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Author:(Bernardo Oliber A. ARDE)

1.Evidence-based practice beliefs and implementation of staff nurses in the Ilocos region.

Bernardo Oliber A. ARDE

Philippine Journal of Nursing 2018;88(1):11-20

2.Consonance theory: A proposed theory of patient satisfaction

Bernardo Oliber A. Arde, Jr.

Philippine Journal of Nursing 2017;87(2):73-78

3.Accelerating research evidence translation through dyadic engagement: A developing model for evidence-based practice implementation

Bernardo Oliber Jr. A. Arde

Philippine Journal of Nursing 2020;90(2):59-70

4.Parental feeding style of mothers in the province of Ilocos Sur

Bernardo Oliber A. Arde, Jr. ; Marciana P. De Vera

Philippine Journal of Nursing 2022;92(1):35-43

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