1.Lead residue and health risk in some commonly consumed imported food products among Mongolian population
Enkhtungalag B ; Gereljargal B ; Tuvshinbayar B ; Oyundelger D ; Unurtsetseg CH ; Davaadulam B ; Tserenlkham B ; Khishigtogtokh D ; Sodnomtseren B ; Jargal E ; Batkhishig O
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;168(2):71-76
IntroductionThe imported food products are more than 60 percent of total food consumption of Mongolia. Thelead residue in food products causes chronic and acute poisoning to the human health when exceedsmaximum residues limits, and human exposure and significant public health problems in many partsof the world.GoalTo assess lead residues and health risk of some commonly consumed imported food productsamong Mongolian population.Objectives:1. To determine consumption of some imported food products of Mongolian population;2. To investigate lead residue in some commonly consumed imported food products;3. To assess potential health risk related lead residue.Materials and MethodsThe research used analytic study of cross-sectional study design. Randomly selected 1290 people’simports food consumption was analyzed by questionnaire and body weight measurements. Tooksamples from 145 import products, identified lead residue with Academy of Sciences Soil ResearchLaboratory`s, ASS (USA, 2002) equipment.Results60.7% of imported food samples were lead residues exceeded to Maximum Residues Limits, suchus mean lead residues in meat product were 1.55 mg/kg, in milk product 1.22 mg/kg, in cerealproducts 1.15 mg/kg, in vegetables 1.57 mg/kg, in fruit and fruit juice 1.03 mg/kg, in alcohols drink1.31 mg/kg, and in tea 1.93 mg/kg (p=0.001). Estimated Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI)of lead exposure for survey responses was 0.079mg/kg body weight.Conclusions:1. 60.7% of imported food samples were lead residues exceeded to Maximum Residues Limits,such us mean lead residues in meat product, milk products, fruits and vegetables.2. Imported vegetables (54.0%), cereal 8.4% products (15.5%), fruit and fruit juice (11.8%), andmilk products (8.4%) is main contributing to lead residues in imported food.3. Estimated Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) of lead exposure for survey responseswas 0.079mg/kg body weight, which is 3.2 times higher than toxicological guidance (PTWI 0.025mg/kg per 1 kg human body weight) and the high health risk level.
2.The effect of regulator proteins on the IFN-γ/TLR9 synergistic signal transduction
Baljinnyam T ; Khulan O ; Erkhembayar Sh ; Baasansuren E ; Jawkhlan B ; Batkhishig ; Enkhsaikhan L ; Galindew B ; Tsewelmaa N ; Baigalmaa B ; Hongorzul B ; Sodnomtsogt L ; Nyambayar D ; Batbaatar G ; Monhbat B ; Munkhtuwshin N ; Bilegtsaikhan Ts
Health Laboratory 2018;8(1):8-13
When human body encounters external pathogens primary/innate immunity cells are activated by recognizing them and secondary/adaptive immunity is activated consecutively. Immune cell surface receptors, called Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize and bind pathogens. In our previous study, we revealed that there is a synergistic action between TLR9 and IFN-γ signaling in the endothelial cells.
To determine the role of negative and positive regulatory proteins on the IFN-γ/TLR9 synergistic signaling pathway
Materials and Methods:
This study was held in the Core Laboratory, Science Technology Center, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS). In this study, murine endothelial cell (END-D) culture was used. The negative and positive regulator protein expression was detected by Western blotting.
Result of immunoblotting assay indicated that CpG DNA enhanced IFN-γ positive regulator protein p38 phosphorylation in the endothelial cells. Treatment by TLR9 ligand CpG DNA and IFN-γ increased p38
activation in 0.5 hour and 1 hour. CpG DNA inhibited IFN-γ negative regulator SOCS1 protein expression in 4 hr and 8 hr. Therefore, TLR9 ligand CpG DNA increased IFN-γ signal transduction in the endothelial cell line.
TLR9 ligand CpG DNA has decreased IFN-γ negative regulator protein SOCS1 expression. CpG DNA has increased IFN-γ positive regulator protein p38 phosphorylation.