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Author:(Chee-Kin HUI)

3.Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis after Laparoscopic Appendicectomy that Responded to Conservative Management

Chee-Kin Hui

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;18(1):76-78

4.Hepatomegaly and Periportal Oedema of the Liver in a Patient with Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis

Chee-Kin Hui

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2013;20(5):86-89

5.Tuberculous Scar Tumour Detected by Dual Tracer Positron Emission-Computerised Tomography in a Tuberculous Endemic Area

Chee-Kin Hui

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2014;21(6):70-74

6.Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction in a Patient with Selective IgA Deficiency

Chee-Kin Hui

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2016;23(6):123-127

7.Recurrent extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli urinary tract infection due to an infected intrauterine device.

Chee-Kin HUI

Singapore medical journal 2014;55(2):e28-30

8.Collision adenoma-carcinoid tumour of the colon complicated by carcinoid syndrome.

Chee-Kin HUI

Singapore medical journal 2012;53(9):e195-7

9.Lymphocytic colitis complicated by a mass in the terminal ileum.

Chee-Kin HUI ;

Singapore medical journal 2015;56(5):e85-8

10.Endogenous lipoid pneumonia associated with Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1.

Chee-Kin HUI

Singapore medical journal 2013;54(3):e66-7

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