Hanbo ZHANG ; Lizhong CHENG ; Tao SHA ; Huasun DING ; Zhiwei ZHAO
Microbiology 2001;(1):35-38
The effect of pH on the extracellularpolysaccharide synthesis by Aureobasidium pullulans was studied by addding CaCO3and HCI. Cultivated in P2 liquid medium for 24h,pH dropped to 3. 6 because of strongly producing acid. Under this low pH environment, further fermentation for 120h,only 5. 9g/L of polysacharide was obtained. When grown in MP2 medium contaning0. 5 % CaCOs,the pH was kept above 5.0 during 144 hours,production of polysaccharide increased to 31g/L. The detailed information of effects of controlled pH on polysaccharide production showed an optimal pH value 5. 0 must be maintained through the fermentative period.
Hanbo ZHANG ; Lizhong CHENG ; Tao SHA ; Huasun DING ; Zhi ZHAO ;
Microbiology 1992;0(01):-
The effect of pH on the extracellularpolysaccharide synthesis by Aureobasidium pullulans was studied by addding CaCO 3and HCl.Cultivated in P2 liquid medium for 24h,pH dropped to 3.6 because of strongly producing acid.Under this low pH environment,further fermentation for 120h,only 5.9g/L of polysacharide was obtained.When grown in MP2 medium contaning0.5% CaCO 3,the pH was kept above 5.0 during 144 hours,production of polysaccharide increased to 31g/L. The detailed information of effects of controlled pH on polysaccharide production showed an optimal pH value 5.0 must be maintained through the fermentative period.
Jing WU ; Wensheng WANG ; Lina CHENG ; Hanbo LIN ; Lili ZHONG ; Wenjian HUANG ; Peng HE ; Qianwen LIANG
Journal of Practical Radiology 2019;35(3):357-361,366
Objective ToexploretheMRIfeaturesanddifferentialdiagnosisofgemistocyticastrocytoma(GemA).Methods The MRIfeaturesof10casesofGemAprovedbysurgeryandpathologywereinvestigatedretrospectively(thelocationoftumor,tumor shape,boundary,signalandenhancement)andtheliteraturewasreviewed.Results All10casesofGemA weresupratentorialand solitary.Ofthese10cases,7caseswerelocatedinthefrontallobe,5casesinthetemporallobe,6casesinmultiplelobesandinvaded theoppositebraintissuesthroughcorpuscallosum.8casesweresolidGcystic,8casespresentedwithunclearboundary,only2cases hadclearboundary.Therewasnoedemaormildedemain7casesandobviousedemain3cases.Thesolidpartoftumorswereisointense orslighthypointenseonT1WI,only1caseshowedhighintensityonT1WI,isointenseorslighthyperintenseonT2WI.CTsuggested calcificationin2cases.6casesweremildlyenhanced,4casesweremarkedlyenhanced.MRSshowed(n=4)thatCHopeakwasmildly ormoderatelyincreased,NAApeakwassignificantlyreduced,theaverageratioofCho/NAA was2.91.DWIshowedhyperintenseor slighthyperintense(n=3),theADCaveragevalueoftumorROIwasabout(1.150±0.081)×10-3 mm2/s.1caseofSWIsequence showedthickeningandcircuitousvascularshadow.Conclusion AsMRIofGemAischaracterizedbyhighandlowgradegliomas,the preoperativediagnosisisdifficult.Combiningenhancementwithfunctionalexamination,itisexpectedtoimprovetheaccuracyofpreoperative diagnosisofGemA.
4.Fluorescence and MR dual-mode imaging for displaying drainage pathways of interstitial fluid and substance clearance pattern in rat brain
Tianzi GAO ; Lan YUAN ; Yang WANG ; Hanbo TAN ; Ziyi WEI ; Jiayu WANG ; Yajuan GAO ; Dongyang LIU ; Cheng CUI ; Jianfei SUN ; Zhaoheng XIE ; Hongbin HAN
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology 2024;40(5):705-711
Objective To observe the drainage pathways of interstitial fluid(ISF)and substance clearance pattern in rat brain with fluorescence tracing imaging and treacer-based MRI.Methods Thirty-three male SD rats were randomly divided into fluorescence tracing group(F group,n=18)and treacer-based MRI group(MRI group,n=15),then further divided into thalamic,hippocampal and caudate nucleus subgroups,respectively.Evans blue was injected to rats in F group,and cardiac perfusion was performed after injection,then brain tissue was harvested,and frozen sections were made to observe the drainage pathways of IFS in different subgroups.MRI was performed on rats in MRI group before and after injection of gadolinium-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid(Gd-DTPA)to observe signal intensity in ROI of brain regions in different subgroups,the signal unit ratio was calculated,and the changing trend was explored.Results ISF in thalamus,hippocampus and caudate nucleus had different dominant drainage pathways,and the time of tracer reached to adjacent brain regions and whole brain in F group were different.In MRI group,within 4 h after injection of Gd-DTPA,there were differences in direction and clearance rate among tracer in thalamus,hippocampus and caudate nucleus,mainly manifesting as the tracer in thalamus and hippocampus drained to the ipsilateral cortex and lateral ventricle,while the tracer in the caudate nucleus diffused to the cortex and midbrain,and there were differences of the peak time of tracer signal among adjacent drainage brain regions.Conclusion Fluorescence and MR dual-mode imaging showed that there were differences in the dominant drainage pathways of IFS and clearance rates of small molecule substances among hypothalamus,hippocampus and caudate nucleus of rats.
5.lncRNA TPTEP1 affects the proliferation and invasion of bladder cancer T24 cells by inhibiting miR-129-5p
CHENG Hanbo ; XIA Tao ; LIU Jiayuan ; JIA Bo ; XUE Mei ; YAO Junbo ; GAO Ruihui
Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy 2021;28(3):283-287
[Abstract] Objective: To observe the expression of long-chain non-coding RNA (lncRNA) TPTEP1 in bladder cancer tissues and cells, and to observe its effect on the proliferation and invasion of bladder cancer cells and its molecular mechanism. Methods: From August 2017 to October 2019, 43 cases of bladder cancer tissues and paracancer tissues from the patients treated by surgery in the Department Urology, People's Hospital of Dongxihu Distric of Wuhan City. Real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was used to detect the expression of lncRNA TPTEP1 in bladder cancer tissues and bladder cancer cell lines (T24, BIU-87, 5637, J82, UM-UC-3). The bladder cancer cells with the lowest lncRNA TPTEP1 expression were selected as the experimental object, and transfected with the negative control plasmid (the control group) and lncRNA TPTEP1 over-expression plasmid (the experimental group), respectively. The effect of lncRNA TPTEP1 upregulation on cell proliferation and invasion was detected by MTT method and Transwell experiment. Bioinformatics techniques were used to predict the possible target molecules of lncRNA TPTEP1. qPCR and WB were used to detect the expression levels of lncRNA TPTEP1 downstream molecules. Results: Compared with adjacent tissues, the expression of lncRNA TPTEP1 in bladder cancer tissues was down-regulated (P<0.01). Compared with normal bladder epithelial cells, the expression of lncRNA TPTEP1 in bladder cancer cell lines was down-regulated (P<0.05), and its expression in T24 cells was the lowest (P<0.01). Up-regulation of lncRNA TPTEP1 could inhibit the proliferation (P<0.05) and invasion (P<0.01) of T24 cells. Bioinformatics technology showed that lncRNA TPTEP1 could bind with miR-129-5p, and miR-129-5p could bind with EMP3; up-regulating lncRNA TPTEP1 could inhibit the expression of miR-129-5p in T24 cells (P<0.01), and indirectly promote the mRNA and protein expressions of EMP3 (P<0.01) in T24 cells. The expression of MAPK/ERK signaling pathway related proteins such as p-MEK, p-ERK1/2, p-AKT and p-PI3K decreased (P<0.01). Conclusion: Up-regulating the low-expressed lncRNA TPTEP1 in bladder cancer cell lines can inhibit the proliferation and invasion of bladder cancer T24 cells, and its mechanism is related to indirect promotion of EMP3 gene expression by down-regulating the expression of miR-129-5p.