1.Alterations of Blood Cholinesterase Activity and Urinary Para-nitrophenol Excretion After Exposure to Organophorus Insecticides.
Byung Kook LEE ; Kyou Chull CHUNG
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1974;7(1):115-121
In order to evaluate the health hazard due to organ orphosphorus insecticides, we measured the blood cholinesterase activity and urinary para-nitrophenol among 56 exposed subjects. They are orchard workers, rice plant workers and smithion factory workers. The clinical symptoms were also checked by physicians. We also measured the blood cholinesterase activity and urinary para-nitrophenol excretion of 20 urban people and 15 rural people who had never been exposed to organophosphorus insecticides in order to compare them according to age, sex and geographical differences. And these results were also compared with those of exposed groups. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The normal plasma cholinesterase activity and cell cholinesterase activity were 0.861+/-0.148 delta pH/hr and 0.822+/-0.154 delta pH/hr. And normal para-nitrophenol in urine was 1.21+/-0.52 mg/liter. 2. No significant difference was existed in blood cholinesterase activities and urinary para-nitrophenol excretion according to sex, age and geographical difference. 3. The plasma cholinesterase activity and cell cholinesterase activity of orchard workers, rice plant workers and smithion factory workers were 0.682+/-0.189 delta pH/hr, 0.775+/-0.160 delta pH/hr, 0.754+/-0.123 delta pH/hr and 0.691+/-0.082 delta pH/hr, 0.756+/-0.117delta pH/hr. And significant decreases in blood cholinesterase activities were existed among orchard workers and smithion factory workers compared with control group. 4. The urinary para-nitrophenol excretions of orchard workers, rice plant workers and smithion factory workers were 1.33+/-0.66 mg/liter, 1.19+/-0.88mg/liter and 1.37+/-0.67mg/liter and there were no significant difference between exposed groups and control group. 5. The clinical symptoms complained during and after organophosphorus insecticides exposure were frequently ranked by headache (67.7%) and vertigo (64.5%) and muscular ataxia and weakness (51.6%).
2.Four Cases of Milignant Tumors of the Eye and Adnexa: A caces of Adenoiod cystic Ca., a case of Anaplastic Ca. and two cases of Milignant melanomas.
Byung Sik CHAE ; Kyung Chull LEE ; Sang Min KIM
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1969;10(3):57-61
The athors have presented recently treated 4 cases of malignant tumors of the eye and adnexa. 1. All of them were rapidly aggrevated after previous incompleted surgical management (3 cases) or postponement 01 operation (1 case). 2. Three cases of them except adenoid cystic Ca. were recurred after orbital exenteration. 3. The authors were concluded that the poor prognosis is due to its nature of malignancy and delayed radical surgical management.
3.Lung/heart uptake ratio and transient dilation ratio of the left ventricle during thallium-201 imaging with dipyridamole.
Jae Tae LEE ; Byung Chun CHUNG ; Sang Hyun KIM ; Kyu Bo LEE ; Sung Chull CHAE
Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1991;25(2):177-185
No abstract available.
Heart Ventricles*
4.Pleomorphic adenoma which occured buccal mucosa and submandibular gland;two case reports
Sang Chull LEE ; Yeo Gab KIM ; Dong Mok RYU ; Baek Soo LEE ; Byung Ju KIM
Journal of the Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1993;15(2):93-98
No abstract available.
Adenoma, Pleomorphic
Mouth Mucosa
5.Oxygen Pulse in Load Carrying.
Byung Kuk LEE ; Tal Sil BAE ; Hang Ki JIN ; Kyou Chull CHUNG
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1972;5(1):105-110
On 6 healthy adult males aged 20-30 years, oxygen pulse was observed during carrying sand bags weighting 10, 20 and 30kg on a level treadmill running with speeds of 3,4 and 5 km/hr. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Oxygen pulse during load carrying on a level treadmill was proportionately increased with an increase of work load, average oxygen uptake per minute. Regression equation of oxygen pulse (y: ml/beat) on the average oxygen uptake (x:l/min) required for each grade of work was expressed as y=3.34x + 5.99, sy.x=0.858. 2. Oxygen pulse reached the highest value 2-5 minutes after the start of load carrying, and thereafter it decreased gradually to some extend as the load carrying was continued. Rate of decrease in the oxygen pulse was gerater in lighter works. 3. In lighter works requiring less than 2.0 l/min of oxygen uptake, oxygen pulse was larger in case of carrying a losd by embrace, in both hands and on head than on back or on shoulder.
Silicon Dioxide
6.Oxygen Pulse in Load Carrying.
Byung Kuk LEE ; Tal Sil BAE ; Hang Ki JIN ; Kyou Chull CHUNG
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1972;5(1):105-110
On 6 healthy adult males aged 20-30 years, oxygen pulse was observed during carrying sand bags weighting 10, 20 and 30kg on a level treadmill running with speeds of 3,4 and 5 km/hr. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Oxygen pulse during load carrying on a level treadmill was proportionately increased with an increase of work load, average oxygen uptake per minute. Regression equation of oxygen pulse (y: ml/beat) on the average oxygen uptake (x:l/min) required for each grade of work was expressed as y=3.34x + 5.99, sy.x=0.858. 2. Oxygen pulse reached the highest value 2-5 minutes after the start of load carrying, and thereafter it decreased gradually to some extend as the load carrying was continued. Rate of decrease in the oxygen pulse was gerater in lighter works. 3. In lighter works requiring less than 2.0 l/min of oxygen uptake, oxygen pulse was larger in case of carrying a losd by embrace, in both hands and on head than on back or on shoulder.
Silicon Dioxide
7.Changes in Na and K Concentrations in Human Milk: at different stage of lactation.
Byung Ryong LEE ; Jae Sook MA ; Chull SOHN
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1982;25(1):1-7
The concentrations of Sodium and Potassium were measured by flame photometer in the human for milk obtained at clostral(1st 5days postpartum), early transitional (2nd 5days postpartum), late transitional (11th to 29th day postpartum) and mature milk period (1to 15 months postportum) from 92 healthy nursing mothers who delivered at term. The results were summerized as follows: 1) The concentrations of Na and K at different stages of lactation showed the highest value in colostrum, tended to decrease therafter and maintained the lowest and nearly constant value in mature milk(.01 2) Average Na and K concentrations(Mean+/-S.D., mEq/L) at different stages of lactation were colostrum : 20.8+/-4.47, 15.9+/-3.17, early transitional milk : 15.3+/-4.73, 14.2+/-3.03, late transitional milk : 11.7+/-4.28, 12.8+/-3.40, and mature milk : 8.1+/-3.59, 11.2+/-2.88 respectively. 3) The content of Na and K among primi-and multiparae showed the highest value in colostrum, also tended to decrease therafter, and maintained the lowest value in mature milk. No statistical significance was found between the concentrations of Na and K at different stages of lactation between primi-and multiparae(p>.05). 4) Definite inverse relationship could be established between Na and K concentrations and days of lactation(Na:r=-0.6, p<.001, K:r=0.4, p<.001). 5) The Mean Na and K concentration in late transitional milk showed the most consistent percentage decrease that in colostrum.
Milk, Human*
8.Percutaneous biliary drainage in acute suppurative cholangitis with biliary sepsis.
Hyung Lyul KIM ; June Sik CHO ; Soon Tae KWON ; Sang Jin LEE ; Byung Chull RHEE
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1993;29(6):1240-1246
Acute suppurative cholangitis is a severe inflammatory process of the bile duct occurred as a result of partial or complete obstruction of the bile duct, and may manifest clinically severe from of disease, rapidly deterioration to life-threatening condition. We analyzed emergency percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in 20 patients of acute suppurative cholangitis with biliary sepsis to evaluate the therapeutic effect and complication of the procedure. The underlying causes were 12 benign diseases(stones) and eight malignant tumors and among eight malignant tumors, bile duct stones(n=4) and clonorchiasis (n=1) were combined. Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage was performed successfully in 17 of 20 patients improvement of general condition and failed in three patients. The procedures were preterminated due to the patient's condition in two and biliary-porto fistula was developed in one. After biliary decompression by percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage, effective and successful elective surgery was performed in nine cases, which were seven biliary stones and two biliary cancer with stones. Our experience suggests that emergency percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage is an initial and effective treatment of choice for acute suppurative cholangitis with sepsis and a safe alternative for nonsurgical treatment.
Bile Ducts
9.Radiologic study on measurement of lumbosacral angle in backache patients
Jin Woo LEE ; Jin Heung CHUNG ; Oh Chung KWON ; Byung Chull RHEE
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1982;18(2):371-377
The radiologic findings of lumbosacral spine and measurement of lumbosacral angle were analysed in 238 with backache and 102 without backache which were visited at Chungnam National University from March 1980 to July 1981.The measurement of lumbosacral angle was based on a method of Fergson. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The age group of 18 to 29 years was most common in backache group and the male was affected more frequently than the female with the ratio of 1.9 to 1. 2. In patients with backache, the overall mean lumbosacral angles were 44.2±2.6 degrees in male and 35.8±2.0 degrees in female. In patients without backache, in control group, the overall mean lumbosacral angles were 32.6±0.7 degrees in male and 33.4±1.4degrees in female. 3. In control group, difference of means between male and female was about 1degrees in patients with backache, the overall mean lumbosacral angles were increased about 12degrees in male and 2degrees in female than control group. In patients with and without backache, no significant difference of lumbosacral angle between the 4 age groups was present. 4. In backache group, increased lordosis was more common and increased lumbosacral angle than the decreased lordosis. 5. In backache group, lumbosacral angle of abnormal radiologic findings in lumbosacral spine was significantly increased than control group. 6. In patients with backache, radiologic findings and its lumboscral angles were alumbosacral anomaly 56 cases (23.5%): 46.9 degrees, increased lumbar lordosis 46 cases (19.2%): 48.1 degrees, osteoarthritis 44 cases(18.5%) : 40.8 degrees, decreased lumbar lordosis 30 cases (12.6%): 29.9 degrees, in order, And these radiologic findings were similar with many other authors.
Back Pain
10.Congenital anomalies of the ribs
Chang Kyu LIM ; Kyung Won LEE ; Jae Cheon BIN ; Byung Chull RHEE
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1982;18(3):487-495
Conegenital anomalies of the ribs are common but rarely result in shadow which might be mistaken forpathological lesions. Careful inspection of the bony parts, which should be a routine, will usually be sufficientto avoid mistakes. Authors reviewed 6,921(5,865 male, 1,056 female) chest P-A films in adult (older than 16years), and radiolographic findings of congenital anomalies of the ribs were analized. The result were as follows;1. Congenital anomalies of the ribs were present in 193 patients. The incidence of congenital anomalies of theribs were 2.7% in male, 3.3% in female. 2. Among the 193 cases of congenital rib anomalies, 7 cases(0.1%) ofcervical ribs, 31 cases (0.4%) of underdeveloped ribs, 81 cases (1.2%) of anterior bifurcation, 34 cases (0.5%) ofbroadned ribs, 19 cases (0.3) of complete fusion and 21 cases (0.3%) of pseudathrosis were included. 3. 11.4% ofthe cases were bilateral, and right to left was 4:3 in unilateral involvement. 4. The location of the ribanomalies were as follows; (1) Underdeveloped ribs; 1st rib 31 case (79.5%), 2nd rib 3 cases(7.7%), 4th rib 3cases(7.7%), 5th rib 2 cases(5.1%). (2) Anterior bifurcation; 3rd rib 37 cases. 4th rib 29 cases, 5th rib 12cases, 6th rib 6cases, 2nd rib 2 cases. (3) Broadened ribs; 3rd 17 cases, 4th rib 15 cases, 5th rib 4 cases, 2ndrib 1 case. (4) Complete fusion; 1st-2nd rib 13 cases (68.4%), 5-6th ribs 4 cases (21.0%), 4-5th ribs 1case(5.3%), 6-7 ribs 1case(5.3%). The fusion occur in the posterior portion of 1st-2nd and 4-5th ribs,and in theposterior portion of 5-6th and 6-7ribs. (5) Pseudarthrosis; 1st-2nd and 2nd-3rd ribs, and in the posterior portionof 3-4th, 4-5 and 5-6th ribs. 5. In the cases of anterior bifurcation, the rib bifurcates almost in its anterior2.1-5.0 cm and most common in 3.1-4.0cm. 6. The characteristic radiographic findings in anterior bifurcation wereas follow;