2.Fractures of the Shaft of the Humerus: A Review of 28 Cases
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1970;5(1):35-40
There encountered 28 cases of fractures of the humeral shaft at the Orthopedic Department of the Third Army Hospital from April, 1968 to June, 1969. These were analized and following observations were made: 1. There were 10 cases (35.7%) of gun-shot wound and another 10 cases (35.7%) of traffic accident. Eight cases were due to other causes. 2. Four fractures involved the upper one third of the shaft, 16 the middle one third and the remaining eight the lower one third. 3. 11 fractures were transverse and eight oblique. Another eight fractures were comminuted and the remaining one was a butterfly fracture. 4. Closed reduction was performed on 22 cases (78.6%) and open reduction on six (21.4%). The former includes 20 cases (71.4%) of hanging cast. 5. Of the fractures treated closed, seven were united in six weeks, ten in eight weeks, and five in more than ten weeks. 6. High radial nerve palsy was observed in six cases (21.4%); 4 of them occurred in fracturcs of the middle third of the shaft. 7. Angulation deformities from malunion appeared to have little interference with joint motion.
Accidents, Traffic
Congenital Abnormalities
Hospitals, Military
Radial Nerve
Wounds and Injuries
4.Genetic Polymorphism in E7 Gene of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Isolated from Uterine Cervical Cancer in Korean Women.
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998;41(1):118-135
Human papillomavirus (HPV)infection are now generally accepted as the most important factor for development of uterine cervical cancer and its precursor lesions. With increasing evidences that the HPV E7 encodes for oncoproteins critical for viral replication, host cell immortalization and transformation. Based on the previous reports that the high risk HPV type 16 DNA is frequently detected in specimens from Korean women with cervical cancer and that there is the sequence variation and geographical dependence of HPV 16 E7 gene in preinvasive and invasive cervical lesions, it is crucial to determine the prevalence of HPV 16 variants in uterine cervical lesions of Korean women. This study was performed to identify sequence variations of HPV 16 E7 gene and an association between HPV 16 E7 variants and uterine cervical cancer. The author has determined nucleotide sequences of the E7 gene of HPV 16 isolated from uterine cervical tissues in Korean women. HPV 16 DNAs were detected by the nested PCR in 112 (24.5%) of a total of 457 samples. By direct sequencing of PCR-HPV 16 E7 positive cases, 79 samples (70.5%) showed variant sequences, while the prototype sequence was found in only 33 samples (29.5%). Twenty-three cases (57.5%) of 40 normal cervical samples showed sequence variation. Forty-eight (77.4%) of 62 cervical cancer cases showed sequence diversity from prototype HPV 16 E7 gene. There were four types of sequence variations. A single nucleotide change at position 647 (A-->G) was found in 52 cases (65.8%) of 79 HPV 16 E7 variants. Predicted amino acid change (Asn -->Ser) was found in the HPV 16 E7 oncoproteins at amino acid position at 29. And this KE7-1 variant was commonly detected in the uterine cervical cancer compared to the normal cervix. The second most common variant, detected in 16 cases (20.3%), had three silent mutations at nucleotide positions 732 (T-->C), 789 (T-->C) and 795 (T-->G). The third variant had a single nucleotide change at position 666 (G-->A), and the fourth had a change at position 796 (T-->C). Furthermore, PCR-SSCP clearly showed distinct bands compatible with HPV 16 E7 variants as with the direct-sequencing method. PCR-SSCP was also an effective and reliable tool in detecting HPV 16 E7 variants. This study showed that there were four variant types of HPV 16 E7 in uterine cervical tissues and KE7-1 with corresponding amino acid change was the most commonly detected type in E7 variants of HPV 16 isolated from uterine cervical cancer in Korean women.
Base Sequence
Cervix Uteri
Human papillomavirus 16
Oncogene Proteins
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Polymorphism, Genetic*
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms*
5.Arthrogryppsis Multiplex Congenita: Pathologic examination of three autopsy cases.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1994;28(1):56-64
Three autopsy cases of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita are studied. They were two deadborns and one neonatal death. All of them had characteristic abnormalities involving multiple joints. Neither primary myopathy nor abnormalities of anterior horn cells of the spinal cord were detected in our cases. However, two cases had minor central nervous system anomalies. All four cases showed pulmonary hypoplasia of varying degree. Two of three cases showed facial dysmorphism such as micrognathia and low set ears, and one showed cleft lip and palate. Ventricular septal defect, umbilical hernia and ureteral anomalies were also associated.
Infant, Newborn
6.Body Stalk Anomaly: Analysis of 10 Autopsy Cases.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1993;27(3):235-242
Body stalk anomaly represents an extreme maldevelopment of embryonic body folding and is characterized by absence of the umbilicus and umbilical cord. The failure of complete obliteration of the extraembryonic coelom is responsible for the absence of the umbilical cord formation and the wide-based insertio of the amnioperitoneal membrane onto the placental chorionic plate. We have analyzed 10 autopsy cases of various midline anomalies of the body that could best be classified into body stalk anomaly. All cases were either stillborns or dead immediately after birth. The pregnancy was interrupted due to this anomaly in 6 cases, and their gestational ages varied from 17 weeks to 37 weeks. The affected fetuses were characterized bt absent or vestigial umbilical cord, and ruptured amnion with direct amnioperitoneal connection without the mediation of the umbilical cord. Exomphalos with abdominal wall defect and serve scoliosis were characteristic components of this anomaly, that provided important clues in differentiating other similar anomalies. Other associated anomalies included neural tube defect, intestinal atresia, genitourinary and skeletal defects, pulmonary hypoplasia, single umbilical artery and narrow-spaced chest and abdomen, etc. These findings strongly suggest that anomaly of body stalk represents mechanical teratogenesis due to early amnion repture and subsequent effect, and should be categorized into amniotic band disruption syndrome.
7.Foreign Bodies in Surgical Tissue Section.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(2):187-193
Foreign body reaction of tissues is frequently encountered in routine surgical pathology, whether they contain foreign body or not. Though their presence or identification may be the important clue for the legal problems as in malpractice, and the identification of foreign body will give us the chance for reconstruction of patients' medical history, pathologists often overlook or neglect what they are. Besides curiosity, the description of individual foreign body and common site for its occurence will be of great help. Therefore, we classify and describe the features of 182 foreign bodies collected in practice of surgical pathology during 1979~82.
8.Clinical judgement perplexed by initially undisclosed use of herbal medicine and unexpected cross-reactivity of immunoassay
The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2017;39(2):189-192
We report a case of symptomatic bradycardia caused by consumption of a Chinese herbal medicine
which was initially undisclosed to the attending emergency physician. The scientific name of the herb
is Panax japonicus. Electrocardiogram revealed sinus bradycardia. Laboratory tests were normal
except for the detection of a high serum digoxin level. Further interrogation of the patient eventually
disclosed ingestion of the herb which, however, did not contain any digoxin. Other active ingredients
in the herb include various types of ginsenoside. These are digoxin-like substances that had caused
the observed false-positive detection of digoxin by fluorescence polarization immunoassay due to
cross-reactivity. Our case-report provides an important insight about a blind-spot in the field of
laboratory medicine (clinical pathology), namely, the false positive detection of digoxin due to crossreactivity
in the immunoassay when we come across digoxin-like substances in clinical scenarios,
which has barely received attention in the medical literature. It also conveys a clear educational
message that with full understanding of the laboratory methodology and its mechanistic rationale
there are actually some tricks-of-the-trade that allow us to optimize the specificity of the biochemical
tests and the treatment of digoxin-like substances overdose.
9.Intractable epilepsy, growth failure, hypothyroidism, and cataract: rare clinical manifestations in a patient with ring chromosome 20 syndrome
Hsiu-Fen Lee ; Ching-Shiang Chi
Neurology Asia 2020;25(1):63-66
Ring chromosome 20 [r(20)] syndrome is typically characterized by intractable epilepsy, variable degrees
of behavior problems and cognitive deficits, and an absence of or minimal dysmorphic features. Here
we report a case diagnosed with r(20) syndrome exhibiting rare clinical manifestations of intractable
epilepsy, growth failure, hypothyroidism, and cataract. This 17-year-old female patient who showed
growth failure and no dysmorphic features had the first seizure at the age of 8 years. The seizure
pattern was described as periods of non-convulsive status epilepticus with prolonged confusional state, motionless stare, mutism, and subtle motor seizures, lasting for minutes to hours. The interictal EEG showed bilateral synchronous, rhythmic high voltage delta waves intermixed with occasional spikes over the bilateral frontal areas. The seizures were refractory to medical treatments. Hypothyroidism and cataract were subsequently diagnosed at the age of 16 years and 17 years, respectively. Chromosome study showed a female genome with r(20) mosaicism. In conclusion, r(20) syndrome might cause multisystemic involvement, and therefore, comprehensive surveys of the central nervous system, ophthalmologic system, and endocrine system, among others, are crucial.
10.Influence of Ego-resilience and Social Support on the Depression of Hospital Nurses.
An Saeng LEE ; Chi Keun YOON ; Jeong Mi LEE
Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing 2012;21(1):46-54
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of the ego-resilience and social support on the depression among hospital nurses. METHODS: The subjects of this study were 369 nurses in a hospital. We used the self-reported questionnaire to assess the level of ego-resilience, social support and depression of hospital nurses. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency, t-test, ANOVA and logistic regression. RESULTS: The mean scores of ego-resilience, social support and depression were 42.6, 28.3 and 14.1, respectively. When scores of ego-resilience and social support were high, the level of mild and major depression of subjects decreased. The influencing factors of depression level were the department of work, ego-resilience and social support. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that developing programs to improve ego-resilience and social support might be useful. Further study is required to justify the scale on ego-resilience and social support.
Surveys and Questionnaires