A study was conducted on 220 patients with the first ischemic infarction due to atherosclerosis treated at Stroke Unit of People Hospital No 115 from January 2002 to April 2002, and 230 control subjects. Results: Among 220 cases of ischemic infraction, there were 112 female and 108 male, mean ages 60.71 ±11.9 years old. Among them, 20% is due to large artery thrombosis and the mean plasma homocystein levels was 14.4µmol/L, 80% is due to small artery thrombosis and the mean plasma homocystein levels is 13µmol/L. There was no significantly difference in the mean plasma homocystein levels between large artery thrombosis and small artery thrombosis (p=0.1). The adjusted odd ratios (OR) for large artery and small artery infarctions associated with moderate hyperhomocysteinemia (>1515µmol/L) were 2.56 and 2.20, respectively
Cerebral Infarction