1.New Fixation Method Using Two Crossing Screws and Locking Plate for Cubitus Varus Deformity in Young Adult Elbow: Case Report.
Byoung Jin KIM ; Jong Hwan SEOL ; Myung Sun KIM
Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow 2016;19(1):43-47
Many types of osteotomy have been proposed for the treatment of cubitus varus deformity of the elbow, and various methods for fixation of the osteotomy site have also been described. However, no method has been perfect. We treated two cases of cubitus varus elbow deformity with step-cut osteotomy using a new fixation method with two crossing screws and an anatomically designed locking plate. Active assisted elbow range of motion (ROM) exercise was permitted at postoperative 3 days, after removal of the drainage. Preoperative and postoperative humerus-elbow-wrist angles and ranges of motion of the two patients were compared. At 3 months follow-up, each patient had recovered the preoperative elbow ROM, and achieved the complete bony union of the osteotomy site and proper correction of the cubitus varus deformity. In addition, the appropriate remodeling of the lateral bony protrusion was observed. Therefore, we introduce a new fixation method for achievement of stable fixation allowing immediate postoperative elbow motion after corrective osteotomy for cubitus varus deformity in young adults.
Congenital Abnormalities*
Follow-Up Studies
Range of Motion, Articular
Young Adult*
2.Meningioma, Hemangiopericytic Type, with Bone Metastasis: A report of a case.
Ki Hwa YANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1991;25(1):59-67
Since Lebert stated, in 1851, that fibroblastic and sarcomatous tumors of the intracranial cavity had different survival times, many neuropathologists tried to set up histopathological grading system predicting the prognosis of the tumor of the nervous system. Especially, the histological assessment of the aggressiveness of meningiomas has not always been useful in conforming the biological characteristics of these tumors, and the definition of malignancy is still subject to controversy. However, metastases from meningioma to remote sites have always been considered rarities. The authors experienced a case of metastatic meningioma, hemangiopericytic type, with a history of recurrence. A forty years old male patient received a craniotomy to remove a mass in right parasagittal region, in June 1981. He had suffered from Jacksonian type of seizure started from left foot throuth leg, thigh, and arm to face. During operation, a well defined mass was noted in left parasagittal region with cleavage plane. The tumor was completely removed with cauterization of invasion site. In microscopic examination, the mass had typical findings of hemangiopericytic type of meningioma. In September 1987, he received a repeat operation to remove a recurred tumor mass in vertex, at age of forty-six. The removed tumor revealed same histologic features as those seen in primary tumor. In January 1990, at age of forty-nine, he noted pain and tenderness on the right iliac crest and the left iliac tuberosity, Plain pelvis AP x-ray ad Pelvis CT scan revealed osteolytic expansile mass lesions involving both iliac bones, the body of second sacral vertebra, and the right superior ramus of the pelvic bone. An open biopsy of the iliac bone was performed. The microscopic findings of the bone lesion were same as reccruent lesion of the brain.
Neoplasm Metastasis
3.Change in Medical Care Utilization over Time in Early Years of Insurance Coverage.
Byoung Yik KIM ; Youngjo LEE ; Dal Sun HAN
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1990;23(2):185-193
The purpose of this study is to observe the pattern of change in medical care utilization over time in early years of insurance coverage. The source of data is the benefit records file of a voluntary medical insurance society for covering the four-year period, from 1982 to 1985. The measure of medical care utilization used in this study is the age-sex standardized percentage of the enrollee who have visited a physician over total analytical population during a three-month period. For six cohorts by the year of enrollment (1979-1984), the relationship between the utilization and duration of insurance coverage was examined controlling for the calender year and season. In the analysis, logistic multiple regression and residual analysis were employed. It was observed that medical care utilization rapidly increased during the early stage of insurance coverage, and after then increased at a slower rate over time to become almost stable in about twenty months.
Cohort Studies
Insurance Coverage*
4.Eccrine Poroma: A report of five cases.
Young Shin KIM ; Seok Jin KANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1991;25(4):357-362
The eccrine poroma was described first by Pinkus et al. in 1956 as a subgroup of benign solid hidradenoma with the histologic structure resembling acrosyringium. The histologic appearance of eccrine poroma greatly resembles that of seborrheic keratosis and basal cell carcinoma. But the clinical lesion is fairly unique and the tumor is most commonly found almost exclusively on the foot, in the skin of the plantar surface. During the past four years, the authors experienced five cases of eccrine poroma which were diagnosed by histopathological examination of the tumor mass. All the cases occurred in the sole and lateral sides of the foot as well. Clinical and pathological features were reviewed and a brief review of the literatures was done.
5.Sarcoidosis Involving the Spinal Dura.
Young Shin KIM ; Ki Hwa YANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1991;25(2):158-163
Neurosarcoidosis without systemic manifestation is vary unusual condition. Solitary lesion in the spinal dura is exceptional. The diagnosis of the neurosarcoidosis is very difficult, because the efficacy of Kveim test is low in neurosarcoidosis. The histologic examination is considered as confirmative diagnostic tool. The authors reported a case of neurosarcoidosis involving the dura of the cervical spine, in a fifty-nine year old female who had suffered from mid-back pain for six months and paraparesis for two weeks. There was a dumbbell shaped mass in the D4-5 dura. It showed tan gray color with rubbery consistency. With histological examination, it revealed diffuse non-caseating granuloma. Occasionally asteroid bodies were observed within the cytoplasm of the multinucleated giant cells. After operation, she was treated with steroid, and she has been well about nine month period.
6.Burkitt's Lymphoma Developed Acute Leukemia: A report of two cases.
Young Dae KIM ; Kyoung Ja HAN ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(2):207-213
Burkitt's lymphoma with a frankly leukemic picture is an extremely rare condition, and usually has a very acute course with a poor prognosis. The authors experienced two cases of Burkitt's lymphoma developed acute leukemia. The first case was 8 years-old boy who had rapidly growing large abdominal mass, which revealed typical Burkitt's lymphoma with characteristic "starrysky" pattern. The second case was 20 year old male who had not definite tumor mass. Their peripheral blood and bone marrow aspiration revealed acute leukemia with multiple vacuolated lymphoblast of Burkitt's type. We report these cases with brief review of literatures.
7.Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Prostate: Two cases report.
Kyoung Mee KIM ; Ki Hwa YANG ; Seok Jin KANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1992;26(4):394-398
The rhabdomyosarcoma of the prostate is very rarely encountered in the western literature, and only a few reports have been published in Korea. The authours recently experienced two cases of rhabdomyosarcomas of the prostate in 35-year-old and 51-year-old males who had suffered from gross hematuria and difficulty of urination. Microscopic studies showed embryonal type of rhabdomyosarcoma in two cases. The clinical and pathological features of the distinctive prostatic rhabdomyosarcoma are described, and a brief review of the literature is made.
8.Vitamin K1 Dermatitis.
Sun Wook HWANG ; Young Pio KIM ; Byoung Soo CHUNG ; Hyoung Kyun KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1983;21(1):91-99
We observed allergic cutaneous reaction to vitsmin K, injection in 3 patients who developed pruritic erythematous indurated plaques at the sites of intramuscular injection and leakage sites of vitamin K1 preparation into dermis during IV injection 12 to 23 days after injection. Intradermal tests with vitamin K1,K3 and their placebos performed on 145 healthy medical students revealed positive skin reaction in 13 students 7 to 22 days after injection similar to the original 3 cases. Five students also showed the same reaction to vitarnin K1 placebo, however, a more severe reaction to vitamin K1 preparation than its placebo in 3 of them, indicating that the index of cutaneous sensitivity of vitamin K1 lies somewhere between 5. 5,% and 8. 9%. There was no cross sensitivity between vitamin K1 and K3 We consider these reactions to be of allergic nature.
Injections, Intramuscular
Intradermal Tests
Students, Medical
Vitamin K 1*
9.Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma of the Sole: A case report.
Ki Ouk MIN ; Mi Kyung JEE ; Seok Jin KANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1993;27(3):279-282
Compared with osteosarcoma of bone, primary osteosarcoma of the soft tissue is very rare. Extraskeletal osteosarcoma is also a highly malignant pleomorphic sarcoma composed of cells exhibiting primarily osteoblastic, and to a lesser extent, chondroblastic differentiation. A case of extraskeletal osteosarcoma in the right sole is presented in a 67 year old male. The patient had noticed a progressively enlarging soft tissue mass, during about 14 months. This sarcoma was located in the soft tissues without attachment to the skeleton, as determined by examination of the X-Ray findings. The mass of right plantar portion was simply excised and pathologically confirmed to be an extraskeletal osteosarcoma. The clinical and pathological features of this sarcoma are described, and brief review of the literature is made.
10.Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas: An autopsy case.
Won Sang PARK ; Ki Hwa YANG ; Seok Jin KANG ; Byoung Kee KIM ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1992;26(1):71-75
Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas is one of the rare congenital anomalies of the pancreas. Six cases of them have been reported. We have experienced an autopsy case of agenesis of the dorsal pancreas associated with fetal death in the uterus. Grossly, the body and tail of the pancreas and uncinate process were not found and those were partially replaced by adipose tissue. No abnormality was noted in the other organs. Microscopically, pancreatic tissue with autolytic change was identified only in the head portion of the pancreas.