1.Use of microplate on flxation of orbital rim fracture.
Byeong Mir LEE ; Dong Ha PARK ; Jai Ho CHUNG ; Myong Chul PARK ; Kwan Sik KIM
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1998;25(4):607-612
The orbitozygomatic area occupies a key anatomic position in midface, is prone to injury, and plays a prominent role in facial aesthetics. So the facial appearance including orbital shape can be altered by complications of orbitozygomatic fractures. Most possible initial complications include blindness, hyphema, retinal detatchment, and paralysis or entrapment of extraocular muscles. Long term sequelaes include infraorbital nerve dysfunction, loss of malar projection, enophthalmos, and dystopia. Accurate anatomic reduction and rigid fixation is essential for management of orbitozygomatic fractures to minimize those late sequelaes. Conventional fixation devices to fix displaced fracture of facial bone are interosseous wire and miniplate. But interosseous wirings are unstable for primary bone healing and time consuming. Miniplates have great deal in rigid fixation but their high profile and palpability are the main complaints in many patients, especially in orbital rim area. In this article, we reviewed the 30 cases of zygomamaxilla complex fractures with orbital rim fracture fixed with microplates, and discussed the stability of microplate and superiorities in final aesthetics result. The use of microplates in these area permits enough stability of fracture segment with ease of procedures and superiorities in final results without any palpability.
Facial Bones