antibody level of stool?positive population found during the period of 2008 to 2011 maintained a certain high level in the 4 years,and there was no statistically significant difference among them(F=2.461,P>0.05). When the positive rates were<1%,1%-5%or>5%,the specificity of diagnosis could be improved when 1∶80,1∶20 and 1∶10 were used as the cut?off val? ues of IHA correspondingly. Conclusion The different threshold values for diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica should be con?sidered while using IHA method to screen out patients in different endemic areas.
8.Pattern analysis of tempo-spatial distribution of schistosomiasis in marsh-land epidemic areas in stage of transmission control
Jingbo XUE ; Shang XIA ; Xia ZHANG ; Hehua HU ; Qiang WANG ; Yibiao ZHOU ; Shizhu LI
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):624-629,643
Objective To investigate the tempo?spatial patterns of schistosomiasis in Jiangling County,Hubei Province,so as to identify the risk areas and provide the scientific evidence in following intervention plans for marshland epidemic areas in the stage of transmission control. Methods The schistosomiasis epidemiological data in Jiangling County from 2009 to 2013 to?gether with the related geographical information were collected and analyzed. The tempo?spatial distribution patterns were ana?lyzed by the spatial autocorrelation analysis and spatial clustering analysis. Results The human infection rate was decreased from 2.15%in 2009 to 0.63%in 2013,which was the historically low level. The results of tempo?spatial analysis showed that there were spatial clustering effects in human schistosomiasis infection for each of the years. The values of spatial autocorrelation index Moran’s I were statistically significant. Eighteen and thirty?five clusters were detected by using SatScan and FlexScan soft?ware,respectively. Conclusions From 2009 to 2013,the schistosomiasis endemic situation in Jiangling County presented a decline trend and reached the historical low level. The identified spatial clustering areas should be targeted as the prioritized ar?eas for schistosomiasis control.
9.Evaluation of health education of medium-and long-term planning of schis-tosomiasis prevention and control in Kunshan City
Hanbing XU ; Chunmei HAN ; Xiaowen SUN
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):732-734,744
Objective To evaluate the effect of health education on schistosomiasis in Kunshan City,so as to provide the ev?idence for making the consolidating strategy in the late stage of interruption of schistosomiasis transmission. Methods The resi?dents,middle school students and elementary school students were randomly sampled from one community,one middle school and one elementary school of each of two towns and they were investigated with interviews and questionnaires for the implementa?tion of health education on schistosomiasis prevention and control. Results A total of 452 middle school students(232 cases) and primary school students (220 cases) were surveyed. The awareness rate of total schistosomiasis knowledge was 98.21%among the students(the awareness rate of basic schistosomiasis knowledge was 98.42% and the awareness rate of preventive schistosomiasis knowledge was 98.01%). Among the 220 elementary school students,the awareness rate of total schistosomiasis knowledge was 97.21%(the awareness rate of basic schistosomiasis knowledge was 97.60%and the awareness rate of preventive schistosomiasis knowledge was 96.82%). Among the 232 middle school students,the awareness rate of total schistosomiasis knowledge was 99.17%(χ2 =34.661,compared with the rate of the elementary school students)[the awareness rate of basic schistosomiasis knowledge was 99.20%(χ2=13.045,compared with the rate of the elementary school students)and the aware?ness rate of preventive schistosomiasis knowledge was 99.14%(χ2 =21.796,compared with the rate of the elementary school students)]. There were significant differences between the elementary school students and middle school students in above?men?tioned awareness rates(all P<0.001). There were schistosomiasis health education materials or teaching plans in all the four schools. Among the 402 residents surveyed,the awareness rate of total schistosomiasis knowledge was 98.87%. Conclusion The effect of health education on schistosomiasis prevention and control is very well,and the total awareness rate of schistosomia?sis prevention and control knowledge among the population has reached the goal(more than 95%)of the medium?and long?term planning of schistosomiasis prevention and control in Kunshan City.
10.Investigation on overwintering mosquitoes in Taibaihu District,Jining City
Wenjuan LI ; Peng CHENG ; Lijuan LIU ; Shangdan NIE ; Haifang WANG ; Chongxing ZHANG ; Yanping CHEN
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 2016;28(6):687-688,710
Objective To investigate the species,density and distribution of the overwintering adult mosquitoes in Taibaihu District,Jining City. Methods The overwintering adult mosquitoes were monitored by visual observation in Taibaihu District, Jining City from December 2015 to March 2016. The mosquitoes were collected and dissected to observe the body fat accumula?tion and ovarian development situation. Results Totally 1 677 mosquitoes were captured and all of them were Culex pipiens pal?lens. The highest positive rate of overwintering mosquitoes was in sweet potato cellars and greenhouses,with the positive rates of mosquitoes of 98.25%(56/57)and 81.36%(48/59)respectively. The accumulation of the fat body in the female mosquitoes plummeted from late February,and disappeared in middle March. Conclusions The adults of Culex pipiens pallens can over?winter in Taibaihu District,Jining City,and locate in sweet potato cellars and greenhouses mainly. The control work of adult mosquitoes should be strengthened in the overwintering period.