Abstract: Objective - - ( )
To investigate the influencing factors of high frequency noise induced hearing loss NIHL in young
, Methods
maleworkersexposedtonoise andtoestablishariskpredictionmodelforNIHL. Theyoungmaleswhowerenewly
recruitedandwithnormalhearinginnoiseoperationsinanautomobilemanufacturingenterprisefrom 2016to2018wasselected
asresearchsubjectusingaretrospectivecohortstudy.Afollow upsurveywasconducted.MultivariateCoxproportionalhazards,
regressionmodelwasusedtoanalyzetheinfluencingfactorsofNIHL andthepartialregressioncoefficientwasusedtoconstruct
(PI) PI , - (PI< ) -
theprognosticindex model.Accordingtothe value thesubjectsweredividedintolow riskgroup 0.00 andhigh
(PI ) - Results ,
risk group ≥0.00 .Kaplan Meiermethod wasused toanalyzetherisk ofNIHL. By 2020 theincidenceofNIHL
( ), - ,
was 33.4% 167/500 which was pure high frequency NIHL and no speech frequency NIHL was detected. Cox proportional
hazard regression model analysis showed that the risk of high frequency NIHL was 2.03 times higher than those with
(P< ),
occupational noise exposure level exceeding the standard 0.01 1.62 times higher in those with drinking than in those
(P< ), (P<
without drinking 0.05 and 1.69 times higher in those with noisy living environment than in those without drinking
) PI
0.05 . The model constructed according to the partial regression coefficients of the above three influencing factors is
PI x x x - ( ,
=−0.44+0.71 occupational intensity + 0.49 drinking + 0.52 The probability of high frequency NIHL 3.9%
, , , ) - , , , ,
12.3% 19.4% 30.4% 51.1% in the high risk group at 12 24 36 48 and 52 months after taking office was higher than
- ( , , , , ),
that in the low risk group 2.3% 8.3% 10.7% 15.3% and 27.5% especially in the third year after taking office.