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Author:(Bhuvanesh NANJAPPA)

1.Large Bilateral Adrenal Leiomyomas Presenting as Calcified Adrenal Masses: A Rare Case Report.

Santosh KUMAR ; Bhuvanesh NANJAPPA ; Pallavi AGRAWAL ; Arawat PUSHKARNA

Korean Journal of Urology 2014;55(5):363-366

2.Laparoscopic Management of a Hydatid Cyst of the Adrenal Gland.

Santosh KUMAR ; Bhuvanesh NANJAPPA ; Kiran Krishne GOWDA

Korean Journal of Urology 2014;55(7):493-495

3.Fragmented Pigtail Percutaneous Nephrostomy Tubes: Etiology and Management.

Santosh KUMAR ; Raguram GANESAMONI ; Bhuvanesh NANJAPPA ; Varun SHARMA

Korean Journal of Urology 2012;53(7):492-496

4.Randomized Controlled Trial to Compare the Safety and Efficacy of Naftopidil and Tamsulosin as Medical Expulsive Therapy in Combination With Prednisolone for Distal Ureteral Stones.

Santosh KUMAR ; Kailash Chand KURDIA ; Raguram GANESAMONI ; Shrawan Kumar SINGH ; Bhuvanesh NANJAPPA

Korean Journal of Urology 2013;54(5):311-315

5.Efficacy of Holmium Laser Urethrotomy in Combination with Intralesional Triamcinolone in the Treatment of Anterior Urethral Stricture.

Santosh KUMAR ; Ankur KAPOOR ; Raguram GANESAMONI ; Bhuvanesh NANJAPPA ; Varun SHARMA ; Uttam K METE

Korean Journal of Urology 2012;53(9):614-618

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