Introduction : Kelantan, an east coast state of
Peninsular Malaysia is rich in culture and supports a
population that is dependent on agriculture. The crops
cultivated are mainly paddy and rubber but in recent
years tobacco is beginning to gain importance over
paddy. We centered our study around Bachok District
which is about 25 kilometers east of Kota Bharu, the
state capital.
Methods: Based on case reports we focused our study on
cercarial dermatitis and also recorded the socioeconomic
status of the people in the four study villages.
Result: The ducks and cows were the common livestock
kept by the farmers and these were found to be
significantly associated (P=0.05) with the occurrence of
dermatitis. Cercariae shedding by snails were found in
waters used for irrigation.
Conclusion : The results indicate that cercarial
dermatitis is occupation specific, and its debilitating
effect was having an influence on the socioeconomic
status and general wellbeing of the population in these
villages. The dermatitis occurred only during the field
preparation and transplanting stages of paddy and was
found to be significantly associated (P=<0.05) with the
source of water used for irrigation. The water sources for
irrigation was mainly from the river and irrigation canal
and the snail Indoplanorbis exustus infected with
schistosome cercariae was found to be abundant in both
these sources during these stages. The ducks and cows
were the common livestock kept by the farmers and
these were also found to be significantly associated
(P=0.05) with the occurrence of dermatitis. Therefore
we concluded that the dermatitis among paddy farmers
in Bachok District was due to an animal schistosome.