1.Perceived occupational hazards of sanitary inspectors from two urban cities in the Philippines.
Carlos Anne Clarisse C. ; Enoveso Rose Abigail D. ; Palmares Maria Lelis E. ; Sayson Lorra Angelia dC. ; Tejano Kim Patrick S. ; Manalang Gayline F.
Acta Medica Philippina 2015;49(3):59-65
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the occupational hazards perceived by sanitary inspectors (SIs) from the City of Manila (Manila) and Quezon City (QC) as they perform their administrative and technical roles.
METHODS: Hazards and control measures were identified using self-administered questionnaires distributed among Sls of Manila and QC from November to December 2010.
RESULTS: The most frequently perceived hazards are slips, trips and falls, and verbal assault seen consistently present among 8 out of 9 roles. Harsh climatic condition on the other hand is the hazard perceived to be the riskiest as seen consistently in 8 out of 9 roles. Of the respondents, 28% did not receive formal training in the field of sanitary inspection and 64% did not have work shifts as administrative control measures; 90% said that personal protective equipment (PPE) were not made available to them and were not used by them.
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The most frequently perceived hazards encountered by SIs are slips, trips and falls, harsh climatic conditions, unwarranted complaints, and verbal assault. On the other hand, harsh climatic conditions, unwarranted complaints, and slips, trips and falls are the occupational hazards which are consistently present and perceived to pose the most risk in more than five roles. Provision of PPE and improvement in the implementation of administrative control measures is recommended. Moreover, further studies involving SIs' actual experiences, SIs from rural areas and control measures present in the workplace are suggested.
Human ; Male ; Female ; Occupational Health ; Protective Devices ; Employment ; Occupational Exposure