1.Assessing the reliability of subjective evaluation for comfortable driving postures
Darliana Mohamad ; Baba Md Deros
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2016;16(Supplement 2):14-19
Drivers’ posture is one of the factors that can contribute to driving discomfort. Subjective evaluation is needed in
determining the driving discomfort problem. The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability of different
driving postures that may lead to drivers’ discomfort. A total of thirty-four healthy Malaysian drivers were involved
in this study. Respondents were required to sit on the driver’s seat with the required adjustments of three different
postures and fill-in the given subjective evaluation form. The same procedure was repeated for each respondent
after three days for purpose of conducting test retest evaluation. The reliability statistical analysis result shows the
study was reliable and valid with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient equal to 0.827. The comparison means that ANOVA
analysis also shows significance difference between these three groups of postures for all measured parameters. In
conclusion, the result from this study shows the subjective evaluation conducted is reliable and can be used for
drivers’ posture discomfort study.
2.A study on user’s comfort level and seat mismatch in a lecture theatre
Ahmad Kamal S ; Baba MD ; Nor Kamaliana K
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2016;16(Supplement 2):5-13
The furnishings provided by the Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) are not suitable with the diverse student’s body
shapes. This could leads to lack of comfort in usage of the furnishings as well as affecting the effectiveness of the
delivery of the lectures. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to evaluate the student’s comfort level in the
current seat of the Lecture Theatre (LT) and to gather student’s anthropometry data. Two hundred and twenty one
students were involved in this study from one of the IHL in Selangor. A few similar design of LT were chosen for this
study. The Standard Nordic Questionnaire was used to identify the comfort level of students. Eleven body parts
measurements of all participated students were collected by using measurement apparatus such as callipers and
ruler. Based on the findings, it showed that the current seat in LT is uncomfortable to be used, in line with the
results from surveys and mismatch of the seat and student measurement data.
3.Muscle Contraction During Maneuvering Steering Wheel Using Surface Electromyograpyhy
Darliana M ; Baba MD ; Dian DID ; Ahmad RI
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2020;20(Special 1):216-222
Driving posture is one of the factors that need to be emphasized in ensuring driver’s comfort and to avoid road accidents and injuries. Meanwhile, fatigue has a strong relationship with comfortable posture and it contributes 15.7% of the total road accidents in Malaysia. Fatigue can reduce driving concentration and performances, thus increases the risk of road accidents and injuries. In order to determine the driver’s comfort, this study had measured muscle contraction using the objective measurement for comfortable and optimum driving posture angles. The equipment used for conducting objective measurement on 14 respondents was sEMG. The researcher had used sEMG equipment to evaluate muscles activities at upper extremities, which comprises of Biceps Brachii (BB), Deltoid Anterior (DA) and Trapezious Upper (TU) that were involved during controlling the car steering. It involves three driving postures parameters according to the fixed elbow and shoulder angles. The results from this study showed the BB muscle increased positively when turning the steering wheel to the right within 3 to 6 times value increased. Meanwhile, DA and TU muscles experience a contraction in the opposite direction with steering wheel turning action, which shows higher right side DA and TU muscle contraction when the driver turn the steering to the left with around 80% decrease for DA and within 60% to 80% decrease value for TU. BB muscle also shows an increasing value of muscle contraction with higher elbow flexion, meanwhile DA and TU muscles contraction also show an increment in-line with greater shoulder abduction. The results showed that posture B with elbow angle at 36° and shoulder angle at 134° are the most comfortable driving postures, hence the lowest muscle contraction value of 15.67μV (BB), 19.31μV (DA) and 12.36μV (TU) compared to the other two measured postures. The results of muscle contraction from this study is capable of assisting researchers and car manufacturers to understand the relationship of steering maneuvering when developing more comfortable and suitable vehicle’s driver seat compartment.
4.Biceps Brachii Muscle Contraction During Different Driving Postures
Darliana M ; Baba MD ; Dian DID ; Ahmad RI
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (2)):41-46
This study was conducted to analyses the Biceps Brachii (BB) muscle contraction during different driving postures. Drivers’ posture is one of the factors that contribute to driving fatigue that eventually may lead to road accident and injuries. The experiment conducted for this study is using the surface electromyography (SEMG) method for objective evaluation of muscle involved in driving activities. A total of 14 participants are involved in the experiment. The experiment was done on three different posture based on comfortable angles published by previous research. From the results analysis, the RMS value for activity left turn is lower than activity for right turn for all three postures and results also shows that posture B with elbow angle of 134° is perceived as most comfortable based on the lowest value of muscle contraction with a value of 15.67μV. The outcomes from this study are hoped to benefit both manufactures and also car users in ensuring better and optimum driving postures that can avoid fatigue and injuries.
seat design
surface electromyography
driving posture
muscle contraction
5.The Influence Of Income Level And Remuneration Scheme On Job Satisfaction Among Professional Driving Instructors In Malaysia
Zulhaidi MJ ; Baba MD ; Mohd Hanif S ; Ahmad Azad AR
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (2)):128-134
This study aims to determine the job satisfaction (JS) level among professional driving instructors (PDIs) in the driver training and licensing system in Malaysia. Specifically, it looks at the influence of income level and remuneration scheme on PDI’s satisfaction. The average income of PDI is relatively low with three remuneration schemes: fixed income; fixed income plus commission; and commission only. The study adopted the cross-sectional survey using the 20-item Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) (short-form) with end-specified 10-point scale. Analysis of the data revealed that PDIs with higher income are more satisfied with their job, t (179) = -3.248, p = 0.001. Similarly, three level One-way ANOVA of JS scores with three remuneration schemes revealed a significant difference of JS across these schemes, F (2,178) = 3.51, p ≤ 0.032. Researchers’ further exploration found a significant interaction between these two variables (income level vs. remuneration scheme), F (5,175) = 4.88, p = 0.001. In general, PDIs with higher income are more satisfied with their job only if they received it as a fixed income (regardless of having commission or not). This insightful finding can be a basis for relevant stakeholders in understanding the influence of income and remuneration scheme towards JS among PDIs in Malaysia.
Job satisfaction
professional driving instructor
driver training
driver licensing
6.Personal and Psychosocial Risk Factor for Low Back Pain among Automotive Manual Handling Workers in Selangor, Malaysia
Noor Sazarina Mad Isa @ Yahya ; Baba Md Deros ; Mazrura Sahani ; Ahmad Rasdan Ismail
International Journal of Public Health Research 2014;4(1):412-418
It is well known that low back pain among working population is a global problem throughout the world. However, the current situation of occupational low back pain in Malaysia is still vague due to limited number of studies conducted locally. A cross sectional study was conducted among three automotive industry workers in Selangor, Malaysia from October 2010 to April 2011. This study aims to determine the prevalence and risk factors of low back pain among automotive industry workers performing manual material handling tasks using self-administered questionnaire survey. A modified Standardised Nordic Questionnaire was used to assess low back pain problem, to obtain personal and psychosocial risk factors information. The prevalence of low back pain showed increment in the point prevalence of 57.9%, 49.5%, and 35.1 % for 12 months, one month, and of 7 days respectively. Working hour, frequency of overtime, stress at work, work pace, and faster movement were found to be significantly associated with the 12 months prevalence for low back pain. This finding indicates that psychosocial risk factors are associated to the occurrence of low back pain.
Low Back Pain
Occupational Diseases
7.Physical Activity And Low Back Pain Among Automotive Industry Workers In Selangor
Noor Sazarina Mad Isa @ Yahya ; Baba Md Deros ; Mazrura Sahani ; Ahmad Rasdan Ismail
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2014;14(2):33-44
Substantial studies reported musculoskeletal disorders among the working population in the developed country, however, a limited number of studies were conducted in Malaysia. The objective of this cross sectional study was to determine the physical activity risk factors for low back pain among automotive workers in Selangor. Modified Risk Factors Questionnaire (RFQ) was used to assess physical activity with the occurrence of low back pain. The significant physical activities associated with the 12 months point prevalence are lifting weight (<5 kg and 11-23 kg) and climbing stairs, not using any mechanical lifting aid, and postures (extreme bending, pushing and pulling, standing, kneeling, and bending and twisting). These findings indicate that the occupational risk factors mainly the physical demands were significant risk for low back pain among manual material handling (MMH) workers. Work task and workstation design should be regularly evaluated and corrective measures need to be taken. In addition, proper lifting technique and occupational safety and health promotion program should be emphasized among MMH workers.
8.Malaysian Oil Palm Workers Are In Pain: Hazards Identification And Ergonomics Related Problems
Nur Syazwani Mohd Nawi ; Baba Md Deros ; Mohd Nizam Ab. Rahman ; Ezrin Hani Sukadarin ; Norani Nordin
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2016;Special Volume(1):50-57
Agricultural activities have always been associated with hazards and injuries. Most common injuries experienced by workers are health, safety and ergonomic injuries. It stems from many causes, such as the use of manual tools, incorrect working position, inadequate rest and overloading. This paper aims to reveal the daily hazardous work task of oil palm plantation workers with highlighting the ergonomics problems and risk of injury they faced. Observations of work tasks and distribution of Modified Nordic Questionnaire (MNQ) were performed for every work unit. Worker’s activities and posture while performing work tasks were recorded extensively using camera and video recordings for ergonomics analysis. Results from the observation and questionnaire survey conducted, showed that oil palm plantation workers are exposed to the risk of dangerous work every day. Fresh fruit bunches cutter and loose fruit collectors were having highest body pain complaints and almost from them are having low back pain problems. Therefore, it is necessary for an immediate action from the management in order to determine the current prevalence of ergonomic injuries. Using of manual tools should be avoided and plantation workers should be provided with ergonomics machines that can help them reduce their workload and injuries.
9.Ergonomic risk assessment of manual handling tools by oil palm collectors and loaders
Nur Syazwani MN ; Baba MD ; Mohd Nizam AR ; Ezrin Hani S
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2016;16(Supplement 2):56-60
Oil palm workers are exposed to ergonomics problems in their routine works. Although many technological advances
have been developed, a large number of workers are still using manual handling tools in their daily work. A study
was done to identify and solve the problems or issues of material handling effect on oil palm collectors and loaders
during their daily work activities. A cross sectional study was done in an oil palm plantation in Negeri Sembilan,
Malaysia. Twenty five workers were selected randomly to participate in this study. Musculoskeletal symptoms were
recorded using Modified Nordic Questionnaires and awkward postures of the workers were assessed using Rapid
Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Result showed that 61% of workers were exposed to high risk level and 39% to very
high risk level of working posture problems. In conclusion, majority of oil palm collectors and loaders need to correct
their working posture as soon as possible. The manual handling activities need to be improved with respect to
correct procedure for health and safety concerns.
10.Acceptance And Use Of Lane Change Assistance System Among Early Adopters In Malaysia
Mohd Hafzi MI ; Baba MD ; Zulhaidi MJ ; Khairil Anwar AK ; Mohd Radzi AM
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (2)):18-23
Lane Change Assistance (LCA) system in cars can potentially mitigate blind spot related crashes; but its effectiveness largely depends on driver acceptance and proper use. Although still in early stages, the volume of cars equipped with LCA system is expected torise in the near future as the technology has been considered in the New Car Assessment Program for Southeast Asian Countries (ASEAN NCAP) 2017 Rating Scheme. Therefore, this study is initiated to assess user acceptance of and experience with LCA-equipped cars. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to owners of LCA-equipped cars at selected service centres in the Klang Valley from November 2016 to February 2017. From a total of 276 valid responses, results revealed that most owners greatly considered LCA system when purchasing their cars and agreed that the systems had positively altered their driving behaviours i.e. regularly using the turn signal and checking the side mirrors. Nevertheless, about 20% of the respondents stated theirannoyance and distraction by the LCA systems due to unnecessary warnings from various sources, aside from getting too many warnings during traffic congestion. The study findings provide some practical implications that can aid the industry and relevant stakeholders in gauging the issue and actual situations concerning the use of LCA system in Malaysia.
Driver acceptance
driver assistance system
early adopter
lane change assistance system