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Author:(Bajic B VLADIMIR)

1.First Insights into the Viral Communities of the Deep-sea Anoxic Brines of the Red Sea

Antunes ANDRE ; Alam INTIKHAB ; Simoes Filipa MARTA ; Daniels CAMILLE ; Ferreira JS ARI ; Siam RANIA ; El-Dorry HAMZA ; Bajic B VLADIMIR

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2015;(5):304-309

2.Soil and Rhizosphere Associated Fungi in Gray Mangroves (Avicennia marina) from the Red Sea-A Metagenomic Approach

Simoes Filipa MARTA ; Antunes ANDRE ; Ottoni A CRISTIANE ; Amini Shoaib MOHAMMAD ; Alam INTIKHAB ; Alzubaidy HANIN ; Mokhtar NOOR-AZLIN ; Archer AC JOHN ; Bajic B VLADIMIR

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2015;(5):310-320

3.TELS: A Novel Computational Framework for Identifying Motif Signatures of Transcribed Enhancers.

Dimitrios KLEFTOGIANNIS ; Haitham ASHOOR ; Vladimir B BAJIC

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2018;16(5):332-341

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