1.Food and Meal Preference of Workers in the Chonnam Yeosu Industrial Area .
Hyun Mi HAN ; Il Su CHOI ; Bok Mi JUNG
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2009;14(4):392-405
This study was conducted to investigate food and meal preference of workers (435 male and 212 female) in the Chonnam Yeosu industrial area. The results of the survey were analyzed by principal components analysis. The results were obtained as follows: 19.3% of the subjects were twenties, 28.3% were thirties, 28.8% were forties and 23.7% were fifties. Females liked rice rolled in dried laver, rice cakes, janchi-noodle and breads, on the other hand males liked thick beef soup, loach soup, an eel stew and soju. The young liked instant noodles, fried chicken, sweet and sour pork, pork cutlet, pizza, hamburger, ham, sausage and fruit beverage, on the other hand the old liked a fish pot stew, loach soup, eel stew, fish boiled in soy with spices, panfried fish, sea slug, ascidian, bunder, green laver and boiled burdock-lotus root in soy. Females who are young liked hamburger and sweet and sour pork whereas males who are young liked instant noodles, pork cutlet, ham, sausage and fruit beverage. Aged females liked fish boiled in soy with spices, panfried fish, bunder, green laver, boiled burdock-lotus root in soy whereas aged males liked a fish pot stew, loach soup, eel stew, sea mussel and oysters. Boiled rice was located within the middle irrespective of age and sex, but noodles, wheat flour meal, fast foods and fruits were situated at the young female side. Aged males liked soup and pot stew. Young males liked meats and eggs whereas fish and shellfish and kimch were located at the aged people side. Aged females liked sea weeds and most people disliked vegetables but females liked some vegetables irrespective of age. Processed foods, salted foods, and alcohol were generally disliked foods by subjects but males liked those foods. Soybean curd was liked more males than females, and teas, except coffee, was liked by males.
Fast Foods
The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 1998;36(2):302-322
This study was accompolished to analyze and compare the number and area of the occlusal contact points in healthy volunteers and athletes with normal occlusion. For this study, 15 athletes(13 amles and 2 females with average age 20) and 21 healthy volunteers(14 mles and 7 females with average age 20.09) were selected. The visual display acquired by scanning of occlusal record in maximal intercuspation was converted into 16 gray value image. Then, using computer program (J &Lee Occlusal Analyser), the pixel which was in definite range of the gray value was recognized, and the numbers of recognized pixel were claculated to area. The results were as follows ; 1. The average numbers of total occlusal contact points were 31.05 in control group, and 34.67 in athlete group. The average area of total occlusal contacts was 100.25mm2in control group, and 127.78mm2in athlete group. 2. In control group, the average numbers of occlusal contact points were revealed in order as follows ; the first molar(8.48), the second molar(8.24), the second premolar(4.71), the lateral incisor(2.90), the first premor(2.43), the central incisor(2.19), and the canine(2.1). The least average in canine(2.1) was similar to the average(2.19) in central incisor and (2.09) in lateral incisor. In athlete group, the average numbers of occlusal contact points were revealed in order as follows ; the first molar(8.87), the second molar(8.47), the second premolar(5.60), the canine(3.80), the lateral incisor(3.33), the first premolar(2.67), and the central insicor(1.93). 3. In control group, the average areas of occlusal contact surface were revealed in order as follows ; the first molar(39.47mm2), the second molar(37.54mm2), the second premolar(9.54mm2) the first premolar(6.18mm2), canine(3.49mm2), the central incisor(3.7mm2), and the central incisor(2.25mm2). 4. With aging in both control and athlete group, there was a decreasing tendancy in average number of occlusal contact point, and was an increasing tendancy in average area of occlusal contact surface. In comparison at each age, both the numbers and area of occlusal contact were greater in athlete group than in control group. It was not significant in the numbers of occlusal contact points beween athlete and control group(p>0.1), but significant in the area of occlusal contact surface(p<0.05). 5. In comparision as to the kind of sports(Gymnastics : 2, Rugby : 3, Soccor : 5, Ice hocky : 5), the numbers of occlusal contact points were the most in ice hocky, and the area of occlusal contact surface was the greatest in gymnastics. With increasing a career in athlete group, there was a decreasing tendancy in average numbers of occiusal contact points and was an increasing tendancy in average area of occlusal contact surface. 6. By T-scan analyzing, the contact numbers on the anterior teeth were greater in control group than in athlete group, and on the posterior teeth were greater in athlete group than in control group. And the results acquired by T-scan were lesser than that caquired by the silicone bite records. It was not significant in the posterior teeth, but significant in the anterior teeth. In T-scan records, the numbers of occlusal contact points on second molar were the greatest, but in the silicone records, the numbers on first molar were the greatest.
Healthy Volunteers
3.A Survey of Satisfaction and Preference for Military Meal Service and Food Behaviors and Food Habits of Some Military Personnel.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2006;11(4):520-533
The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfaction and preference for current military meal service and food behaviors and food habits of some military personnel in Chunchen and Wonju of the Kwangwon area. The results are as follows. In the anthropometric survey, average height of the subjects was 175.03 +/- 5.30 cm, average weight was 69.15 +/- 7.74 kg. As a result of surveying satisfaction in the current food service, an item high in satisfaction was adequacy of serving hours, whereas an item of low satisfaction was diversity of menu. The item of food service improvement needs of the subjects were in order more variety of menu, nutrition, preference, sanitation, cooking method. As a result of surveying eating behavior of the subjects, most items were high medium response. They preferred soju and relish and also they liked the bokkum cooking method. As a result of surveying food habits of the subjects, items of good habits were regularity of meals, marginal meals, diversity of food intake, dairy and dairy products, avoiding too exciting meals and natural food diet; whereas, items of bad habits were fast food intake, alcohol, smoking, carbonated and caffeine beverages, skipping breakfast, snacks, fatty food intake, yellow or green vegetable intake and fruit and seaweed intake. Following is the result of a survey on the preference of meals by cooking method serving the current military meal service. They liked one-dish meals such as Bokkeumbap, Bibimbap, Tteokguk; whereas, they disliked curryrice, Jajangbap. In case of soup, they liked soup made from meat better than vegetable soup or soup made with fish. Also they liked pot stem better than soup. Generally they liked meals containing meat in most cooking methods. These results suggest that continuous and practical nutrition education to change food habits in military life are necessary to prevent chronic disease with increasing age.
Chronic Disease
Dairy Products
Fast Foods
Feeding Behavior
Food Habits*
Food Services
Military Personnel*
4.A Survey on Preference and Purchase Factors of Seaweed.
Yu Mi HWANG ; Il Su CHOI ; Bok Mi JUNG
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2010;15(3):361-368
This study was carried out to investigate preference and purchase factors of seaweed in some regional residents of Korea. Subjects were residents (n = 1,218) whose residential area was divided into inland and coastal region and the survey was done during December 2007. Especially, purchase factors of seaweeds was conducted only in married females (n = 353). The subjects are composed of 46.5% male and 53.5% female. Regional distribution of subjects was found to be 16~17%, with highest ratio in the age bracket of 20~29 years old. Proportion of students, at 29.8%, was the highest ranking occupation of the subjects. Preference score of seaweeds by region was highest for laver followed by brown seaweed and sea tangle. In terms of preference by gender, female subjects displayed higher preference score for green laver (p < 0.01), seaweed fusiforme, brown seaweed, sea tangle (p < 0.001) than the male subjects. Considerations being made when purchasing seaweeds for each region were in the order of freshness, taste and nutrition. In comparing the inland and coastal region, scores of freshness, convenience, design and color for the coastal region was higher, displaying significant difference.
5.A Comparative Study of Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Attitude and Nutrient Intakes of Dietitians and Non-Dietitians Working in the Chonnam Area.
Bok Mi JUNG ; Mi Jeong KIM ; Il Su CHOI
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2007;12(3):284-298
This study was performed by a comparative analysis of nutritional knowledge, dietary attitudes and nutrient intakes of dietitians and non-dietitians. The subjects of this study were 103 dietitians and 166 non-dietitians working in the Chonnam area. The general characteristics, nutrition knowledge and dietary attitudes of the subjects were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire, and nutrient intakes were examined using 24-hour recall method. The results were as follows: Dietitian group (15.17+/-3.88) scored significantly (p < 0.0001) higher than non-dietitian group (13.34+/-3.31) in nutrition knowledge. Dietitian group (69.58+/-10.67) scored significantly higher on dietary attitudes than the non-dietitian group (63.97+/-11.18). The correlation between nutritional knowledge scores and dietary attitudes scores were statistically significance on job, age (20~39), education level (below university), marital status and work experience (2~5, above 10). The dietitian group was significantly higher than the non-dietitians in body weight and BMI of anthropometric data. The prevalence of obesity was 5.8% from the dietitian group and 6.6% from the non-dietitian group when judged by BMI and therefore obesity rate was significaltly (p < 0.001) different between the two groups. In case of the dietitian group, the average intake of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, niacin, vitamin E, phosphorous, zinc were above the Korean RDA whereas the average intake of vitamin C, calcium, iron, folic acid were below the Korean RDA. The average intake of most nutrients, except vitamin B1, vitamin B6, phosphorus, were below the Korean RDA in the non-dietitian group. Therefore the non-dietitian group needs nutrition education in order to improve their nutritional status.
Ascorbic Acid
Body Weight
Folic Acid
Marital Status
Nutritional Status
Vitamin A
Vitamin B 6
Vitamin E
Surveys and Questionnaires
6.A Study on the Dietary Habit in Residents of Rural District Muan of Chonnam.
Bok Mi JUNG ; Yoo Hyang CHO ; Hae Ok JUNG
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2006;11(1):83-97
This study was to investigate dietary habit for residents in the rural area of Chonnam, Muan. The subjects were composed of 61.2% male and 38.3% female (510 adults). In regularity of meal time, 56.3% of the subjects had meals regularly. The older people were significantly higher than the younger people at regular intervals of meal times (p < 0.0001). The majority of the subjects had appropriate meal amounts. 73.5% of the subjects had balanced diets. Unbalanced diet was higher in younger people than in older people. The highest frequency to dining out was once a month and the lower age was significantly higher than older age (p < 0.001). When dining-out, the most important criteria for selecting a meal was the taste of food. 62.4% of the subjects ate meat and greasy animal food more than once a week. The younger in age and higher in educational levels have increased meat intake frequency. In the eating methods of animal fat, 37.5% of the subjects were high by eating generally untouched. The older in age, lower in education level have more increased animal fat intake frequency. 60.7% of the subjects took snacks. The kinds of snacks were fruits, coffee, alcoholic drinks, candies and confectioneries, drinkables and tea, milk and dairy products, in order. Consequently, nutrition education is for them with special emphasis on regularity of meal times, unbalanced diets, dining-out and snacks to the younger people, whereas it is the necessary eating methods of animal fat and snacks to the older people.
Dairy Products
Food Habits*
7.A Comparative Study of Nutrition Knowledge, Nutrition Attitudes and Eating Behaviors of Dietitians and Non-Dietitians Working in the Metropolitan Area.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2008;13(6):840-854
This study was carried out to compare the nutrition knowledge, nutrition attitudes and eating behaviors of dietitians and non-dietitians. The subjects of this study were 148 dietitians and 195 non-dietitians who are working in the metropolitan area. The general characteristics, nutrition knowledge, nutrition attitudes and eating behaviors of the subjects were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire. The results were as follows: The result of anthropometric data and body mass index showed no significant differences between dietitians and non-dietitians groups. The dietitian group (16.61 +/- 1.82) showed a significant difference (p < 0.001) compared to the non-dietitian group (14.60 +/- 2.17) in nutrition knowledge scores. Nutrition attitudes of the dietitian group (36.66 +/- 6.91) was a little higher than the non-dietitian group (36.21 +/- 7.95), but not a significant difference. The dietitian group (61.52 +/- 9.37) and the non-dietitian group (62.50 +/- 11.25) were no significant difference in eating behaviors. The correlation between nutrition knowledge scores and nutrition attitudes score of dietitians and non-dietitians groups were no significantly difference and also the correlation between nutrition knowledge scores and eating behaviors scores were not statistically significance. Whereas, the correlation between nutrition attitudes and eating behaviors showed a significant difference (dietitian r = 0.40829, nondietitian r = 0.51914). From these results, we could see the necessity of emphasis of nutrition knowledge by mending the education is necessary to enable dietitians to apply that in real life. Also it is important to guide non-dietitians to adjust their nutrition knowledge, nutrition attitudes and eating behaviors.
Body Mass Index
Feeding Behavior
8.Comparison of Foodservice Management Practices in the Employee Feeding Operations of Jeonnam and Chungchong Area.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2004;9(2):191-203
This study was performed to compare the foodservice management practices in the employee feeding operations of Jeonnam and Chungchong area. Questionnaires were developed and mailed to 160 dietitians with management in employee foodservice of Jeonnam and Chungchong area. Completed questionnaires were received from 124 dietitians with a response rate of 77.5%. The results of this study can be summarized as follows:. Age, work experience, concurrent position and work time of dietitians were significantly higher in the Chungchong area than those in the Jeonnam area. Times of meals and amount of meals served per day in the Chungchong area were significantly higher than those in the Jeonnam area. The type of menu by foodservice operation was high non-selective menu in both areas, especially non-selective menu was high in self-operated place whereas selective menu was high in contract management. Period of cycle menu was 10 - 15 days in Jeonnam area, but that was 7 days in Chungchong area and so cycle menu of both areas was significantly different (p <0.001). Most considerable factor in menu planning was preference in Jeonnam area and was cost in the Chungchong area. Food purchasing method was used mostly by automatic computerized order in the Jeonnam area whereas telephone or mail order was high in the Chungchong area.
Menu Planning
Postal Service
9.A Study on Obesity and Food Habit of Adolescents in Yeosu, Jeonnam Area.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2003;8(2):129-137
This study was to investigate obesity and food habit of adolescents in Yosu, Chonnam area. It was surveyed using questionnaires with 551 adolescents consisted of 280 boys and 271 girls. The questionnaire included general characteristics, obesity index, eating behavior and snack intake pattern. The results were as follows. The proportion of obese subjects was 10% by Rohrer index but the rate of obesity by body mass index was 3.3%. The self perception of body shape were optimal (47.9%), fat (29.8%), slightly lean (14.5%), obese (4.7%) and lean (3.1%). Generally, the proportion of girls responded them as "fat" was greater than boys. The greater percentage of boys responded them as "lean" than girls. The subjects don't take breakfast regularly were 50.8% and the main reason for skipping breakfast was the lack of time (55.2%). The main type of breakfast was cooked rice (78.9%). The most favorite snacks turn out to be cookies (36.5%) and 45.7% of subjects take snacks during the rest. The reason for taking snacks was "feeling hungry" 52.6%) and the taste was the most important factor of snack choice. The results of this study showed that the most of subjects were not in a serious obesity condition, and their eating habits were generally satisfactory. Also, this study has found that it is necessary to educate the students the importance of regular intake of a balanced meal.
Body Mass Index
Feeding Behavior
Food Habits*
Self Concept
Surveys and Questionnaires
10.Breast Lymphoma: A Report of 2 Cases.
Soo Jung LEE ; Jin Wook LEE ; Mi Soo HWANG ; Kil Ho CHO ; Bok Hwan PARK ; Dong Sug KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1994;31(4):763-766
The diagnosis of breast lymphoma is a prime consideration when a breast mass develops in a patient with a history of lymphoma either in lymphatic system or at other anatomic sites, with bilateral axillary lymph nodes enlargment. However, the radiologic findings of lymphoma in breast are known as non-specific. Breast lymphoma is extremely rare and it has never been reported in this country. We report two cases of breast lymphoma with mammographic and sonographic findings.
Lymph Nodes
Lymphatic System