Among 1,030 head traumatic cases, moderate injury with GCS range 9-12 occupies 17.66%. Severe injury: 16.6%. Among 100 surgical interventions: *Extradural hematomas: 10%. *Subdural hematomas and cerebral consfusion: 46%. *Post-operative mortality: 32%. *Total mortality rate among servere head injuries: 42.69%. Head injuries due to scooters accidents have increased enormously in the recent years: *150 cases per year 1975-1978. *350 cases per year 1990-1992. *1000 cases per year 1995-1996. Degree of head trauma becomes more severe and the most frequent lesions are brain confusions, oxonal lesions and subdural hematomas. The diagnosis is based on careful clinical assessment, carotid angiogram and exploratory (skull burr hole) trephineation. In order to improve the mortality and morbidity (16%) the authors emphasize on: *Role of helmet use. *Strengthenng traffic regulations. *Good team of anesthetisis and resuscitators. *The need for medical equipment: scanners, respirators.
Craniocerebral Trauma
Wounds and Injuries
Head Injuries, Closed