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Author:(Bambang Budi SISWANTO)

1.Predicting the Risk of Severity and Readmission in Patients with Heart Failure in Indonesia: A Machine Learning Approach

Finna E. INDRIANY ; Kemal N. SIREGAR ; Budhi Setianto PURWOWIYOTO ; Bambang Budi SISWANTO ; Indrajani SUTEDJA ; Hendy R. WIJAYA

Healthcare Informatics Research 2024;30(3):253-265

2.Predicting the Risk of Severity and Readmission in Patients with Heart Failure in Indonesia: A Machine Learning Approach

Finna E. INDRIANY ; Kemal N. SIREGAR ; Budhi Setianto PURWOWIYOTO ; Bambang Budi SISWANTO ; Indrajani SUTEDJA ; Hendy R. WIJAYA

Healthcare Informatics Research 2024;30(3):253-265

3.Predicting the Risk of Severity and Readmission in Patients with Heart Failure in Indonesia: A Machine Learning Approach

Finna E. INDRIANY ; Kemal N. SIREGAR ; Budhi Setianto PURWOWIYOTO ; Bambang Budi SISWANTO ; Indrajani SUTEDJA ; Hendy R. WIJAYA

Healthcare Informatics Research 2024;30(3):253-265

4.Predicting the Risk of Severity and Readmission in Patients with Heart Failure in Indonesia: A Machine Learning Approach

Finna E. INDRIANY ; Kemal N. SIREGAR ; Budhi Setianto PURWOWIYOTO ; Bambang Budi SISWANTO ; Indrajani SUTEDJA ; Hendy R. WIJAYA

Healthcare Informatics Research 2024;30(3):253-265

5.Heart rate variability analysis to investigate autonomic nervous system activity among the three premature ventricular complex circadian types: An observational study

Novita G. Liman ; Sunu B. Raharjo ; Ina Susianti Timan ; Franciscus D. Suyatna ; Salim Harris ; Joedo Prihartono ; Kristiana Siste ; Mohammad Saifur Rohman ; Bambang Budi Siswanto

Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(Early Access 2024):1-8

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