1.The psychosocial effects of care giving on care givers of persons with schizophrenia seen at the Out-Patient Department of UP-PGH from August-November 2001
Baylon Maria Madeline L. ; Querijero Margaret B.
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2005;29(2):5-16
Mental illness has always brought distress to the patients as well as their families and/or care providers. Fadden tried to describe the phenomenon of burden among families as "one or more in the household is doing more than their fair share, has activities restricted outside the relationship and experiences a greater or lesser degree of distress". Tronco, et al., in their study in Bulacan found that the concerns were financial burden, inaccessibility health resources, stigma, distress during exacerbations, shame, and isolation. This study was done to describe the psychosocial effects of care giving on primary of persons with Schizophrenia seen at the Psychiatry Out Patient Clinic of UP-PGH. This descriptive cross sectional survey. Those included were adult caregivers of schizophrenic patients. Instruments used were the translated versions of General Health Questionnaire -28 and the Burden Assessment Schedule. A total of 102 respondents were included in the study. Out of these, 76.4% were between the ages 41-65 years, married, mothers of the patients. About 62.4% had been taking care of their patients for more than five years. Using the GHQ, 11.8% were identified to have significant psychiatric symptoms. There was impact on material relationship and the illness was perceived to be was severe to some extent. In all, almost half of the respondents, 52 (50.9%), perceived care giving to be burdensome to some extent. Given the results of the study, one can see that some caregivers develop psychopathology, hence, the need for intervention. This can be done through debriefing sessions, psycho education, and individual therapy, if needed.
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