Aims: The antimicrobial activities of the leaf extract of Moringa oleifera on certain enteropathogenic and orthopaedics’ wounds bacteria and fungi were investigated. Its phytochemical constituents and nutritional potentials were as well assessed.
Methodology and results: The antimicrobial activities of the leaf extracts were evaluated using paper disc diffusion
method. All the leaf extracts showed little inhibitory effect on the enteropathogens, whereas aqueous and methanolic extracts showed appreciable inhibitory effects on the orthopaedic’s wounds bacteria at 30mg/ml. Ethanolic extract did not show any zone of growth inhibition on the wound bacteria. All the fungal organisms except Aspergillus flavus were resistant to both aqueous and methanolic extracts of the leaf, meanwhile Ethanolic extract showed appreciable inhibitory effect on Tricophyton mentagrophyte, Pullarium sp, Aspergilus flavus and Penicillium sp. Minimum inhibitory concentration was 20mg/ml on all the enteropathogens and ranged from 3.75 to 30