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Author:(Chaekun OH)

1.The Introduction of Compendium of Materia Medica and Praxis in the Late Joseon Dynasty.

Chaekun OH ; Yongjin KIM

Korean Journal of Medical History 2011;20(1):29-51

2.Birth and Succession of A Current of Learning in Korean Medicine: The Supporting Yang Current of Learning.

Chaekun OH

Korean Journal of Medical History 2014;23(1):57-98

3.An Aspect of the History of Medicine in Ancient Korea as Examined through Silla Buddhist Monks'Annotations on the “Chapter on Eliminating Disease (除病品)”in the Sutra of Golden Light (金光明經, Suvarṇabhāsa-sūtra).

Chaekun OH ; Jongwook JEON ; Dongwon SHIN

Korean Journal of Medical History 2016;25(3):329-372

4.Behind the Naming of Herbal Section as the Decoction Section in Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine.

Chaekun OH

Korean Journal of Medical History 2011;20(2):263-290

5.A Single Medicine for a Disease: Simple Formula of Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine, It's Compilation and Succession.

Chaekun OH

Korean Journal of Medical History 2013;22(1):1-40

6.To Discern the Medical Thoughts of Heo Joon, the Best Physician in Korean History: An Analysis of Disease Experiences and Treatment Cases in the Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine.

Chaekun OH

Korean Journal of Medical History 2015;24(3):581-620

7.Traditional Medicine Doctor Kim Gwangjin's Battle against Jaundice during the Japanese Colonial Period

Chaekun OH

Korean Journal of Medical History 2019;28(2):427-468

8.Joseon physician Heo Joon’s Smallpox Medicine and ‘Syndrome differentiation (辨證)’

Chaekun OH

Korean Journal of Medical History 2021;30(1):35-68

9.Joseon physician Heo Joon’s Smallpox Medicine and ‘Syndrome differentiation (辨證)’

Chaekun OH

Korean Journal of Medical History 2021;30(1):35-68

10.How Did Joseon’s Clinical Medicine Develop in the 17-8th Century : I Sugi’s medical thoughts depicted in the Stray notes with experienced tests

Chaekun OH

Korean Journal of Medical History 2022;31(1):1-34

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