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Author:(CC Wong)

1.Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal LumbarDiscectomy An Early Experience

Wong CC ; Loke WP

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2007;1(1):1-4

2.Multiple Atraumatic Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures in an Adolescent with Suprasellar Germinoma: A Case Report

CC Wong ; HF Phang ; ML Cheong ; Ramanathan Ramiah

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2012;6(2):54-56

3.A 7-Year Retrospective Review of Skin Cancer at University Malaya Medical Centre:A Tertiary Centre Experience

Ch’ng CC ; Wong SM ; Lee YY ; Rokiah I ; Jayalaskmi Pailoor

Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2012;29(-):16-22

4.A 7 years retrospective review of skin cancers: A University Malaya medical experience

Ch’ng CC ; Lee YY ; Wong SM ; Pailoor J

Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2011;27(-):2-2

5.Staphylococcus Aureus Antibiotic Resistance In Atopic Eczema

Lee CK ; Yusof MY ; Lee YY ; Tan ESS ; Wong SM ; Ch’ng CC ; Koh CK

Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2016;36(1):5-10

6.Methods used for reconstruction in aggressive bone tumours: an early experience.

Pan KL ; Ting SS ; Mohamad AW ; Lee WG ; Wong CC ; Rasit AH

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2003;58(5):752-757

8.Nutritional Status of Children below Five Years in Malaysia: Anthropometric Analyses from the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey III (NHMS, 2006)

Khor GL ; Noor Safiza MN ; Jamalludin AB ; Jamaiyah H ; Geeta A ; Kee CC ; Rahmah R ; Alan Wong N F ; Suzana S ; Ahmad AZ ; Ruzita AT ; Ahmad FY

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2009;15(2):121-136

9.Abdominal Obesity in Malaysian Adults: National Health and Morbidity Survey III (NHMS III, 2006)

Kee CC ; Jamaiyah H ; Noor Safiza MN ; Geeta A ; Khor GL ; Suzana S ; Jamalludin AR ; Rahmah R ; Ahmad AZ ; Ruzita AT ; Wong NF ; Ahmad Faudzi Y

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2008;14(2):125-135

10.Home-based advance care programme is effective in reducing hospitalisations of advanced heart failure patients: a clinical and healthcare cost study.

Raymond Cc WONG ; Poh Tin TAN ; Yen Hoon SEOW ; Suzana AZIZ ; Nilar OO ; Swee Chong SEOW ; Angeline SEAH ; Ping CHAI

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2013;42(9):466-471

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