Introduction: Job satisfaction is the positive and negative feelings of the direction of the job provides the workers of
the physical, psychological and social benefits compared to what this worker expects, which will have a significant
impact on the level of work performance and productivity of work. This study aims to determine the level of job
satisfaction of health workers and identify the type of constraints affecting the health workers and determining the
importance of incentives that would raise the level of job satisfaction. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted
for the period from October 2017 to April 2018 in four general hospitals in Al- Najaf province. A number of 670
respondents were selected randomly. A self-administrated questionnaire in the Arabic Language was used to collect
information after verifying its reliability. Results: This study found that 56.4% have a positive level of job satisfaction
and the rest of the respondents believe that there are signs of constraints affecting health workers. On the other hand,
there is a significant correlation between the age group and financial & moral support, there is a significant correlation between financial & moral support and job relationships, and between human resources and job relationships.
Conclusion: there are more than half of the respondents were satisfied with their jobs and 56.1% of respondents
were known about constraints affecting the health workers. Finally, 55.1% of respondents were familiar with the
incentives that would raise the job satisfaction level.