1.Evidence-based practice beliefs and implementation of staff nurses in the Ilocos region.
Philippine Journal of Nursing 2018;88(1):11-20
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The study assessed the EBP beliefs and implementation of staff nurses in the Ilocos Region.
METHODS: A sample size of 384 nurses was surveyed in this cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study approved by the Saint Louis University - Research Ethics Committee. They were selected through simple random sampling in seven (7) different government and private training hospitals in the Ilocos Region. The EBP Beliefs Scale (EBP-B) and EBP Implementation Scale (EBP-I) were used to collect the data on the respondents' EBP Beliefs and Implementation respectively. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation; and inferential statistics such as Spearman rank correlation.
FINDINGS: The mean total score of 58.57 indicated that the respondents have no full commitment or belief to EBP but the possibility exists. The overall mean rating of 3.63 signified that they "Agree" on the statements in the EBPB scale in general. On the EBP implementation, a mean summative score of 28.06 specified that the respondents implemented EBPbetween 1 to 3 times but less than 4 times in the past eight weeks. The overall mean rating was calculated at 1.56 suggestive that EBPis "Rarely implemented". Moreover, this study established a weak positive correlation between the respondents' EBPBeliefs and EBPImplementation [r (384) = 0.252, p < 0.001].
CONCLUSION: This study has shown that nurses in the Ilocos region are positive about their knowledge of, confidence in and belief about EBP but are not fully committal to it. However, in spite of having positive EBP belief, their implementation of EBP was rare or low. The study was able to elicit that EBPimplementation is significantly associated by the held beliefs on EBP by the respondents.
Human ; Evidence-based Practice
2.Consonance theory: A proposed theory of patient satisfaction
Philippine Journal of Nursing 2017;87(2):73-78
Patient satisfaction with nursing care is an evolving concept and needs further
definition and development within the nursing discipline. Consonance Theory of
Patient Satisfaction is a proposed theory that was deductively derived through critical
review of existing literature on patient satisfaction with nursing care. The basic tenet of
this proposed theory states that patient satisfaction is the outcome of the consonance
between the patients’ expectations of care and actual care received from the nurse
which eventually influences the patients’ health-related outcomes and the institution’s
quality of care. This theory recognizes the active role of the patient and the nurse, as
well as, their harmonious interaction to achieve their shared goal of none other than
patient satisfaction. Hence, this suggested theory provides a pragmatic way of
understanding and achieving patient satisfaction as it relates to nursing care.
Patient Satisfaction
3.Accelerating research evidence translation through dyadic engagement: A developing model for evidence-based practice implementation
Philippine Journal of Nursing 2020;90(2):59-70
Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been regarded as the gold standard of clinical practice in the health profession. However, even though the importance of EBP is well documented in the nursing literature, in developing countries, its implementation remains a challenge. In addition to individual and organizational barriers to EBP implementation, the existence of the academician-clinician divide is a critical concern. This seeming disconnect has significantly hampered the translation of knowledge into practice. Hence, collaborative dyadic engagements between the academician and clinicians have to be nurtured. The Accelerating Research evidence translation through Dyadic Engagement (ARDE) Model, a pragmatic way of facilitating the enculturation of EBP, is proposed and collaborative efforts in solving clinically relevant nursing issues will pave the way for EBP to become an integral part of clinical practice.
4.Parental feeding style of mothers in the province of Ilocos Sur
Bernardo Oliber A. Arde, Jr. ; Marciana P. De Vera
Philippine Journal of Nursing 2022;92(1):35-43
The increasing trend of childhood obesity is becoming an imminent concern in both developed and developing countries. Besides genetic predisposition, environmental and social factors are contributory factors to this global epidemic. These factors include maternal feeding practices and style. This study determined mothers' parental feeding styles in the province of Ilocos Sur and the factors that predict them. Also, the study ascertained if parental feeding styles are related to the child's Body Mass Index (BMI). This study used the descriptive-correlational research method and included 156 mothers with children aged 2-3. Respondents were chosen purposively. The Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire developed by Wardle et al. (2002) was used to gather the needed data. For data analysis, the frequency and percentage, mean, multiple regression, and Pearson product-moment of correlation were used. This study concluded that mothers vary in their characteristics and so on their feeding styles. Based on study results, they have high levels of encouragement and emotional feeding and average levels of instrumental feeding and control over feeding. However, encouragement feeding is the dominant feeding style among respondents among the four feeding styles. Various maternal traits have been found to predict a specific parental feeding style except for the control over feeding subscale. Additionally, only encouragement feeding was found to have an indirect correlation with a child's BMI.
Nutritional Status