1.Testing the validity and reliability of FIPS (face interval pain scale) with Korean children..
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1991;3(1):54-69
No abstract available.
Reproducibility of Results*
2.The Impact of Perceived Health Condition and Practiced Health Promotion Life Style on the Satisfaction of Life in Adult.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1998;10(3):548-558
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of subjects perceived health condition and practiced health promotion life style to their satisfaction with their life. For this purpose, adults were surveyed, and thereby, data were collected to be analyzed. The data were collected during the period of August-September, 1997 and a total of 200 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 162 copies were returned (return rate : 81%), Finally 57 copies were used for the analysis with 5 inappropriate ones dismissed. The data were analyzed using the SPSS PC+. The 157 subjects consisted of 65 males (41.4%) and 92 females (58.6%), and their average age was 49.39. It appeared that 59.9% of them were living with their spouse only, while 35.7% were living with children. On the other hand, 91.9% had spouses, and the majority of them(59.3) believed in Buddhisam, 35.7% of them graduated from middle school, while 31.2% finished high school. In economic terms, 25.5% of the respondents had an income of 1.01-1.50million won a month. It was disclosed that the demographic factors affecting subjects' health promotion life style were mostly type of the family, spouse, and educational background. The main demographic factor affecting their satisfaction with life was Age, while other variables showed no significant differences statistically. As a result of analyzing the correlation between perceived health condition, health promotion life styles and various factors related to satisfaction with life, it was shown that health promotion life style and perceived health condition were significantly correlated to each other statistically. And age, perceived health condition, health promotion life style, and satisfaction with life were significantly correlated to each other statistically. In conclusion health promotion life style and perceived health condition were identified as important variables in the life satisfaction of adult.
Health Promotion*
Life Style*
Surveys and Questionnaires
3.A study on understanding and attitude to the dying patients of nursing students and nurses..
Ju Hee KIM ; Chung Ja CHUN ; Bun Han KIM
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1992;4(1):5-16
No abstract available.
Students, Nursing*
4.The Effect of Auricular Acupressure Therapy on Anxiety of Cancer Pateint.
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(6):888-896
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study wsa to necessitate auricular acupressure therapy as an independent nursing intervention on cancer paitents by confirming its effectiveness. METHOD: The experimental study was unequivalently controlled pre-post measure study. The subjects were 40 cancer patients who were hospitalized in K medical center in Seoul. The experimental group (20) and the control group (20) were randomly assigned. As measured tools, Spielberger's State-trait Anxiety (1976) measured tool by Kim's transplation (1978). The auricular acupressure therapy was applied to experimental group, and the pre-post measure was performed to both group. The data was analyzed by using SPSS computer program that included descriptive statistics, x2-test, and t-test. RESULT: 1) The experimental group with the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower trait anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 8.036, p=.000). 2) The experimental group which applied the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower state anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 19.616, p=.000). This result showed that cancer patients with the auricular acupressure therapy applied cancer patients decreased state anxiety and trait anxiety. Therefore , effectiveness of the auricular acupressure therapy was confirmed through this study. CONCLUSION: According to the result, anxiety of cancer pateint should be decreased and controlled by the auricular acupressure therapy as independent nursung intervension. In addition, the auricular acupressure therapy will provide effective independent nursing intervention that will decrease anxiety on patient with other disease and will improve quality of their lives.
5.The Lived Experiences of Inpatients'Families in the Intensive Care Units.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2000;12(2):175-183
The study was done by applying a phenomenological study, which is qualitative research methods, in order to understand the meaning of the lived experiences, to confirm and describe the meaning structure, and to prepare nursing interventive strategies centering around the meanings of the inpatients' families in the intensive care units. In the study, the family members were the main important nursing providers for in the inpatients' who were admitted in the neuro-surgical intensive care unit in K-university hospital and who agreed to participate in the study after being given on explanation about the purpose of the study. The data were collected from the seven participants who had feelings of trust and intimacy favorable toward the researcher as they were families of patients who had been cared for by the researcher in the ICU where the researcher has been assigned. The data were collected from April to October, 1999. The participants described their experiences as candidly as possible. The researcher described closely the lived experiences with their own words and the observations of the researcher. A tape recorder was used with the consent of the participants to prevent nursing information and communication. The analysis of the data was made through the phenomenological analytic method suggested by Giorgi; as an unit of description, which include the participants'expressions and the researcher's observations, the analysis was used based on the data described from the expressions of the participants and the details of observations of the researcher. The conclusions of the study were as follows: The meanings of the lived experience of the inpatients'families in the ICU was confirmed by indepth interviews and observations including these of the participatants: 1. Psychological impact: confusion, impatience, surprise, insensibility; 2. Physical suffering: fatigue, discomfort, indigestion; 3. Psychological suffering: heartbreaking emotion, anxiety, annoyance, fear, compassion, grief; 4. Economical suffering: economical difficulties; 5. Psychological disagreement: escape from reality, personnel avoidance, grudge, powerlessness, carefulness, transposition of life-tract, abandonment, role-crisis, hope, lack of understanding, regret, feeling of ambivalence(progressive process, medical personnel interest); 6. Psychological dependency; self-reliance groupsupport, family support, religious support; 7. Psychological acceptance; acquaintance, gratitude, reassurance; The study will offer better understanding of experiences therefore, based on the experiences confirmed by the study, it may facilitate more appropriate nursing interventive strategies for health maintenance and to prevent occurrence of possible problems with the inpatients'families in the ICUs.
Intensive Care Units*
Critical Care*
Qualitative Research
United Nations
6.Fusion of the PLAG1 and CTNNB1 genes in pleomorphic adenoma of the salivary glands.
Jae Jin KIM ; Eun Seok KIM ; Seung O KO ; Hyo Bun KIM ; Nam Pyo CHO
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2003;29(4):206-211
The pleomorphic adenoma is the most common neoplasm involving both the major and minor salivary glands. It is a benign, slowgrowing tumor, but local recurrences can occur. The pleomorphic adenoma gene 1 (PLAG1), which is a novel zinc finger gene, is frequently activated by reciprocal chromosomal translocations involving 8q12 in a subset of salivary gland pleomorphic adenomas. This experimental study was preformed to observe the translocation patterns between PLAG1 gene and the three translocation partner genes. We also have analyzed the presence of PLAG1 transcripts by RT-PCR. CTNNB1/PLAG1 gene fusion was observed in three of nine pleomorphic adnomas. However, LIFR/PLAG1 and SII/PLAG1 gene fusions were not detectable. All of three gene fusions was not detectable in one Warthin's tumor and three inflammatory salivary gland tissues. PLAG1 transcripts were expressed in all inflammatory salivary gland tissues and tumors except for three pleomorphic adenomas. Of particular one pleomorphic adenoma showing CTNNB1/P AG1 gene fusion did not express PLAG1 transcipt. Our data indicate that gene fusion involving PLAG1 is a frequent event in pleomorphic adenoma, but correlation between gene fusion involving PLAG1 and PLAG1 transcription is not definite.
Adenoma, Pleomorphic*
Gene Fusion
Salivary Glands*
Salivary Glands, Minor
Translocation, Genetic
Zinc Fingers
7.Clinical Nurses' Professional Conflicts.
Kwuy Bun KIM ; Hea Sook KIM ; Kyung Ho LEE
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(3):492-505
PURPOSE: This study aims to find the sources of nurses' conflicts and to find ways to eliminate them for improved nursing care. METHOD: This study is based on a phenomenological approach. All participants were woking at K-hospital, located in Seoul. The research was performed from September 2000 to February 2001. Data was collected through interviews and observations while participants were working. Interviews lasted a duration of one and half hours and data collection accured five to six times per participant. The data were analysed by Giorgi method and the results are as follows: RESULT: Essential themes in the professional conflict of clinical nurses emerged (1) The discords of human relationships ; (2) Dissatisfaction with working conditions; (3) Lack of self-respect in one's professional expertise ; (4) Dissatisfaction with one's work ; (5) Depression accurring due to one's ability as a professional. CONCLUSION: The foregoing arguments suggest that nurses perform stressful environments in a hospital originating from the relationship among peer group, working conditions, and lack of self-respect as a nurses. Therefore, hospital authorities should strangly consider working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions in order to promote self-respect of the nurses hospitals.
Data Collection
Nursing Care
Peer Group
8.Wishes of the Elderly.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2002;14(3):438-448
PURPOSE: This study is aimed to search the lived experiences of the participants and to analyze the contents so that we can be assured about what the elderly wish and find the appropriate nursing intervention for them in real life. METHOD: This is based on a phenomenological approach. Participants of this study consist of people older than 65 years old. Data was collected from May to August in 2001. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews and observations. The time used in each interview was from 50 minutes to 2 hours. Each participant was interviewed three to five times. Giorgi's phenomenological analysis was used in data analysis. RESULT: The elder's wishes are 1) a respected life, 2) a happy life, 3) a peaceful life, 4) a independent life, 5) a financially independent life, 6) a satisfactory life, 7) a mind to depend on someone, 8) a serving life, 9) a historic family, 10) a happy-ending life. CONCLUSION: The study will contribute for the nursing intervention to enhance the quality of life and successful aging of the elderly.
Data Collection
Quality of Life
Statistics as Topic
9.The Experience of Mechanically Venticanted Patients.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1999;11(4):730-742
This study was aimed by applying phenomenal way of study which is the qualitative way of study in order to provide basic data for the whole nursing of the patients with artificial recipiratory organ who are in dangerous situations called mechanical ventilation aid by confirming and understanding the significance of the experience of the objects who experienced artificial recipiratory organ. The patients who agreed to participate at the study after being given the explanation, who are able to exchange minds as they are separated from the recipiratory organ and tube after having been fully recovered to the ability of breathing at present after the experience of mechanical ventilation aid in the room for serious patients of one general hospital at Sung Nam City, Kyongido province, and they are 5 in number who could repeat the statement about the experience, and it has been from Aug. 1998 through Apr. 1994. The data have been collected from the participant patients who had the feeling of trust and intimacy favorably with the researcher as they have been taken care for by the researcher when they were in artificial recipiratory organ in the room for serious patients in the hospital where the researcher has been assigned, and the details of conversation with them have been recorded directly and immediately and in order to prevent details of conversation from being omitted, they are tape-recorded by the consent of the patients. Phenomenal way of analysis suggested by Giorgi was used based on the data described from the words of the patients and the details of observation of the researcher, and the results of the study are as the below; The significance of the experience of the patients who had artificial recipilatory organ through confirmation by deep interivew and observation including participation: 1) The sense of loss: loss of mind exchange, loss of sleep, loss of guidance, loss of sense, loss of role, loss of self-concept, loss of self-control, loss of self-decision and loss of human resources. 2) Felling of inconvenience: Pain, agony 3) Psychological discords: confusion, grudge, felling of burden, fear, instability and sadness 4) Unconsciousness reaction: dream 5) Adaptation: reception, longing and feeling of gratitude and others. The significance in the science of nursing centered by the above results are as the follows; The patients with mechanical ventilation aid have been experiencing bigger pain than anyother patients in the room of serious patients due to environmental stress of the room of serious patients and the situational stress of having artificial recipiratory organ together with psychological pain due to the disease, and I think without any suitable arbitration they might be handicapped in the thought and action. The nurse who takes care of the patients with artificial recipiratory organ would be able to provide the suitable nursing arbitration which can decrease effectively the stress if the nurse has the concrete understanding about their stress as the person in intimate relationship nearest them. But until today the study on the significance of the experience of such patients has been scarcely conducted to the ones with artificial recipiratory organ and no study has been conducted in Korea. This study has been made with the effort of trying to understand deeply the experience of the patients in psychological, physical, social and spiritual views of the patients equipped with artificial recipiratory organ, therefore based on the experience of the patients with artificial recipiratory organ confirmed by this study, I think this study would be meaningful as the basic data for preparing the way of nursing arbitration effectively for the wholeman nursing for the patients who are given the mechanical ventilation aid.
Disabled Persons
Hospitals, General
Respiration, Artificial
10.Physical and Psychological-Emotional Status according to Type of Personality in Female College Student who Smoke.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 2002;9(2):311-322
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to test the physical and psychological- emotional status according to type of personality of female college student smokers and to provide baseline data for smoking cessation education programs for women. METHOD: The data were collected from May to June, 2002. The subjects were 119 female students who smoked. The data were analyzed using SPSS/PC. RESULTS: The results are as follows 1. There were 91 (76.5%) A type and 28 (23.5%) B Type personality types, indicating that female student smokers were more frequently type A rather than type B. 2.Perceived health status by personality type indicated that those with type B (27.71+/-4.67) perceived higher health status than those with type A (26.53+/-4.60) but the result was not statistically significant (p=0.237). 3.Perceived stress by personality type indicated that those with type B (83.71+/-13.13) perceived more stress than those with type A (70.52+/-12.35). 4.Differences between depression by personality type indicated that those with type B (47.21+/-8.53) perceived more stress than those with type A (45.42+/-7.32) but this was not statistically significant (p=.277). 5.There were significant negative correlations between perceived health status and stress (r=-0.300, P<0.004), depression and perceived health status (r=-0.456, P<0.000). There was significant positive correlation between stress and depression (r=0.700, P<0.000). 6.There was no significant difference between perceived health status, stress, or depression according to general characteristics. CONCLUSION: According to the results, researchers should continually identify women's smoking behavior included various physical and psychological variables related to women's health. In addition, programs for improving physical and psychological health should be designed and operated to decrease the perception of stress and to increase the perception of health motivation for women smokers.
Smoking Cessation
Women's Health